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Regulating hedge funds "wont work"
Regulating hedge funds
"ALAN GREENSPAN: So that the question, basically, is can we improve
the system? I'm not sure I know at this stage how in this particular
instance, other than making certain that the technical capabilities of
the banks who lend money to these sophisticated organizations, are up
to the ability of knowing when they're putting monies at risk."
The Perils of Hedge Fund Regulation
"So should hedge funds be regulated? Absolutely not, argue Wharton
faculty members. Not only should funds not be regulated, they say, but
to do so would threaten the core of the industry itself."
Proposals for Reform of Hedge Fund Regulation
Harvard Law School Proposals for Reform of Hedge Fund Regulation
When Hedge Funds Fail, is Regulation the Answer?
"There is a clear and urgent need to reinforce discipline on hedge
funds and ensure that proper due diligence procedures and sound
practices are in place for banks and other institutions that take on
exposures to such funds."
Hedge Funds, Financial Stability a
"There is an urgent need for greater regulation of hedge funds. In
this regard, a beginning could be made by imposing limits on their
borrowings and making it mandatory for hedge funds to provide regular
information about their activities and derivatives positions to not
only creditors and investors but also to the regualtory authorities."
"The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has released a discussion
paper on the regulation of hedge funds in the United Kingdom inviting
comments on the current controls on selling and marketing of hedge
funds and the regulation of UK-based fund managers who manage offshore
hedge funds."
SEC has to start regulating hedge funds [requires free sign-up]
"Directly regulating hedge funds will also not work. There is the
practical problem of regulatory arbitrage such players..."
Progress Towards Better Markets
"I found as both a regulated entity and as a regulator that
regulations have to be sufficiently flexible to account for changes in
technology and changes in practices. I personally do not favour a
rigid series of rules to try to control hedge fund activities."
Commentary: The Wrong Way to Regulate Hedge Funds
"Regulators think they know how to avoid a repeat of the LTCM debacle.
Although they don't regulate hedge funds, they think they can
discipline them through the banks that supply them with credit.
Regulators hope to reduce risk two ways: First, by requiring more
disclosure of risks by banks and their clients. Second, by demanding
the use of risk controls that force leveraged players to sell assets
when prices fall."
The Truth about Hedge Funds
"Hence, attempts to regulate hedge funds would have little impact on a
large share of the industtry and would likely cause domestic funds to
relocate offshore."
Tightening the Screws
"Mans Kelly agrees that increased scrutiny of hedge funds by the SEC
will provide more comfort to investors and advisors. But Kelly says
hed be worried if the SEC instituted regulations that would limit
Mans ability to get fund of funds products to the mass affluent. If
the big pension funds and endowments, the biggest institutions and
governments around the world, see this as a suitable investment to
diversify their overall portfolios, why is it not good for private
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