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Q: Private Golf Courses and Country Clubs ( No Answer,   0 Comments )
Subject: Private Golf Courses and Country Clubs
Category: Sports and Recreation
Asked by: statestraveller-ga
List Price: $60.00
Posted: 16 May 2003 09:47 PDT
Expires: 23 May 2003 12:11 PDT
Question ID: 204658
Hi Researchers,

I'm looking for a list of *private* golf courses and country clubs in
California that:
1.  Put out a newsletter of some kind to their members and
2.  Accept advertising from outside sources in that newsletter.

The results don't just have to be country clubs that have a golf
course; it could be a course by itself, a club by itself, or a
combination of the two, but the club/course must be private, ie. only
members may play/attend.  I'd like a general phone number to reach
each club/course.


Request for Question Clarification by journalist-ga on 16 May 2003 10:37 PDT
Greetings StatesTraveller:

I'm a links hound myself, and not just web links.  :)  I have located
an excellent database of private golf courses from Sports Illustrated
at stating over 20,000 courses.  A custom
search of CA and "Private" resulted in a list 303 private golf courses
in California with links to their contact information.

To ascertain if each of the 303 meet your criteria of both

"1.  Put out a newsletter of some kind to their members and 
 2.  Accept advertising from outside sources in that newsletter."

would require emails or phone calls to each club OR searching each
listing online for that information (and #2 of your request will most
likely not be present on web sites).  Will a link to or instructions
to find the basic list satisfy your request?  If so, I will be happy
to post it as an answer and claim the fee.  If not, you may want to
review the pricing guidlines at if you wish for a
Researcher to search each club and make the necessary contacts.

Best regards,

Clarification of Question by statestraveller-ga on 16 May 2003 10:49 PDT

Wow - 303 private listings in CA?  OK.  The reason I'm posting is
because I spent an hour calling clubs in the San Francisco Bay area
and while most of them put out newsletters, none I called accepted
advertising.  Thus I could get the list of 303, and still be stuck
doing the nasty work.  How about this: refine your search to clubs
only in the San Francisco Bay Area.  If you feel you can fulfil all my
criteria within that smaller resulting number of clubs, go ahead and
post an anwer.  If 302 of the clubs happen to be around here, then
post another comment to let me know and I'll raise the price.  I'll
tip well if you can save me as much legwork as possible - and don't
forget the country clubs...I suspect there may be far fewer of them:-)

Request for Question Clarification by journalist-ga on 16 May 2003 11:30 PDT
I appreciate your clarification and understanding.  Using the list of
cities found at
(cross-referencing all city names) I have located the following clubs
that are private in the first 100 listings.  Have you already phoned
these clubs?

6663 Hampton Dr
San Jose, CA 95120
United States (Santa Clara County) 
Phone: (408)268-3959 

California Golf Club of San Francisco
844 W Orange Ave
South San Francisco, CA 94080
United States (San Mateo County) 
Phone: (650)589-0144 

Claremont Country Club
5295 Broadway Terrace
Oakland, CA 94618
United States (Alameda County) 
Phone: (510)653-6789 

Boulder Ridge
1000 Old Quarry Rd
San Jose, CA 95120
United States (Santa Clara County) 
Phone: (408)323-9900 

Green Hills Country Club
End of Ludeman Ln
Millbrae, CA 94030
United States (San Mateo County) 
Phone: (650)588-4616 

Please let me know although I am continuing my review of the remaining
203.  I'm just wondering if you have already contacted these five.

Clarification of Question by statestraveller-ga on 16 May 2003 11:42 PDT
Crikey - 203???  I don't need that many; just give me a list of up to
10 golf courses and 10 country clubs, for a total of 20 responses (in
case there aren't 10 country clubs) of places that accept advertising
for their newsletters.

I've already called:
Sequoyah Country Club
Wente (golf club) in Livermore
Blackhawk Country Club in Danville
Crow Canyon Country Club
Round Hill Golf and Country Club in Alamo
Brentwood Country Club

Request for Question Clarification by journalist-ga on 16 May 2003 11:54 PDT
No, not 203 left in the Bay area.  203 in California.  :)  I have
found five more in the Bay area in the next 100 in California - I will
review the remaining 103 for more.

Request for Question Clarification by journalist-ga on 16 May 2003 12:26 PDT
Not knwoing what the total fee is that you are offering, I fear the
telephone calls alone would break my budget.  In two hours, I have
located a total of only 17 possibilities without making calls and I
cannot predict whether their newsletters (if, indeed, they do all have
them) will accept advertising.  That is below the 20 you require.

Clarification of Question by statestraveller-ga on 16 May 2003 12:43 PDT
Journalist-ga - I plan to tip you $8 per hour of your research time. 
If you'd prefer I raise the flat fee, I'd be happy to do that also.

Request for Question Clarification by journalist-ga on 16 May 2003 13:51 PDT
I appreciate your offer to raise the question fee but my main concern
is that I will not be able to locate 20 private clubs that accept
outside advertising in their newsletters.  Indeed, I may not locate
even one.  Therein lies my primary hesitation as I can't guarantee the
20 for any fee.

Is there any other arrangement that would satisfy your query?

Clarification of Question by statestraveller-ga on 16 May 2003 14:05 PDT
Just give me what you've got for the Bay Area, and make it up to 20
with clubs elsewhere in CA - probably LA area.  Once you hit around 6
hours of research time, just post whatever you've got and how long it
took you.  I'd like to shoot for 20 as a goal to give me some options,
but it's not essential that I get that many.  I'm leaving shortly for
the weekend, so if you post another clarification soon I'll respond,
but otherwise it'll be Monday.  If you locate less than 5 clubs, I'll
tip you a flat $20.  More than that: the hourly rate.  How's that?

Request for Question Clarification by journalist-ga on 16 May 2003 14:18 PDT
I appreciate your offer and it may be that another Researcher may be
able to better help you.

Clarification of Question by statestraveller-ga on 16 May 2003 14:26 PDT
I raised the question price, and would be happy to tip generously if
anyone else feels like taking this on.  Thanks for your time,
Journalist-ga, and I'm sorry you couldn't help.
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