Hello - thanks for asking your question.
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Neck strains or cervical muscle problems can certainly induce
vertigo-like symptoms.
Dr. Erin Elster, an upper cervical specialist suggests that vertigo
and dizziness are symptoms of whiplash and other neck injuries:
"An injury to the neck caused by a sudden movement of the head,
backward, forward, or sideways, is commonly referred to as "whiplash".
During such an injury, neck ligaments and muscles can be sprained or
strained and vertebrae can be misaligned. While the term "whiplash" is
most frequently used to describe auto accident injuries (in which a
person is rear-ended, hit head-on, or hit from the side), whiplash can
also frequently occur during ski accidents, bike accidents, falls,
blows to the head, concussions, and other head/neck traumas.
Whiplash symptoms can include:
Pain in neck, back, arms, and legs
Disc disorders
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome / Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Vertigo disorders / Dizziness / Tinnitus (ear ringing)
Headache / Migraine
Visual disturbance"
The Neurosurgery: On Call website also suggest that whiplash syndromes
of the neck are connected with vertigo:
"Whiplash is one of the most common injuries to the neck and commonly
occurs after a rear-end automobile crash. Whiplash symptoms include
neck stiffness, shoulder or arm pain, headache, facial pain and
vertigo. Pain from a whiplash injury can be caused by tears and
bleeding in the muscles that support the neck, ligament rupture, or a
disc tearing away from a vertebra."
There seems to be a clear connection between neck injury and vertigo.
I would suggest a referral to a neurologist to make sure that there is
no spinal cord damage that may be the cause of your vertigo. If that
evaluation is non-revealing, a referral to an ENT (ear, nose and
throat) specialist may help elucidate other causes of vertigo.
This answer is not intended as and does not substitute for medical
advice - the information presented is for patient education only.
Please see your personal physician for further evaluation of your
individual case.
Please use any answer clarification before rating this answer. I will
be happy to explain or expand on any issue you may have.
Kevin, M.D.
Search strategy using Google:
neck pain and vertigo
neck strain and vertigo |