Using Visual basic 6.0 I need to build a Contact Management system
Part 1: Create a micrsoft access database with the following fields:
.ID Number
.Date added
.Last name
.1st & middle int
Index the database on the ID Number and last name + first name, so
that the database can be searched by ID or name
write a VB progam that can add, delete record in micrsft access
enter 10 different records
Add the following fields
.lead source
.Next appointment
.A Notes area
Then pick a state's two-letter abbrev from list of states
pick state's 2-letter abbrev. from the list of states
pick lead source froma list (radio, TV, maginizes, ad, 1-800, etc.)
Enter Zip codes and bring up city and state(use a database of 20
possible zip codes)
Add a calculator and a calendar
update menu
Need all codes afterwards |