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Q: Probe and Modify a SQL 2000 database using Visual Basic six and no Forms ( Answered,   1 Comment )
Subject: Probe and Modify a SQL 2000 database using Visual Basic six and no Forms
Category: Computers > Programming
Asked by: pmclinn-ga
List Price: $20.00
Posted: 09 May 2003 13:43 PDT
Expires: 08 Jun 2003 13:43 PDT
Question ID: 201716
I'm trying to write a small visual basic 6 program, that queries a Sql
2000 database, and does not have a form.  Sample code is what I'm
looking for....
If you would make your example based on the Northwind database I would
appreciate it.  I plan to call on this code from a dts package.  All
the program would have to do is select records from a table and save
them into an array.  I just need general code, I'll figure the rest

I want the program to be called on from a dts package.

Request for Question Clarification by mathtalk-ga on 10 May 2003 09:08 PDT
Hi, pmclinn:

I could use some clarification about what you want to do.  A DTS
package may be stored locally or with the database, or it can be
"exported" as a VB6 program.

However your question asks about writing "a small visual basic 6
program" that can be called from a DTS package.  You mention using the
VB code to select records from a table and "save them into an array"
but it's unclear what use would be made of such a program in a DTS

It is often useful to write the transformations of source data (DTS =
data transformation services) as VBScript.  Perhaps you have in mind
to extend this "scripting" capability by introducing some custom
functions, implemented in the VB6 "program" that you are writing?

Please describe in more detail how these pieces should fit together.

regards, mathtalk

Clarification of Question by pmclinn-ga on 11 May 2003 11:58 PDT
Visual Basic 6, No vb script.
The DTS package will call on the .exe. or .dll [Never used a Dll
before.] program to preform the task on a schedule.
I'm just looking for a point of refrence.
I want to write a low overhead program to preform some custom tasks.
If I can see a vb6 program, that has no forms, that queries a sql
database, I will be able to complete a project myself.

One project will preform "if exists then append records."  I'm dealing
with over a tera byte of data, within 4 different odbc sources and I
need a central sorting system.

Request for Question Clarification by mathtalk-ga on 11 May 2003 15:51 PDT
Hi, pmclinn-ga:

I would recommend creating a VB6 program that uses ADO to manipulate
the database.  If you build an .EXE, you can schedule its execution
through the SQL Server 2000 task scheduler or by another method.

Although DTS packages could also be scheduled to run in this fashion,
I don't see how you would benefit from incorporating the logic into a
DTS package.  The SQL Server task scheduler "knows" about two kinds of
tasks... okay, actually eight kinds, but only two are relevant to what
you want to do... Transact SQL steps and Operating System Commands
(CmdExec) steps.  Various sorts of steps can be "organized" under SQL
Server 2000 into "jobs", with various conditional logic for the
dependence between steps.

But I think the simplest approach for you is to create an .EXE that
incorporates all the logic and make a single-step job with a CmdExec
step that launches the .EXE program.

ADO allows you to open a "connection" to the database (specifying a
username and password, possibly hardcoded into the program), and
execute SQL statements from there.  For example you might retrieve
records from a table using a SQL SELECT statement to populate an ADO
recordset, which is a great deal like an "array" of records.  There
are several kinds of recordsets, some more useful than others
depending on your purpose.  Obviously it would be good to retrieve
only the relevant information from the database into your VB6 program,
operate on the results, and then take the appropriate action.

Does this sort of VB6 program sound like it would satisfy your

regards, mathtalk-ga

Clarification of Question by pmclinn-ga on 11 May 2003 18:08 PDT
If ado can be used without being on a form, then that sounds great.  I
have never used a CmdExec, in my proceedures, so I would need to know
how to write that line of code too:  Is it as siple as CmdExec

I thought that ado had to have a bound control?

If these conditions can be met then great, post away.

Basically, I want this program to run and then unload from memory.  


Clarification of Question by pmclinn-ga on 11 May 2003 20:37 PDT
...ah yes, I have just right clicked on the dts packages and scheduled
An ADO example would be great.  

My server name is \\NEMAPLANTOP
I would ask for a psuedo connection string using a SA login for this
SA and Password: Test

And assume that this user will have the correct permissions to

The other question inherit in this is do I complie as an Activex or
Standard EXE?

It sounds like what your going to give me is right on target and I'm
looking forward to your answer.

-Looking forward to your final post.

Request for Question Clarification by mathtalk-ga on 18 May 2003 10:59 PDT
Hang in there, Peter.  I'm almost done...

I realize you probably are thinking, hey I just want a code snippet
that I can hack.  But being a finicky kind of coder, I've been working
some details of the picture:

1) What version of ADO do I have (or is my client likely to have)?

2) How do I build a VB6 program without forms (regardless of data

3) What was Microsoft thinking when they jumped to ADO.Net ?

regards, mathtalk
Subject: Re: Probe and Modify a SQL 2000 database using Visual Basic six and no Forms
Answered By: mathtalk-ga on 20 May 2003 23:15 PDT
Hi, Peter:

Let's dive into building a sample VB6 application without forms that
connects to a SQL Server database using ADO.  Create a new "Standard
EXE" project in the VB6 IDE.  A form called "Form1" is added to the
project by default.  You can remove this, e.g. by right-clicking on
Form1 in the Project Explorer and selecting "Remove" from the menu.

Now go to the Project menu and choose "References...".  Add a
reference to the ADO 2.5 library (to duplicate my actions):

Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library

For the sake of the code below, ADO 2.1 would probably do as well, but
your "object browser" will probably show you as available more recent
references for 2.6 (and perhaps 2.7).  More about the various versions

Then go to the Project menu and select "Add Module", which by default
produces a module named "Module1".  Change the name if you like, but
enter the following code to duplicate my test program:

> > > > > > > BEGIN CODE > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Public Sub Main()
' We don't use this here, but command line arguments
' could be obtained by using this function:
Dim cmdStr As String
cmdStr = Interaction.Command$()

' Define two ADO object variables
Dim adoConn      As New ADODB.Connection
Dim adoRset      As New ADODB.Recordset

' Open a connection to the Northwind database using
' the native SQL Server OLEDB Provider
adoConn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=localhost;" & _
    " Initial Catalog=Northwind; User Id=nema; Password=test"

' Use the connection to open a recordset on Employees table
adoRset.Open "Employees", adoConn, adOpenForwardOnly, _
    adLockReadOnly, adCmdTable

' Loop through the forward-only recordset to reach the end
While Not adoRset.EOF
    ' Wait a second for each record and beep
    Delay (2) ' a local subroutine using Timer function
    ' Advance to the next record

' Close the objects

' Release the objects' memory
Set adoRset = Nothing
Set adoConn = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub Delay(lngSec As Long)
Dim lngBgn As Long
lngBgn = Timer

Do While Timer <= lngBgn + lngSec
    DoEvents ' avoids freezing up the computer

End Sub

< < < < < < END OF CODE < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

Change the name of the project, if you like, by selecting the top
level project node in the Project Explorer window, then editing the
project (Name) in the Properties window.  I called my project "nema".

Save the project files and, from the Project menu again, select "nema
Properties" to verify how the project is configured.  You should see a
textbox near the top of the dialog box's General tab that indicates
"Sub Main" as the project's Startup Object.  There's also an option on
the same tab to select "Unattended Execution".  I didn't find this
necessary, but it sounds like a good thing to apply.

Now go to the File menu and select "Make nema.exe..." or the
equivalent based on your project's name.

The program is now built and ready for testing.  Before I describe my
own testing, let's do a brisk walkthrough of the code so you can make
any changes necessary for your own setup.

I threw in the first couple of lines of code as a "tip" for how you
may want to evolve the program.  From the Main( ) routine one can
access any command-line arguments by parsing out the string returned
by Command$( ).  We can forget about this for the time being.

Next I created a couple of ADO objects.  The ADO library is intended
to be an efficient wrapper for OLEDB interfaces.  Although the ADO API
has undergone extensive changes in fairly rapid order, the library
rests on three fundamental COM object interfaces:

Connection :  a connection to a data source

Recordset :  a specialized collection of data records

Command : designed to run commands (like SQL), esp. with parameters

Our test program uses only the first two of these kinds of objects,
and there are indeed other ADO interfaces involved which are less

The Connection object variable adoConn has an Open method which
requires a "connection string".  Of the various items specified in our
connection string:

"Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=localhost;" & _
" Initial Catalog=Northwind; User Id=nema; Password=test"

only the first item (Provider=SQLOLEDB) is actually processed by the
ADO wrapper.  The remaining items are passed through to the underlying
OLEDB provider, in this case the native SQL Server provider.

Although you asked for demo code using "SA" as the user code, I
thought it better for my own testing to create a new SQL Server login
"nema" so that I could assign the password "test" without affecting
existing databases.  If you prefer to use the SA account, you can
simply change that in the connection string in your code:

"User Id=sa;"

The initial catalog item is of some interest.  If this is omitted,
then the connection will default to a database assigned to the user as
their "Default database" within SQL Server.  Just to illustrate the
item, I made the default database for the nema account to be the pubs
database, so that we make essential use of the initial catalog item in
directing the connection to the Northwind database instead.

Instead of "localhost" you'll probably want to insert the machine name
for your test or production SQL Server host as the data source. 
You'll see in a minute why "localhost" was a good choice for me as I
discuss my testing plan.

Once the connection adoConn has been created and opened, it is ready
for use in extracting a recordset from the corresponding database.  In
the case of the Northwind database, there's a table called Employees
with a nice variety of field types, including image and text (the
sorts of things that give earlier versions of ODBC fits).  Also the
sample data for the Employees table contains nine records.

The Recordset object variable adoRset has an Open method also.  There
are several variations of it, but in this one we provide a tablename,
a connection object (adoConn), and a few options to specify the cursor
type (forward only), the lock type (just a read lock), and a "command"
type (which here means that we've specified a table by name to get all
its records).  Situations that require passing a bunch of arguments,
e.g. into a stored procedure, would be better handled by using a
Command object and its Execute method, which returns a Recordset
object.  There's frequently more than one way to do a given task with

Since your question specifies "no forms", I tried to be a little
creative in finding a way to demonstrate that the program is actually
doing something without involving any GUI elements.

The idea was to use the EOF property and MoveNext method of the
Recordset object to loop through the set of nine records returned and
make an audible beep for each one.  It turned out this worked more or
less as expected on Windows 98, but under Windows XP no sound was
made.  Nonetheless I'm convinced the program was working, as I explain
in the discussion below.

Note the use of the Timer function in my subroutine Delay.  This is a
cheesy bit of coding, I admit, not suitable for production use.  The
Timer function counts seconds since midnight.  The logic would
obviously be incorrect for intervals that span midnight.  But it
serves the purpose here.  Note the DoEvents statement within the
polling loop for Delay.

Finally we reach the clean up phase, prior to exiting the program. 
First I closed the Recordset and the Connection.  Then I set both
object variables to Nothing to free up the memory allocated for them
on the heap.

Because you want the program to be written in VB6, I turned to my
older laptop which sports W98SE, an MSDE/SQL Server 7 installation,
and Visual Studio 6 sp5.

I did my development and initial testing there, starting with the
creation of the user login "nema" for my MSDE instance.  Since the
database is on the same box, I could use Query Analyzer, ISQL/w, and
the ADO connection string all to refer to the instance as "localhost".
 I have a HOSTS file in my Windows directory on that box which maps
"localhost" to, which I think is often necessary for using
that "alias" under Win98.  [Note: ISQL/w uses ODBC, so it complained
about doing a "select * from Employees" in the Northwind database. 
However a "select count(*)..." or selection of a few of the initial
fields like id and name worked to demonstrate the SQL Server
authentication and the number of records present in the table.]

The Beep and Timer functions worked well for me under Win98, esp. when
the program nema.exe was launched from a Run... or console command
line.  One hears nine distinct tones, one for each record in the
Employees table.

I then moved the program over to my newer laptop, which has WinXP Pro,
a SQL Server 2000 installation, and VS.Net stuff.  At first the
program seemed not to be working.  The "launch" from a command line
returned immediately, and no tones were heard.  I tried to connect
using Query Analyzer and the nema/test credentials; it failed!  I had
forgotten that I'd set up the SQL Server 2000 instance for Windows
authentication only.  A quick change to the server configuration in
Enterprise Manager, and I was ready to try again (using "mixed

Still I could not discern any evidence of success on the WinXP box. 
However a little further experimentation proved that it was working. 
Although I could not hear the "beep" tones, presumably because of a
difference in how WinXP "shares" the sound card resource, I was able
to monitor the progress of the program through the Task Manager.

What I did was to build a second application, beeps.exe, which just
has a Do loop from 1 to 9, with the Delay(2) call and Beep, to
demonstrate the timing loop without any database dependence.  I could
then compare the CPU utilization of the beeps.exe program and the
nema.exe program.  Even with the DoEvents statement, the nature of the
polling loop is such that CPU resources get pegged at 100%.  Thus I
could "see" that with mixed authentication on SQL Server, the number
of records returned was nine, by comparing the Task Manager's CPU
utilization graph between running nema.exe and beeps.exe.  [With only
Windows authentication the beeps.exe CPU utilization remained
unaffected; the nema.exe never got into the 100% CPU regime when only
Windows authentication was set.]

Obviously you'll want the program to actually "do" something, but
without some guidance from you about "what", I hesitate to offer a
suggestion about "how" it should be done.  Let me know if what I've
done so far requires clarification before you can take it to the next

Here are some additional resources that I think will be helpful:

[Microsoft ADO Home Page]

[DevGuru : ADO]
(on-line version is free)

Recall that I added the ADO 2.5 reference to my project.  There are
such a large number of MDAC/ADO/OLEDB components and in such a variety
of versions that Microsoft has provided a "Component Checker" utility
that tries to tell you what you have on your machine:

[MDAC Versions and Component Checker]

The link to download the current MDAC Component Checker is about 1/3
of the way down the page.  When run on my Win98 laptop, I learned that
(apart from four missing registry entries) what I have there is ADO
2.6 RTM (RTM = Release to Manufacturing, a base version).  On the
other laptop with WinXP, I have ADO 2.7 sp1 (except for one DLL that
is simply a slightly later build than what the Component Checker
verifies for this release).  Thus the ADO 2.5 library is an "ancestor"
to what is installed on either machine at this point.

Not satisfied to sit on the "COM" object interfaces, Microsoft has
begun to port the data access functionality into a ".Net" architecture
with ADO.Net.  It is actually possible to use ADO.Net from VB6, but at
this point not all the functionality of ADO is migrated there, esp. in
regard to DDL (data definition statements) and "data-shaping".  In the
long run I think the .Net architecture, with its emphasis on XML as
ubiquitous middleman, makes a lot of sense.  However for writing a
quick and dirty VB6 program, I cannot recommend it today.

regards, mathtalk-ga

Clarification of Answer by mathtalk-ga on 03 Jun 2003 20:02 PDT
Hi, Peter:

I was wondering if it would be helpful if I uploaded the VB6 project I
created, so you can start with a completed project?  If you like, I
can also throw in a bonus, using a Command object to update some
"Northwind" Employees records.  Let me know...

regards, mathtalk-ga
Subject: Re: Probe and Modify a SQL 2000 database using Visual Basic six and no Forms
From: mathtalk-ga on 11 May 2003 19:43 PDT
Hi, Peter:

Are you familiar with the Enterprise Manager for SQL Server 2000?

It gives you a "tree view" of the SQL Server instances to which you
have established "sa" connections (whether by Windows authentication
or "mixed" security).

If you drill down to the particular SQL Server instance you want to
use to schedule a job, you'll find the existing job schedule under:

Management > SQL Server Agent > Jobs

Right clicking on Jobs pops up a menu, the top item of which is New
Jobs..., ie. a modal dialog for adding a new "job" (a concatenation of
individual tasks or "steps" in the SQL Server 2000 parlance).

One way to "schedule" a DTS package is to create a CmdExec step that
invokes dtsrun (with the appropriate command line arguments).  Another
way to do it is to right click on the named DTS package under either
the Local Packages or Meta Data Services Packages (under Data
Transformation Services) and work with the Edit Recurring Job Schedule
reached by using the Schedule Package Option.

My point is that if your fundamental goal is to schedule a task that
runs an .EXE, including it somehow in a DTS package is at best

ADO does not require a "form" in the sense of GUI controls.  The word
"control" is often used somewhat indiscriminately to mean a COM
object, and such is the case here.  ADO is a fairly efficient wrapper
for the OLE DB API, which is implemented in direct fashion for SQL
Server and less directly for generic ODBC data sources.

Therefore if your target database is a SQL Server, using the native
OLE DB implementation under ADO is a natural and quite efficient
approach.  If you have other ODBC data sources in mind, an argument
can perhaps be made for DAO (or even the older RDO) data connectivity
technology.  ADO is the latest and greatest Microsoft approach (at
least if you benignly confuse it with ADO.Net, which does merit a bit
more explication at some point).

regards, mathtalk-ga

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