I believe the company you are seeking is Asturo Originali Maves, one
of Italy's major manufacturers of spray guns. The company's website
may be found here, with versions in several languages:
Asturo Original Maves
From the site, here is contact info for the company:
Asturo Originali Maves A.O.M. S.p.a.
Via F.lli Bandiera, 7
20090 Trezzano S/N MI ITALIA
tel. +390248402802
fax. +390248402810
To locate this information, I used Google to search websites in Italy,
using the keyword "asturo":
Google Web Search, Italy: "asturo"
If I have misidentified the company, or if anything is unclear or
incomplete, please request clarification; I'll be glad to offer
further assistance before you rate my answer.
Best wishes,
pinkfreud |