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For a drug that you don't plan on altering the chemical make-up of,
the function you plan on repackaging the drug for [for instance,
ear-aches] will have to be consistent with the drug's "monograph," or
approved standards for the drug's usage/indications.
You'll want to visit this page to request copies of monographs:
The FDA has published monographs/rules for a number of OTC drug
categories. These monographs, which are published in the Federal
Register, state requirements for categories of non-prescription drugs,
such as what ingredients may be used and for what intended use.
Also, see The CDER Handbook
Your first step would be to contact the company responsible for
manufacturing the drug that you want to repackage. Many drugs are
under patent or trademark, and you have to get explicit permission to
use them.
You would have to work on a contractual basis with that company for
express permission to use their product(s).
Your next step is to insure that the drug meets all federal standards
for labeling, repackaging, and registering under these [codes of]
federal regulations:
21 CFR 201 [labelling]
GMP part 211 [repackaging]
CFR 207 [registering, drug listing company]
You can find out more about these at this site:
You'll then have to register the drug with the FDA:
Drug Registration and Listing Instructions
Here is a specific contact at the FDA. I encourage you to contact
Barry at the number below, who should be able to give you more direct
301-827-3454 [Barry]
301-827-8930 [Over the Counter drug department]
GA Researcher |