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Acquisition cost of each unique visitor to major mfrs' Laptop/Notebook sites
Category: Computers Asked by: sdchap-ga List Price: $100.00 |
03 Jun 2002 16:54 PDT
Expires: 03 Jul 2002 16:54 PDT Question ID: 20464 |
Approximately how much does it cost each of the top 6 laptop/notebook computer manufacturers/marketers (Sony, IBM, Dell, Toshiba, Compaq & HP) to attract each unique visitor to the laptop/notebook related sections of their respective websites? (By "laptop/notebook related sections" I mean, for example, sony.com's page at http://www.sonystyle.com/vaio/) | |
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Re: Acquisition cost of each unique visitor to major mfrs' Laptop/Notebook sites
Answered By: remoran-ga on 05 Jun 2002 13:40 PDT Rated: ![]() |
This is a real tough one but there is some information that can shed some light on this. To start, here are some statistics. Total size of the hardware computing market - US - $158.8 billion as per 2001. http://www.bizstats.com/marketsizes.htm 2002 forecast - Total Computer shipments http://cin.earthweb.com/public/article/0,,10493_995951,00.html "Total Number of PC shipments world wide - 139.2 million. - Market will rise 3.0%" - "US Market Share of PC shipments - 33%" Notebook market size is a "35 bilion dollar market." - 2002, www.notebook.com The site is not up yet but it will be. This is a flash blurb they show on the site as a statistic. http://techupdate.zdnet.com/techupdate/stories/main/0,14179,2868844,00.html "But by the first quarter of this year, notebook sales doubled from 3.6 million to 7.2 million machines and increased to 23.8 percent of the market, according to IDC." Total unit sales of portables for the year = approximately 33.1296 million. Average cost - $1000 so the Notebook makret size works out to be about 35 billion a year as per the www.notebook.com blurb. Total projected 2002 world wide PC sales including Notebooks totals $147 billion. (23.8% X 147.5 = approximately 35 billion.) http://www.bizstats.com/computersvs.htm This file shows the percentage of total expenses given to advertishing for US computer companies. "0.9% of total Computer expenses goes to adversting for compaies with more than $100 million in assets. Total expenses average 90% of total revenues for these companies." The 100 million club "comporise 0.1% of the number of computer companies in the US market but make up 45.3% of total revenues." Taking this as a start point, $35 billion = Notebook Sales $31.5 billion = Notebook Expenses = 90% of total revenues as per www.bizstats.com The top 7 owns approximately 90% of the notebook market Logical guess here. Apple, (had to go in :)) Dell, Compaq (now HP/Compaq) HP IBM, Sony, Toshiba, 90% of the $35 billion notebook market = $31.5 billion $28.5 = Total Expenses (31.5 X 90% = 28.5 - www.bizstats.com) $256,999,999.99 = Total Advdertising spent for the Notebook market world wide (28.5 X 0.9%) Divide the $256 million ad figure by the projected 33,1236 million notebooks that will be sold in 2002 and it equals $7.76 cents (per machine sold) they will use to attract people to their websites (and retail stores etc.) using traditional & web related media (print, TV, Cable, Banners, Net ads, websites etc, etc.) to pull them in. Market shares: In http://techupdate.zdnet.com/techupdate/stories/main/0,14179,2868844,00.html "Toshiba has 14.4 percent of the worldwide notebook market. Dell slipped into the No. 2 spot with 13.2 percent of the market during the quarter... Sony had a quarter similar to Toshiba's, growing 11.7 percent to capture 8.9 percent of the market. IBM followed Sony with 8.4 percent of the market." (Potential spurious data because efficiency of advertisng cannot be factored in without REALY extensive research.) When you factor in these companies market share percentage against the $256 million spent, Toshiba would theoretcially spend $36.86 million while Dell would go for $33.79, Sony $22.784 and IBM $21.504. This seems to work out pretty well. The only thing I have not calculated is actual ad budgets of the individual companies. (this would be really difficult because of a (I included Apple in the mix.) HTH Bob PS - I included Apple in the mix. Intense question. | |
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rated this answer:![]() Valuable research and commentary. Very impressive. Well done. |
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Re: Acquisition cost of each unique visitor to major mfrs' Laptop/Notebook sites
From: morris-ga on 04 Jun 2002 19:21 PDT |
From Apple's 10Q filing for the last quarter http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/320193/000091205702020280/a2079853z10-q.htm Selling, general and administrative expense (advertising is in here) was $270M, on Total Sales of $1,495M From Compaq's last 10Q before the merger Selling, general and administrative expense (advertising is in here) was $1,157M, on Total Sales of $6,109M http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/714154/000095012902002073/h96143e10-q.txt From Hewelett Packards last 10Q before the merger Selling, general and administrative expense (advertising is in here) was $1,750, on Total Sales of $9,432M http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/47217/000091205702009662/a2072639z10-q.txt From IBM's last 10Q Selling, general and administrative expense (advertising is in here) was $4,053M, on Total Sales of $18,551M (note, IBM does break out that hardware sales were $6,405M, but only gives a company wide number for selling expense). From Dell's last 10Q Selling, general and administrative expense (advertising is in here) was $662M, on Total Sales of $7468M (hands down the winner for efficiency, despite all those "Dude, get a Dell" TV commercials). http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/826083/000095013401509549/d92912e10-q.htm From Sony's 6K for the YEAR (remember, all previous were quarters) Selling, general and administrative expense (advertising is in here) was $13,104M, on Total Sales of $53,073M http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/313838/000095010902002462/d6k.htm None of these manufacturers break out their notebook sales from other sales in their reports, but some patient sleuthing might turn those numbers up as percentages. Attributing those percentages to particular advertising dollars would be pretty tough without inside info. The last step, of guestimating percentage of advertising dollars resulting in web traffic is eludes me, but hopefully somebody will have a formula. I apologize if my request for was a little over the top. |
Re: Acquisition cost of each unique visitor to major mfrs' Laptop/Notebook sites
From: alexanderhilton-ga on 04 Jun 2002 19:26 PDT |
To get the specific numbers your requesting, you'll probably have to hire one of the big consulting firms to get that kind of detailed data. I suggest someone like Gartner Dataquest. If you do indeed own Laptop.com and Notebook.com, it would be well worth your expense. You're sitting on a goldmine. Laptops are getting more and more popular AND they're becoming commodities. They're all made by the same offshore manufacturers without much differentiation between brands. There's a HUGE battle going on for market share. It sounds like someone like Toshiba or Sony could gain a tremendous amount value by owning your "funnel". Youre talking about a way that will bring people looking for information about laptops directly to a specific laptop site. That's very, very valuable. Imagine what a coup it would be for Apple. They'd have a mechanism for attracting buyers who might not otherwise even have considered Apple laptops before, and bring them directly to their site. Apple's market share has been stagnant for a long, long time. They've got great products, but Ill bet they spend a fortune in acquiring marginal additional customers. If I were you, I'd put them at the top of my list. Good luck! |
Re: Acquisition cost of each unique visitor to major mfrs' Laptop/Notebook sites
From: jasonm1-ga on 04 Jun 2002 19:29 PDT |
I think you are going to have trouble on this one. The information you require is typically proprietary. To find the data on many of the factors I listed in my comment would require direct access to the advertising budgets of each company. This data can be inferred from the costs of these various services, such as costs of TV ads, banner ads, radio, etc. What's worse, you need to figure out how to account for traffic that is not directly related to the laptop site. This would vary from company to company, since some focus on laptops and others have larger markets (for example, I'd guess that a higher percentage of people visiting www.dell.com will look at laptops then those visiting www.ibm.com). Unfortunately, these theoretical backgrounds are all I have to offer now. |
Re: Acquisition cost of each unique visitor to major mfrs' Laptop/Notebook sites
From: davidr-ga on 15 Jun 2002 10:32 PDT |
Hey sdchap-ga you lucky guy. An easy way to determine the "approximate" cost/value of unique visitor coming from laptop.com/notebook.com. You can get an estimated "Average Cost-Per-Click" for the keywords "laptop" and "notebook" from Google Adwords at http://adwords.google.com. Keyword Clicks / Day Average Cost-Per-Click laptop 290.0 $1.36 notebook 230.0 $0.95 Cheers David |
Re: Acquisition cost of each unique visitor to major mfrs' Laptop/Notebook sites
From: remoran-ga on 19 Jun 2002 05:50 PDT |
Thank you for the nice comment. Your question was truly awesome. Bob remoran-ga |
Re: Acquisition cost of each unique visitor to major mfrs' Laptop/Notebook sites
From: sparky4ca-ga on 20 Jun 2002 03:11 PDT |
Not that there is that much to add to the thesis paper that has already been written on this, but consider: Amount spent on advertising, even if we assumed we knew how much a company spends specifically advertising Notebooks and how much of their traffic is for notebooks, would be very difficult to translate to cost per visitor. Why? Because: When you see a Toshiba ad, it's an ad for a Toshiba notebook. It probably has a website and a phone number, and it may even tell you to see your nearest reseller. It isn't an ad for toshiba.com/notebooks or whatever. Traffic, while probably signifigant, and valuable, is still incidental. The only cost per visit that could be truly determined would be to establish what a given company spends on web advertising, email advertising, etc. Any advertising where the user is specifcally intended to click through to the website. You'll find either a cost-per-click or a cost per thousand impressions. Kepp in mind though, that even just online advertising has many different types, with different costs and different effectiveness. Examples: email newsletter sponsorship. sponsored links through google. sponsored results through other search engines banner ads pop-ups pop-unders interstitials sponsorship of sites like gaming sites (ie. pogo.com or prizegames.com) paid to read emails (I know Compaq, HP and IBM have used these). Also, in the general ad budget, don't forget to include such things as SPIFFs and incentives and contests for resellers and retail sales emplyees; all the stuff you see in the stores such as brochures; the amount they pay for shelving/endcaps in the stores (yes there is a reason brand x gets an endcap and brand y doesn't. brand x offered to pay more); the amount they pay to be featured in the resellers flyers; giveaways, promos; etc. etc. etc. Also, some advertising is more valuable then others. For example traffic from a paid-to-read email company wouldn't be worth much because the visitor probably doesn't care about what they're seeing, they are just waiting at the site long enough to be credited their penny or whatever. Whereas somebody who was reading reviews of notebooks at cnet.com may be on the brink of buying, and a well placed banner ad could close the deal. Another question that would come up would be The age old What percentage of impressions become hits? more important for this discussion - what percentage of hits become sales? this will have an effect on the value of the hits. On a personal note, I cannot remember ever going to www.genericproductcategory.com such as www.notebook.com for information unless it was as alast resort because I wasn't satisfied with what I had found elsewhere. If I do, and I find it just channels me to a specific manufacturer, I leave ASAP because it's no use to me. I think this sort of attitude could lead to a long-term devalueing of the domain. I would suggest developing into a site with valuable content regarding laptops. Information, tips, reviews, etc. Then sell advertising and sponsored links. But don't ever let the sponsorship affect the reviews. if you can't/won't do this then auction off the domain. |
Re: Acquisition cost of each unique visitor to major mfrs' Laptop/Notebook sites
From: alexanderhilton-ga on 20 Jun 2002 11:08 PDT |
Ironically, I visited www.laptop.com while figuring out which laptop to buy. Maybe, again, because laptops really seem to be becoming commodities. There's not that much differentiating one brand from another. While I wouldn't generally go to a www.genericcategorysite.com either, www.laptop.com just seemed like a logical place to look. I'll bet I'm not alone. In the final analysis, Davidr-ga hit the nail on the head: Laptop makers are paying, right now, $0.95 to $1.36 per person to bring visitors to their sites. Simple, empirical evidence. Depending on how many hits laptop.com and notebook.com are attracting, that could translate into a substantial amount of money. |
Re: Acquisition cost of each unique visitor to major mfrs' Laptop/Notebook sites
From: exeter_grad-ga on 24 Jun 2002 16:04 PDT |
Especially when one considers the likelihood that an average visitor will click-through to four or five different manufacturers, directly from www.laptop.com. (A not unreasonable assumption considering that those who have arrived at the site via www.laptop.com have self-selected for specificity of interest.) The result? Toshiba ($1.25) + IBM ($1.25) + HP ($1.25) + Apple ($1.25)... One suddently has generated $3 to $7 with each unique visitor. I am envious. |
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