Hi, and thanks for the question!
I'm going to do a little deducing here and hopefully stumble upon your
request. Clarification of this is definitely requested by me, but I
believe that I understand your needs. I'm going to keep in mind that
you feel the Google-Answers is not enough for your requirements, which
suggests that you are looking for information that may span over
several days, or weeks, or you are looking for comparative
information. This could be any number of tasks, that would need
someone that knows how to sift through the gigs of Internet
information and find the things he's looking for.
An example could be meta-tag usage of trademark names. This is an
Internet search going through hundreds of pages a day looking for
websites that are illegally using a companies trademark name in their
meta-tags to gain more traffic to their website. Such a search would
be coded, started and maintained over a period of time and not
something that would be presented to Google-Answers, which deals with
single answer questions such as the one you have asked here. This
doesn't mean that it couldn't be effectively presented to
Google-Answers, and I'll talk more about that in a later paragraph or
What you are looking for is an "Internet Programmer", someone who
writes code, queries and robots which deal specifically with the
Internet. This is not an "Internet Designer" or a web page creator.
This person may have not created a single webpage in her life, but she
is definitely active on the Internet. The Web deals with pictures and
presentation, this person deals with data.
The person you are probably looking for has Perl experience. Perl is a
language used to deal with systems and networks, it also is a very
effective tool on the Internet. There are other tools, Python comes to
mind, and your person may use that instead or as well as Perl.
Another qualification is experience with databases. A lot of
experience with databases. This person knows how to create a report.
This person probably knows "Fuzzy Information Sorting", and/or "Text
Categorization" . This is a learned skill set that takes in the
documents from a search and sorts them into relevant subsets. This is
that huge abyss area that isn't covered by Boolean searches. For
instance, if you do a search using the term "Toy Makers" you are going
to get a large variety of websites back: News, Ads, E.com, College
papers, review, Christmas, and blog sites. Information sorting is
getting at the few pages that are relevant to the need the search was
originally created for.
If you are looking to create your own search engine, like Google or
Yahoo, then you are looking for another person entirely. This person
probably knows C as a language or C++ and programs on Unix systems
(perhaps Linux, but probably not a Microsoft OS system) He also
understands Fuzzy Information Sorting, but on a much deeper level than
our person described above. He also knows database structures on a
much deeper level.
The main difference between the two are experience and salary levels.
The first one is 35-65k per year, the second 50-80k per year (based on
salaries currently being offered on Monster.com). If you are in need
of the second, you are looking for more than one person.
I mentioned above I would come back to Google-Answers. Now, this is
going to sound like a blatant plug for the place I contract for, but
really it isn't. I happen to know that several of the researchers
currently contracting are programmers of various levels, and they have
the benefit of being researchers as well. So if your search is one
that would be something that happens over a period of time, with
variations, you might consider asking for a run on here and see what
can be done for you. If it works out, and you begin to post regularly,
more than likely a few of us are going to create some scripts/programs
to deal with your questions for you. This may be a much better
solution than you currently realize, and it would give you some
experience in working with your current information needs.
Links for further information:
A Fuzzy Set Model or Search and Consideration
[ http://www.ebrc.psu.edu/publications/papers/pdf/1999-05.pdf ]
Yimming Yang
[ http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~yiming/ ]
[ http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/y/Yang:Yiming.html
[ http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/yang95noise.html ]
Categorization of Text
[ http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/doremi/categorization/categorylinks.html
I hope this answers your questions and if you need any clarification
on this topic please don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you,
webadept-ga |
Request for Answer Clarification by
02 Jun 2002 22:23 PDT
Our company wants to hire someone that would be among the finest in
the world in putting together searches and culling together very
relevant results for searches queried.
What credentials would this person(s) need? (Mathematics wiz,
librarian, internet/intranet expert, etc.) When doing complex
searches, what do people use?? Boolean operators, algorithms, or other
things because quite frankly it is very confusing to me?
I will list 10 searches below as an example of the type of information
I need, though there are many others.
1. Second hand widget dealers in China?
2. South Africa second hand widget buyers in quantity of more than 100
3. Second hand widget dealers in South America?
4. Secondhand widget dealers in Mexico city?
5. Used widget buyers Eastern Europe?
6. Used widget dealers in Oklahoma City, OK?
7. Pre-owned widget dealers in Moscow?
8. Buy/sell widgets in Paris, France?
9. Import/export secondhand excellent to good condition widgets not
more than 10 years old?
10. Reputable secondhand/used widget dealer with 10 or more employees
and 5 or more years experience?
On a side note, how do you insure that searches you perform for a
specific country or city will only return results in those specific
Clarification of Answer by
02 Jun 2002 23:01 PDT
It sounds like, from the examples you have provided, that what you are
looking for is someone who is good with Boolean type searches on a
Internet search engine, such as Google, Yahoo, WebCrawler or a meta
engine such as Dogpile.
This person would be on the same par as a Google-Answers Researcher.
No Higher mathematics would be required to get those answers. Research
Librarian skills would be a plus, and some basic logic skills, but
mostly someone who has worked with search engines, and has experience
in using them. That is really the key skill you are looking for.
Programming skills, for these types of questions, would not be
necessary, nor would advanced Text Categorization skills, like the
ones I first described. Really, what you want is a Google-Researcher.
A researcher could be a lot of things. To get fastest results from an
advertisement I would go with Research Librarian, or Historian
(College Degree level) who has extensive experience in using Search
Engines and/or Internet Reference sources.
Again, I would like to point out that you have at your beckon call
here on Google-Answers at least 100 Researchers ready to answer anyone
of those questions you listed. Maybe you could go back through some of
the older questions and you'll see several questions exactly like the
ones you have there, answered very quickly.
Let me know if this doesn't clarify the answer enough for you.