Hi there, Gan!
I can confirm that the newest versions of AOL mail do support HTML
A breakdown of version compatibility is below, taken from the
Webmaster Info page at AOL.
* AOL 8.0: HTML, Rich Text, Plain Text
* AOL 7.0: HTML, Rich Text, Plain Text
* AOL 6.0: HTML, Rich Text, Plain Text
* AOL 5.0: Rich Text, Plain Text
* AOL 4.0: Plain Text Only
The technologies that are not supported are:
* ActiveX
* Audio
* External Style Sheets
* Frames and IFrames
* Java
* Meta Refresh
* Scripts: JavaScript, VBScript, Perl, etc.
* Tooltips
* Video
The newest email client is based on the Gecko rendering engine, used
by browsers and email clients such as Netscape 6+ and Mozilla, the
open source browser project.
What is Gecko?
For more on the technologies that Gecko/Mozilla supports, view this
As a web developer myself, I know that the Gecko rendering engine
provides a fantastic amount of support for current web standards and
will have no problem displaying images in the way that you described.
In fact, Gecko is far ahead of Microsoft's Internet Explorer
technologies which are included in products such as Outlook Express,
Outlook and Frontpage.
This IE engine does not support advanced CSS in the way that Gecko
can, for an example view the following page:
As you may or may not be aware, Netscape (who run the Mozilla
project), are also part of AOL-Timewarner, so it would make sense to
use Gecko in the AOL products.
Related links:
"New AOL email client takes on Outlook Express"
I hope this helps!
Google searches used:
"aol developer html email"
"aol mail gecko"
"aol netscape"
://www.google.co.uk/search?q=aol+netscape |