I found a nice article called "The History of Lavender" that includes
an interesting section on lavender folklore. Here are a few of the
items of folk wisdom:
* Plant lavender around your house to keep away bad luck/evil spirits.
* Spouses who place lavender flowers between their bed sheets will
never quarrel.
* Lavender will help you sleep.
* Lavender will keep the moths away.
* Lavender is an aphrodisiac!
Napa Valley Lavender
The same site has some good lavender-related gardening tips:
Napa Valley Lavender
Here's some astrological advice on planting lavender:
"Flowers valued for their fragrance, such as lavender, should be
planted during the Moons first quarter, ideally in the sign of Libra
to achieve best fragrance."
Hecate's Cauldron
Here are several "companion plant" theories involving lavender:
"Lavender should be planted near Thyme and Majoram, but never planted
close to Rue or Parsley."
Jim Johnson, Seedman
"If you plant lavender near yellow crocuses or primula the birds will
not touch the plants. If you plant lavender in the strawberry bed it
will improve the crop."
Caithness Community Web Site
"If you want to keep aphids at bay (from roses as well as hops) You
could try planting Lavender with the other plants. I have tried it for
a couple of years and it seems to be working."
Post from rec.crafts.brewing newsgroup
Here's an odd use of lavender to soothe the savage beast:
"Have you ever wonder why the zoos seem to plant lavender all around
the lion and tiger cages? Well, wonder no longer... the lovely scented
lavender was said to make them docile."
Lady of the Earth
A clever idea for scenting your yard:
"Plant Lavender under the outlet vent from your clothes dryer. When
drying clothes, step outside with a cup of tea. The warm air from the
dryer vent will spread the scent of Lavender all through the patio or
deck area for a relaxing treat."
The Garden Center
Regarding the planting of lavender for luck, in my part of the country
(eastern Oklahoma,) it is sometimes said that planting lavender and
roses together brings good fortune to the household. I've found this
expressed in a most charming way:
"There are some things after all that Sally Owens knows for certain:
Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by
your garden gate. Add pepper to your mashed potatoes. Plant roses and
lavender, for luck. Fall in love whenever you can. ('Practical Magic,'
by Alice Hoffman)"
Verbena's Practical Magic Website
Here are some more references associating lavender with luck:
"A traditional Irish bride insists on having lavender in her bouquet,
as lavender signifies good luck and happiness."
Abba Dabba Vintage Wedding Cars
"Plant lavender by your garden gate for luck... an old wives tale?!?
Perhaps it is the secret to luck and happiness after all."
The Catlin Gabel School
"Supposedly planting lavender at a new home will appease the spirits
as well as bring good luck."
Post from alt.bogus.group newsgroup
Some recipes for cooking with lavender:
Lavender Recipes
Sunrise Herb Farm
Crafting with lavender:
A few more good lavender links:
Wal-Mart Catalog: In Love with Lavender
Amarillo Globe-News
The Herbal Touch
Search terms used:
"plant lavender"
"planting lavender"
"where to plant lavender"
"lavender should be planted"
"lavender" + "folklore"
"lavender" + "legend(s)"
"lavender" + "old wives' tale(s)"
"lavender" + "luck"
I hope this lavender lore will be useful! While old wives' tales
should probably be taken with a grain of salt (probably thrown over
your shoulder,) they are entertaining, and some of them might just
turn out to be true!
If anything I've said is unclear, or if a link does not function,
please request clarification; I'll gladly offer further assistance
before you rate my answer.
May you have lots of lavender luck!
~pinkfreud |