Hello, Jandg-ga ...
There are many problems with the site as it is currently coded which
could keep it from being searchable. Basically, the site, as coded,
doesn't show anything to be searched.
In several browsers, your text appears as either square boxes or
question marks, part of the problem being your two meta tags:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
You're calling for a character set that is not standard, yet you're
sayingi the language is US English, which is enough to produce the
confusion in most browsers and search engines - and therefore it won't
be indexed.
In addition, some of what is presumably text content renders like
which doesn't render well in any browser - and therefore won't mean
much to a search bot, either.
Besides the simple suggestions below in the Comments section (give it
a title), there is no Doctype Declaration. When you're using
non-standard character sets, a Doctype Declaration is especially
important for interpreting your page.
See information on Doctype Declarations: -
Google offers tips for Webmasters at:
- ://www.google.com/webmasters/
And reasons your site or parts of it might not be listed here:
- ://www.google.com/webmasters/2.html#A1
You may want to try validating your coding on the W3C site. As a rule,
when pages validate in the coding, they are easy to index and get
listed. That information is here:
- http://validator.w3.org/
No browser or search engine bot (spider, crawler, whatever they may be
called) can list or index sites which can't be easily interpreted by
browsers currently in use, so try your page in several browsers and
see what is being delivered to your visitors. Pay attention to the
suggestions and guidelines, and that will help you achieve your goals.
Search terms -
- doctype declarations
- browser friendly coding
- Google webmaster guidelines
- html validation
Good luck,
Serenata |