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Help with buying a house (Loan, should I buy or should I not)
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: shedding-ga List Price: $15.00 |
04 Jun 2002 10:50 PDT
Expires: 11 Jun 2002 10:50 PDT Question ID: 20689 |
I need a candor answer to this question: I am in the process of buying a house. I am not entirely sure whether it is the time to buy now or not. Very rarely do you loose buying a house. Here is my situation and question: I have $19,500.00 car debt (620 dollar per month bill), a 1000 dollar credit card debt, and 9500 (200 dollars per month bill) dollar Student Loan debt. I have about $10,000 in 3 different 401ks. The credit card can easily be paid in less than a month. My income is roughly 62,000 per year. I have perfect credit (with one inquiry which will disappear in October). I have been at my job for 9 months now (I have two jobs, the other one is part time but I have been there for 2.5 years). I feel very stable, and know I can get a job if I loose any of my current jobs with ease. I cannot afford a 20% down payment, I have been looking at 100% financing and I am looking for a house in the 215,000 dollar range. My question is: Should I buy now? If not, how much time should I wait? And if I do wait, should I save for a down payment or concentrate on paying off my debt. If I should buy now which lender would get me the best deal (This is the most important part of the answer. Please no bias advertisements).. and what do they mean by points or buying points? I am looking for a 30 year, 100% financing. What rate do I expect to get? Thank you all for your time. |
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Re: Help with buying a house (Loan, should I buy or should I not)
Answered By: jeanluis-ga on 04 Jun 2002 12:29 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hello, I just purchased my 1st house a year ago, and here is what I think about the "should I buy now, or wait" question: BUY NOW! There are many reasons you should buy now, chief among them is the extremely low rates! Another reason is: equity! Renting a home is basically throwing money out the window, yes you do get a place to live, BUT you can have so much more if you buy a home. Equity is VERY nice to have, it is almost as good as having a savings account that gets bigger with every mortagage payment. I wish I had bought my house 5 years ago! Not to mention that anything you do to improve the house increases your equity. (Equity, by the way, is the amount of the mortagage principle that is actually paid off, in other words it is like money in your pocket) About the down payment: when I purchased my home I only put down 10% (40% of which was a "gift" from my parents). No one at the mortagage company really seemed to mind, I had always heard that you should put down at least 20% as well, but you can get away with much less. Keep in mind however that it takes a lot longer to build equity with a small down payment. What are points? Basically you can "buy" points to reduce your interest rate. Remember that the interest you pay is tax deductable, and points MAY (or may not ) be tax deductable! Which is just another benefit of buying a home, it will make tax time a lot more fun. (Because you will probably get a big return :) http://www.realestateabc.com/taxes/deductible1.htm http://www.hsh.com/partners/nydob/critmr.htm http://www.taxplanet.com/taxguide/realestate/points/points_homesale/points_homesale.html http://www.taxplanet.com/taxguide/realestate/points/points_homebuy/points_homebuy.html As far as which lender will give you the best deal, that is very hard for me to answer, because the rate you get is based on your credit history and other factors. However applying for a loan is actually pretty easy, you can do it on the website for most banks (for free with no obligation), and other online loan houses. Current interest rates for mortgages are in the 5.3%-7.8% range. You can probably be sure of getting something around 6.5%. http://biz.yahoo.com/b/r/m.html Here is a good starting point: http://www.lendingtree.com Lendingtree gathers all of your info (name, address, social security, etc...) and find the best mortgage provider in their database for your needs. You should just apply for a loan here just to see what they come up with, its free to apply, and there is no obligation. Here is another website that takes very basic parameters, and gives you a list of lenders that may give you a mortgage sorted by interest rate. http://www.interest.com/ http://www.interest.com/rateshopper/ I tried the rate shopper with for a North Carolina, 30 year fixed rate mortgage of $215000 and 0 points, and I got a list of lenders with rates ranging from 6.5% to 6.875% Here is the lender that came up with the 6.5% rate on that page: http://www.homeboundmortgage.com/ (Personally, just looking at their website, I would be a little cautious, it reminds me of something that might say "as seem on TV") Another lender is e-loan, http://www.eloan.com I actually just got a small loan from e-loan, and it was very easy, and fast. Another place I would try is your bank, you can either goto an actual branch, and talk to them and apply in person, or you can probably do it online, by going to their website and looking for a mortgage or loan page. At Bank of America you can apply right online in about 10 minutes, and according to their website they are offering loans in the 6.625% range. http://www.bankofamerica.com Hope this helps, good luck, I know it is kind of scary spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, but it is really worth is in my opinion. Please let me know if you want any more information on this topic. Thanks, and good luck. --jld | |
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Re: Help with buying a house (Loan, should I buy or should I not)
From: jeanluis-ga on 04 Jun 2002 16:37 PDT |
Hmmm That is interesting, I would probably still go for it, however you may want to consider a more affordable house, just to be on the safe side (say in the $130,000 range, I don't know where you are at, but around here you can get a farily nice 3 bedroom for that if you look hard enough). Here is an article that talks more about 100% financing. http://www.bankrate.com/brm/news/mtg/19990902.asp You may also want to consider trying to muster up a small down payment, again to be on the safe side. But if you feel you are in a stable job, and can have a steady income of at least what you are making now, I think you will probably be ok. About the multiple loan applications staining your credit report, to get the small loan I mentioned earlier, I applied at 3 places (my bank, lending tree, and e-loan, in that order, and I finally took the one at e-loan without hassle). I would probably keep it under 10 places, but I think doing a little shopping is smart, and should be expected. Another thing to keep in mind is that places like lending tree gives you access to multiple lenders with 1 application, so it is a good way to shop and get a feel for what is out there. Hope this helps, please let me know if you have any other concerns. Good luck --jld |
Re: Help with buying a house (Loan, should I buy or should I not)
From: dbguru-ga on 04 Jun 2002 18:54 PDT |
Hi, I just went thru the process of buying my first home last month. We just closed it a week ago. The following company offered the best rates for me. When everyone offered 6.75-7.0, they are the only ones offered 6.5 with no points and closing costs were about $1000 (you need to confirm this again). It wouldn't hurt to try it. www.instafi.com |
Re: Help with buying a house (Loan, should I buy or should I not)
From: elwyn-ga on 14 Jun 2002 04:57 PDT |
One of the key points I've learned about mortgages is how little you apply to the principal of the mortgage at the beginning of the term. Usually for the first few years over 80% of your payment goes to the interest. The solution is to pay more than you're required to (even by $50 to $100 a month or so) for the first while, and ignore this after about five years (when you may have kids/more kids to worry about too). For the first year you may be paying $1500 total, but only $250 or less goes on the principle. Add another $250 ($1750) for the first month and you double the rate you're paying the mortgage (for a month). By doing this, you can probably trim a 25 year mortgage to 20 or even 15 years, depending on how you crunch the numbers. By paying every 14 days (accelerated bi-weekly, two extra payments per year in months with three paydays, and if you're paid every 14 days you won't even feel it) instead of monthly or twice a month, you could take 7 years off a 25 year mortgage! (Sorry, on a comment I'm to lazy to do an example of the maths. :) I used this calculator: http://www.ewmortgage.com/mortgage/ |
Re: Help with buying a house (Loan, should I buy or should I not)
From: joujou1968-ga on 04 Jan 2005 11:19 PST |
I think you should buy. The prices on property are rising. You should let a mortgage broker help you with the Loan. What I usually do for my client, I am able to shop for the best rate for them without risking they credit to go low. You have to remember that a broker have the possibilities to shop for you, without having to pull your credit several time. You have to be very careful about that. If you want to know what can affect your credit score, let me know I can help you with that. |
Re: Help with buying a house (Loan, should I buy or should I not)
From: padawan-ga on 09 Mar 2005 20:35 PST |
There are many programs for first time home buyers that offer no down payment. Housing and Urban development is one place to look , although the price range you are looking at is probably to high for their programs, it is still worth a look as they may be able to guide you towards other programs. Now is definitly the time to buy as the interest rates are low. I used my veterans benefits to to insure my loan which offered no down payment and seller paid the points. These loans are assumable, so that is another option if you are lucky enough to find the house you want with such a guaranteed loan already in place. Good luck |
Re: Help with buying a house (Loan, should I buy or should I not)
From: leskowitz-ga on 10 Mar 2005 20:15 PST |
When I read your write up, I thought it was me back 10 years ago. I agree with jeanluis-ga you need to consider a more affordable house and here is why: Your monthly after tax take home is probably $3800 /month(assuming 20% tax and 6% 401K/IRA) I did not include insurance costs. Less Principal on house $1220 (30yr @5.5% rate) Car and Loan $820 Property Taxes on House $500 (depends on where you live) Power/Gas/water $300 That leaves you with $1000 to eat, entertainment, gas for car, etc. Oh yeah don't forget to furnish that house. Here is my advice: - Pay off the credit cards first - Buy a house, but make it cheap. Figure out what the payment with taxes will be and put the money in savings. See if you can survive without it. - Dump the car. $620 is alot of money. Buy a cash car. Have friends drive for lunch. - Do not pay off the student loan unless you have free money. Remember, if you are a first time home buyer you can pull $10 K from your 401K without getting hit with the 10% penalty, normal taxes apply though. Screw your 401K you may die before you use it anyway. Good Luck Paul |
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