FORTRAN program conversion and syntax inquiry
Category: Computers > Programming Asked by: oogle-ga List Price: $9.50 |
13 May 2003 23:11 PDT
Expires: 12 Jun 2003 23:11 PDT Question ID: 203475 |
Hi, I have a really old numerical methods math book here with FORTRAN code inside. I found one FORTRAN program that I would like to convert to Java. My programming experience is not exceptionally broad, I have only done coding mainly in Java and C++. I am hoping if someone can help me with this program, and get me to understand each parts of the FORTRAN syntax. Here I have wrote down the FORTRAN code from the book: ================================================================ PROGRAM EXPLPA (INPUT,OUPUT) C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C THIS PROGRAM COMPUTES ONE DIMENSIONAL UNSTEADY STATE POTENTIAL C FLOW PROBLEMS BY THE EXPLICIT METHOD. THE POTENTIAL AT EACH END C IS SPECIFIED AS A FUNCTION OF TIME THROUGH ARITHMETIC STATEMENT C FUNCTIONS. C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C PARAMETERS ARE : C C U, V - VALUES OF THE POTENTIAL AT NODES C T - TIME C TF - FINAL TIME FOR WHICH VALUES ARE COMPUTED C DT - DELTA T C LEN - LENGTH C DX - DELTA X C N - NUMBER OF X INTERVALS C K - CONDUCTIVITY C C - HEAT CAPACITY C RHO - DENSITY C RATIO - RATIO OF (K (DT)) / (C * (RHO) * ((DX) ^ 2)) C C FLFT - BOUNDARY CONDITION ON LEFT END C FRT - BOUNDARY CONDITION ON RIGHT END C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C REAL U (500), V(500), LEN, K, T, TF, DT, DX, C, RHO, THALF, RATIO INTEGER N, NP1, I C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C WE DEFINE SOME CONSTANTS WITH A DATA STATEMENT C DATA T, TF, LEN, N, K, C, RHO, RATIO/0.0,20.,10.0,10,0.53,0.226, + 2.70, 0.25/ C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C READ IN THE INITIAL TEMPERATURES AND WRITE THEM OUT C NP1 = N + 1 DX = LEN / N DT = RATIO*C*RHO*DX*DX / K READ *, ( U(I), I = 1, NP1 ) PRINT 201, T, LEN, DX, T, ( U(I), I = 1, NP1 ) C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C WE GET THE POTENTIAL FROM THE EXPLICIT RELATION, PRINTING EACH C SET OF VALUES AS THEY ARE COMPUTED. TWO ARRARYS ARE USED, C HOLDING ALTERNATE SETS OF VALUES. C 10 THALF = T + CT/2.0 U(1) = FLFT(THALF) U(N+1) = FRT(THALF) DO 20 I = 2, N V(I) - RATIO * ( U(I+1) + U (I-1)) + (1.0 - 2.0*RATIO ) * U(I) 20 CONTINUE T = T + DT V(1) = FLFT(T) V(NP1) = FRT(T) PRINT 202, T, ( V(I), I = 1, NP1 ) IF ( T .GT. TF ) STOP C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C NOW DO SECOND SET OF VALUES C THALF = T + DT/2.0 V(1) = FLFT(THALF) V(N+1) = FRT(THALF) DO 30 I = 2, N U(I) = RATIO * ( V(I+1) + V(I-1)) + ( 1.0 - 2.0*RATIO )*V(I) 30 CONTINUE T = T + DT U(1) = FLFT(T) U (NP1) = FRT(T) PRINT 202, T, ( U(I), I = 1, NP1 ) IF ( T .GT. TF ) STOP GO TO 10 C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C 201 FORMAT(/' POTENTIAL VALUES IN ONE DIMENSION BY ', + 'EXPLICIT METHOD '/1X,' FOR X = ',F4.1,' TO X = ', + F4.1,' WITH DELTA X OF ',F6.3//1X,' AT T = ',F6.3, + /(1X,6F9.3) ) 202 FORMAT(/1X,' VALUES AT T = ',F8.3/(1X,6F9.3) ) END C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C FUNCTIONS DEFINED FOR THE LEFT AND C RIGHT HAND BOUNDARIES. C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C READ FUNCTION FLFT(X) REAL X FLFT = 0.0 RETURN END C REAL FUNCTION FRT(X) REAL X FRT = 100.0 RETURN END ================================================================ I also have how the output of the program should look like: ================================================================ OUTPUT FOR PROGRAM 1 POTENTIAL VALUES IN ONE DIMENSION BY EXPLICIT METHOD FOR X = 0.0 TO X = 10.0 WITH DELTA X OF 1.000 AT T = 0.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 VALUES AT T = .288 0.000 15.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 40.000 100.000 VALUES AT T = .576 0.000 12.500 18.750 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 25.000 50.000 100.000 VALUES AT T = .863 0.000 10.938 17.500 19.688 20.000 20.000 20.000 21.250 30.000 56.250 100.000 VALUES AT T = 1.151 0.000 9.844 16.406 19.219 19.922 20.000 20.000 23.125 34.375 60.625 100.000 VALUES AT T = 1.439 0.000 9.023 15.406 18.691 19.766 20.059 20.938 25.234 38.125 63.906 100.00 ***** OUTPUT CONTINUED ***** VALUES AT T = 18.997 0.000 7.742 15.699 24.065 33.002 42.616 52.954 63.988 75.621 87.694 100.00 VALUES AT T = 19.285 0.000 7.796 15.801 24.208 33.171 42.797 53.128 64.138 75.731 87.752 100.00 VALUES AT T = 19.572 0.000 7.848 15.902 24.347 33.337 42.973 53.298 64.284 75.838 87.809 100.000 VALUES AT T = 19.860 0.000 7.900 16.000 24.483 33.499 43.145 53.463 64.426 75.942 87.864 100.000 VALUES AT T = 20.148 0.000 7.950 16.096 24.616 33.656 43.313 53.624 64.564 76.043 87.918 100.000 ================================================================ I have gone through some online tutorials on FORTRAN, but I am still having some difficulties understanding this code in entirety. The part I am confuse on is the "Read *, ( U(I), I = 1, NP1 )" part in the program. As I was browsing through the FORTRAN syntax online, I found that "Read" has features such that it can initialize arrays, like assign one value to the whole array dimension. If my assumption is right, then it seems the array U (from index 1 to NP1) is altered by the Read statement. It shows that at T = 0, all outputs are at 20.000, which is array U if I am reading the code right. Also, it seems the two defined functions do nothing more then just returning a value, 0.0 and 100.0; if so, why take in a parameter (x)? Well, that's my concern in coding this in Java. Thanks |
Re: FORTRAN program conversion and syntax inquiry
Answered By: eiffel-ga on 14 May 2003 04:09 PDT Rated: |
Hi oogle, It looks like your book is using a fairly old version of FORTRAN, perhaps from the 1970's. In those days, I/O facilities were relatively primitive and non-standard, and it was common practice to hard-code runtime parameters as statements in the program. To use different parameters, one or a few of the punched cards from the program deck would be "swapped out" prior to the program being compiled and run. In your program, many of the parameters are initialized by the following DATA statement: C WE DEFINE SOME CONSTANTS WITH A DATA STATEMENT C DATA T, TF, LEN, N, K, C, RHO, RATIO/0.0,20.,10.0,10,0.53,0.226, + 2.70, 0.25/ The lines starting with "C" are comments, and the line starting with "+" is a continuation line is considered by the compiler to be part of the previous statement. The result of the DATA statement is to initialize the following variables: T = 0.0 /* starting time */ TF = 20.0 /* final time for which values are computed */ LEN = 10.0 /* length */ N = 10 /* number of X intervals */ K = 0.53 /* conductivity */ C = 0.226 /* heat capacity */ RHO = 2.70 /* density */ RATIO = 0.25 /* ratio of (K (DT)) / (C * (RHO) * ((DX) ^ 2)) */ This takes care of all of the listed parameters except DX (which is calculated as LEN/N), FLFT and FRT (which I will discuss later), and the initial potentials along the length of the object that is the subject of the potential flow analysis. These are read into an array by the following statement: READ *, ( U(I), I = 1, NP1 ) The asterisk ("*") means to read from the standard input, which may have been a terminal but more likely would have been one or more punched cards loaded after the end of the program text. The remainder of the statement is an implied DO loop, which is simply a shorthand for listing the array elements from U(1) to U(NP1). Since N has been set to 10, and NP1 has been set to N+1, the READ statement is simply shorthand for this longer one: READ *, U(1), U(2), U(3), U(4), U(5), U(6), U(7), U(8), U(9), U(10), U(11) (Although it is possible for a READ statement to initialize an array as a whole in later versions of FORTRAN such as FORTRAN 90, this is not what your program is doing.) Don't be misled by the fact that U is dimensioned in the program text to have 500 elements. Early FORTRAN required that ARRAY dimensions were fixed at compile time, and 500 would have been hard-coded as an assumed maximum upper limit. In any given run, only the first NP1 of these 500 array elements are used. To produce the sample output data that you have listed, it would have been necessary for the operator to provide input data such as the following, to set a uniform starting potential of 20 at every point along the length of the object: 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 The boundary conditions on the left and right end of the object under study are given by the functions FLFT(X) and FRT(X). You are correct in observing that in this program they simply return constants unrelated to X. However they are provided as "boilerplate" functions so that you can specify time-varying boundary conditions. In the old FORTRAN days, the punched cards containing the statements computing the return value of the functions (i.e. "FLFT = 0.0" and "FRT = 0.0") could have been easily substituted with cards containing alternative boundary functions. I hope that this answer fills in the missing links in your understanding of the FORTRAN version, and will help you to code your Java version. If you'd like help with any other aspect of the FORTRAN version, feel free to use the "Request Answer Clarification" feature. Google search strategy: fortran "read statement" ://www.google.com/search?q=fortran+%22read+statement%22 fortran read array ://www.google.com/search?q=fortran+read+array fortran "implied do loop" ://www.google.com/search?q=fortran+%22implied+do+loop%22 Regards, eiffel-ga |
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Hi eiffel-ga, Thanks for your reply, it has helped me bringing my code up and running. I just turned the "Read *" statement into a readline() method in Java using the BufferReader object, so taking in user inputs, as you will see from the source code below. Thanks again eiffel-ga. import java.lang.*; import java.text.*; import java.io.*; public class explpa { public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException { double U[] = new double [500]; double V[] = new double [500]; double dT, dx, THALF; int NP1, I, stdio; double T = 0.0; final double Tf = 20.0; final double Len = 10.0; final int N = 10; final double K = 0.53; final double C = 0.226; final double Rho = 2.70; final double Ratio = 0.25; NumberFormat dfmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance (); dfmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(3); dfmt.setMinimumFractionDigits(3); dfmt.setGroupingUsed(false); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader (System.in); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (isr); stdio = Integer.parseInt (br.readLine()); NP1 = N +1; dx = Len / N; dT = ( Ratio * C * Rho * dx * dx ) / K; for (I = 1; I <= NP1; I++) U[I] = stdio; Output1(T,Len,dx,T,U, NP1); do { THALF = T + dT / 2.0; U[1] = Left(); U[N + 1] = Right(); for (I = 2; I <= N; I++) { V[I] = Ratio * (U[I + 1] + U[I - 1]) + (1.0 - 2 * Ratio) * U[I]; } T = T + dT; V[1] = Left(); V[NP1] = Right(); Output2(T, V, NP1); if (T > Tf) break; //not a very good programming technique, but will do for now THALF = T + dT / 2.0; V[1] = Left(); V[N + 1] = Right(); for (I = 2; I <= N; I++) { U[I] = Ratio * (V[I + 1] + V[I - 1]) + (1.0 - 2 * Ratio) * V[I]; } T = T + dT; U[1] = Left(); U[NP1] = Right(); Output2(T, U, NP1); if (T > Tf) break; //not a very good programming technique, but will do for now } while (true); //not a very good programming technique, but will do for now } static void Output1 (double x_from, double x_to, double delta_x, double at_T, double U[], int NP1) { NumberFormat dfmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); dfmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(3); dfmt.setMinimumFractionDigits(3); dfmt.setGroupingUsed(false); StringBuffer OutputMessage = new StringBuffer(); OutputMessage.append("Potential values in one dimension by explicit method\n"); OutputMessage.append (" For X = "); OutputMessage.append ( x_from ); OutputMessage.append (" to X = "); OutputMessage.append ( x_to ); OutputMessage.append (" with delta X of "); OutputMessage.append ( delta_x ); OutputMessage.append ("\n\n"); OutputMessage.append ("At T = "); OutputMessage.append ( dfmt.format(at_T) ); System.out.println(OutputMessage.toString()); int k=0; for (int i = 1; i <= NP1; i++) { System.out.print(" " + dfmt.format(U[i])); k++; if (k==6) System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); System.out.println(); } static void Output2 (double T, double V[], int NP1) { NumberFormat dfmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); dfmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(3); dfmt.setMinimumFractionDigits(3); dfmt.setGroupingUsed(false); System.out.print("Values at T = " + dfmt.format(T) + "\n"); int k=0; for (int i = 1; i <= NP1; i++) { System.out.print(" " + dfmt.format(V[i]) ); k++; if (k==6) System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); System.out.println(); } static double Left () { return 0.0; } static double Right () { return 100.0; } } |
Re: FORTRAN program conversion and syntax inquiry
From: eiffel-ga on 15 May 2003 23:45 PDT |
Thanks for posting the Java version - it was interesting to compare it with the FORTRAN version. Thanks, too, for the kind tip. -- eiffel-ga |
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