Hi there,
Non-cardiac vascular disease is more commonly known as peripheral
vascular disease.
What is peripheral vascular disease?
This refers to diseases of blood vessels outside the heart and brain.
It's often a narrowing of vessels that carry blood to leg and arm
muscles. There are two types of these circulation disorders:
Functional peripheral vascular diseases don't have an organic cause.
They don't involve defects in blood vessels' structure. They're
usually short-term effects and can come and go. Raynaud's disease is
an example. It can be triggered by cold temperatures, emotional
stress, working with vibrating machinery or smoking.
Organic peripheral vascular diseases are caused by structural changes
in the blood vessels, such as inflammation and tissue damage.
Peripheral artery disease is an example. It's caused by fatty buildups
in arteries.
What is peripheral artery disease?
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a condition similar to coronary
artery disease and carotid artery disease. In PAD, fatty deposits
build up along artery walls and affect blood circulation, mainly in
arteries leading to the legs and feet. In its early stages a common
symptom is cramping or fatigue in the legs and buttocks during
activity. Such cramping subsides when the person stands still. This is
called "intermittent claudication." People with PAD have a higher risk
of death from stroke and heart attack, due to the risk of blood clots.
Best wishes,
robertskelton-ga |