Hello amrb:
Thanks for the interesting question.
DISCLAIMER: Please keep in mind that we researchers at Google Answers
are NOT lawyers, so this is NOT professional legal advice. We simply
provide you with access to the information you are seeking. You will
want to consult with a professional lawyer before you start any legal
I have done some searching for you and would suggest you want to start
with the following sites:
Colorado Coalition for Mobile/Manufactured Home Resident Rights
URL: http://www.mobilehomerights.com/
This site has a wealth of information that should be precisely what
you are looking for. After reading their home page, I would suggest
going to their "Laws That Govern" page at:
Laws That Govern
URL: http://www.mobilehomerights.com/laws.htm
The Mobile Home Park Act for Colorado is linked there as well pages on
Eviction Laws, Taxation, Sanitation Regulations, Installation and
There is also a page listing meeting times for members of the
Coalition:. In fact, there's a meeting tomorrow (May 17th) in Denver!
URL: http://www.mobilehomerights.com/meetings.htm
Another site that you may want to consider is:
Mobile Home Owners Handbook
URL: http://www.ci.longmont.co.us/comm_rel/landtenant/mh_handbook/index.htm
Quote: "The purpose of this handbook is to clarify existing mobile
home park law in Colorado, to explain its procedures, and to generate
options for collaborative resolutions for concerns between a homeowner
and park management.
You may also want to consider that there may be specific laws/bylaws
regarding mobile homes for the city/district you are in. For example,
the city of Westminster has the following:
City of Westminster Colorado Municipal Code - Chapter 11, Mobile Homes
URL: http://www.ci.westminster.co.us/Code/Title05/T5C11.htm
Now, while the above is *a lot* of information to go through, I am
more than happy to help you further if you can give me some more
specific details about what you are looking for. Please use the
Clarification Request feature if you feel there is more detail that
you need.
Search Strategy (on Google):
colorado "mobile homes" laws |