Top law technology periodicals
Category: Computers > Software Asked by: shikibobo-ga List Price: $5.00 |
21 May 2003 14:29 PDT
Expires: 20 Jun 2003 14:29 PDT Question ID: 206990 |
What are the leading publications dealing with law practice technology? Looking for periodical titles. Note which titles are most popular (in terms of circulation). Looking for periodicals that are dedicated to legal technology or that regularly feature legal technology in a meaningful way. Looking for the periodicals that law office IT directors really read. By "law practice technology" I am talking about: HARDWARE: A/V equipment, courtroom technology, electronic discovery, file servers, network equipment, phone systems, faxes/scanners/copiers, etc., and SOFTWARE: time and billing software, voice recognition, document management, case management, eBilling, portals, intranet/extranet, etc. |
Re: Top law technology periodicals
Answered By: aditya2k-ga on 21 May 2003 14:49 PDT Rated: |
Hi shikibobo, Good day and thanks for your question. I've compiled a list of law technology journals/periodicals and have summarized them as follows : Journal of Information Law and Technology http://elj.warwick.ac.uk/jilt/ Published by the Universities of Warwick and Strathclyde in the United Kingdom. Harvard Journal of Law and Technology http://jolt.law.harvard.edu/ Exploring the legal implications of emerging technologies. Berkeley Technology Law Journal http://www.law.berkeley.edu/journals/btlj/ Edited and published twice each year by the students of Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley. The Journal of Online Law http://www.wm.edu/law/publications/jol/ An electronic publication, apparently no longer being produced, from the College of William and Mary School of Law. Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal http://www.utexas.edu/law/journals/tiplj/ From the University of Texas School of Law. Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law http://www.bu.edu/law/scitech/ From Boston University School of Law. Dalhousie Law School Canadian Journal of Law and Technology http://cjlt.dal.ca/ Published bi-annually by the Dalhousie University Electronic Text Centre. The John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law http://www.jmls.edu/ripl/ From John Marshall Law School. University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy http://www.jltp.uiuc.edu/ Peer-reviewed, bi-annual, joint publication. Santa Clara Computer & High Technology Law Journal http://www.scu.edu/techlaw/ Published twice per year by the students of the Santa Clara University School of Law University of Baltimore Intellectual Property Law Journal http://ubmail.ubalt.edu/~ubiplj/ From the University of Baltimore School of Law. Pittsburgh Journal of Technology Law and Policy (TLP) http://www.pittsburghjournal.org/ A peer-reviewed online journal published by law, business and policy graduate students attending nine schools within Carnegie Mellon, Duquesne, and the University of Pittsburgh. The Journal of Technology Law & Policy http://journal.law.ufl.edu/~techlaw/ From the University of Florida. Columbia Science and Technology Law Review http://www.law.columbia.edu/stlr Columbia Law School's online journal dealing with science and technology and its effect on law and social policy. Journal of Internet Law http://www.gcwf.com/gcc/GrayCary-C/News--Arti/Journal/journal.doc_cvt.htm Excerpts from Aspen Law Publisher's journal, with subscription information. I hope this answers your question. If you have any clarifications, please don't hesitate to ask. I will attend to them at the earliest. Thank you for using this service and have a nice day. Warm regards, aditya2k Search strategy "technology OR technological" law "journals OR periodicals" (and combinations of the same...) | |
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Re: Top law technology periodicals
From: magnesium-ga on 21 May 2003 15:03 PDT |
I wonder whether this question has been properly answered. As I understood the question, it was seeking publications that deal with technology used by lawyers, not publications about legal aspects of technology. This is the sort of thing I would have expected in the answer (not a very good example, just the sort of publication I think the questioner is looking for): http://www.mylawtips.com/ I apologise if I am stepping on the researcher's toes, but I believe there may have been a miscommunication. |
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