I need to know for the United States only, the thirty or forty year
trends (or longer) in the settings in which people work. I need to
know something very specific:
-- trends in the percentage of workers -- private sector only -- who
work in large corporations as opposed to other settings, especially
small business. Ideally the data would be divided by size of employer
such as 10 or fewer employees, 11 - 50 employees, 51 - 500 employees,
501 - 2000 employees, more than 2000 employees -- or another statistic
like that. |
Clarification of Question by
21 May 2003 14:25 PDT
I really need data from earlier periods than that, back through the
70's if possible. I'm pretty sure there is such data, probably in the
Census of Commerce data. Also, the official designation of "small
business" is 500 or fewer employees. But there is probably some
private materials from the Conference Board or other big business
organization that would have data for larger firms, say 501-2000, 2001
and larger, or similar breakdown.