Hello raju03-ga,
If you search for the word "almaayyad" on Google, you will obtain no
results on any web pages, but you will get a suggestion to search for
"almoayyed". When you search for that term, you will see that
Almoayyed is part of the name for a company in Bahrain (the "bh" in
the e-mail address you found).
Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons, B.S.C.
While the current Web address ends in ".com", there also used to be an
address for the company that ended in ".com.bh", like the e-mail
address you mentioned.
Cache of Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons, B.S.C. (May 27, 2002)
Internet Archive
(There is also a company named Almoayyed International Group at
http://www.al-moayyed.com/ . But the Internet Archive (
http://www.archive.org/ ) does not indicate that this company's Web
address ever ended with ".com.bh".)
(Also, neither the Web itself nor the Internet Archive indicates that
there is or has been an address such as "www.almoayyad.com" or
"www.almoayyad.com.bh", with an "a" instead of the "e" as the
second-to-last letter. If you actually received a message from
"jobs@almaayyad.com.bh", it might be a fake address. If the address
was contained within a message rather than the header for the message,
perhaps it was just spelled incorrectly.)
If you wish to use that e-mail address, you might wish to try either
jobs@almoayyed.com.bh or jobs@almoayyed.com . Alternatively, you can
use the company's customer contact information:
"Customer Services"
Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons, B.S.C.
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga |