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Q: good fake diamonds? ( Answered,   3 Comments )
Subject: good fake diamonds?
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: julie99-ga
List Price: $3.00
Posted: 11 May 2003 08:28 PDT
Expires: 10 Jun 2003 08:28 PDT
Question ID: 202347
I am wondering if there are any stones that can pass as diamonds to an
above average naked eye.  For example, cubic zirconia is quite
obviously an imposter.  I figured with all the high tech capabilities
- someone has had to try!  If there are any sites with settings for
rings...that would be ideal!
Subject: Re: good fake diamonds?
Answered By: jackburton-ga on 11 May 2003 09:26 PDT
Hi julie99!
You're right, someone has done it! - "Ultimate Created Diamonds" are
made in Russia and marketed by Alex Grizenko of Ultimate Created
Diamonds Co., Boulder, CO.
"Grown under the most controlled and demanding laboratory conditions,
the Ultimate Created DiamondTM is a perfect carbon copy of nature. To
emphasize that they are identical in structure and appearance to mined
diamonds, Ultimate Created Diamonds are cut to recognized standards of
perfection by top diamond craftsmen in Europe and America."
"...Ultimate Created DiamondsTM have the exact same properties of a
natural diamond: the same physical, chemical, and optical properties. 
Lucent Diamonds is proud to offer lab-grown diamonds that are
politically and ecologically correct. They originate in a laboratory,
not in a third world conflict nation, and they are not unearthed at
nature's expense...
Please e-mail us for price and
availability information. If you are a retail customer, we might be
able to direct you to a jeweler in your area.  If we do not have a
jeweler in your area, we would be happy to help you directly.  We can
offer you fine custom designed jewelry by top jewelry designers, or
more classical jewelry motifs.  If you have a certain diamond size and
shape in mind, e-mail us with a request and we will get back to you
with a delivery time and price (normally about 6 weeks). If you are a
jeweler and would like to talk to us about carrying Lucent Diamonds,
please e-mail us at ..."
Lucent Diamonds, Inc.   
Tel: (303) 526-0900      
Fax:  (720) 221-4392
Here are some sites that have ring settings:
I hope you find this information useful!
Search terms used (Google):
"replica diamonds"
"diamond copies"
"man made" russia diamonds
"ring settings"

Request for Answer Clarification by julie99-ga on 11 May 2003 15:21 PDT
I went to the site and found only colored diamonds.  I also did some
hunting and found numerous fake diamomd there a reason why
you selected this one?  The site looks a little...rough. Is this


Clarification of Answer by jackburton-ga on 12 May 2003 06:43 PDT
hi julie99,
Yes, i noticed Grizenko's name came up a lot on various sites,
including the BBC's (Horizon) webiste. Even though the Lucent Diamonds
website leaves much to be desired, there seems to be a lot of praise
for synthetic diamonds. I got the impression from your question that
you were looking for something exceptionally good, so i focused my
search around synthetic diamonds and Lucent Diamonds. It appears that
there's a market for coloured diamonds - the diamonds turn various
colors based on their composition, for example nitrogen impurities
contribute to the yellow and amber color in the synthetic diamonds.
Though, they appear to sell colorless ones as well (?)
Here are some of other sites where Lucent Diamonds are mentioned:
Diamond Talk forum -
Thread - "Anyone know about these?"
Thread - "Takara Customers?" (contains close-up pictures of a
synthetic diamond)
Thread - "Where to purchase synthetic diamonds?"
This site explains the difference between synthetic diamonds and
I also found another site that sells synthetic diamonds, with styles
and prices:
Russian Lab Diamonds
(colorless diamonds)
Here is another supplier, but not much detail on their web page:
Gemesis Corp
References to Genesis Corp.
Here's another one:
If you are interested in "simulated diamonds", below are some links to
reputable companies that sell them. Simulated diamonds are stones that
look like a diamond, but are not the same material (crystalized
carbon). CZ & moissanite (silicon carbide) are simulated diamonds.
Moissanite seems to be slightly poorer in quality.
Thread - "Asha vs. Van Graff"
Thread - "How do you feel about Moissanite?"
I hope this helps!
Subject: Re: good fake diamonds?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 11 May 2003 09:55 PDT
Moissanite is a lab-created gemstone that greatly resembles a true diamond.
Subject: Re: good fake diamonds?
From: keylimegirl-ga on 21 Feb 2005 00:29 PST
They have "Cultured Diamonds" as they are called in the market.  These
aren't fake diamonds.  They're real & have all of the properties of
natural diamonds, but they are manufactured.  Make sure if you look at
these that you look for "gem quality" diamonds. The info that I have
gathered thus far is that in the US there are 3 companies that
manufacture "Fancy" colored diamonds.  These are Gemesis in FL,
Chatham Created Gems in CA, and Lucent Diamonds in CO.  It is my
understanding that their process for creating diamonds will not
produce a clear diamond????  However a company called Apollo in MA can
produce these using a different process.  Supposedly their process is
so good, that it takes a $100K machine to detect the difference. 
DeBeers was so upset at this process, that they spent millions to come
up with this machine, so they can tell them apart.  These diamonds are
not on the market yet.  I hear they will be out this summer, but I
looked into this last year, and they were supposed to be out last
fall, so I am not sure when they will be available.
Regarding price, fancy colored diamonds are very rare naturally and
are much more expensive than clear, so the manufactured prices are
much lower.  They seem to be about 50% -70% less than natural stones. 
Rumor has it that Apollo stones will be about 20% - 30% less than
natural.  They are pretty expensive to make.  The good news is that no
body died, no drug cartels were involved, no Al-Qaeda funding was
generated, and no Diamond cartels are making money in the purchase of
these diamonds. I call them "Green" diamonds, because they are good to
our earth, and for our global community.
  If you want more info on the process of making these stones, check
out an article called "Romancing the Stone." that just came out.
Subject: Re: good fake diamonds?
From: keylimegirl-ga on 21 Feb 2005 00:35 PST
Hey, if anyone can add info on other companies that manufacture clear
cultured diamonds let us know!  I am looking for this as well!

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