Hi 888-ga,
What life cycle is most appropriate for a
project depends on many factors, some of
which extend beyond the technical requirements
of the task. For example, what process
the customer is most comfortable with often
heavily influences the decision.
I will argue that the evolutionary model is
most appropriate for a web portal.
First, just to be clear, I think of a web portal
as a large website that provides several services,
include searching, news, directories, discussion
groups, shopping, and links to other sites. Such
a site often adds or exapnds on features over time.
Further, without the site in place, it is often
very difficult to know how users will react to it
and navigate its features.
There is a nice description of the evolutionary
model on the Catholic University of America website:
On that page, it lists the lifecycle's benefits as:
* Early delivery of portions of the system even though some of the
requirements are not yet decided;
* Use of early releases as tools for requirements elicitation:
* Benefits of the system are realized from early releases while
later releases are being developed.
This fits exactly with a large evolving website
like a portal. In contrast, the Waterfall and
Incremental models are too rigid for the fast-moving
Internet. The spiral model is a possibility, but I
feel it is too focused on risk management and correctness.
Here are some other websites that you might find interesting.
Verde LLC describes the spiral model and its emphasis
on correctness here:
I also liked this NASA website on the Waterfall model:
I found many helpful pages by searching for:
evolutionary software development model waterfall
I hope that helps you.
dogbite-ga |