Hello Samirpatel ~
Outdoor advertising on billboards is becoming increasingly popular as
businesses are searching for media which gives them the greatest
exposure for their advertising dollars.
Starting such a business in the United States would be difficult,
because billboard advertising is governed by half a dozen or more
Federal laws and regulations, and just as many or more local
regulations and laws. Billboard construction is limited by zoning
restrictions and by the Highway Beautification Act, which allows
billboards to be erected only in commercial and industrial areas along
highways built with federal funds.
Among the federal regulations are:
* The Highway Beautification Act of 1965 (23 USC 131)
* Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA)
* 1995 Scenic Byways Amendment
* TEA 21 (Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century)
A summary of these acts can be found here:
- http://www.oaaa.org/government/laws.asp#summary
What these acts amount to is the fact that billboards are highly
regulated, including their placement on highways and within
municipalities, and basically, what the Federal government doesn't
regulate, the states and local governments do.
Billboard Facts & Figures:
In 2002, advertisers spent $5.2 billion on outdoor advertising,
remaining relatively flat, up to 0.8% compared to 2001. (Source,
Outdoor Advertising Association of America, Inc. [OAAA]).
- http://www.oaaa.org/
There are approximately 400,000 billboards in the United States,
according to OAAA. Billboards are found roadside in every state except
Maine, Alaska, Hawaii and Vermont. Los Angeles has the most
billboards, while Washington DC has the fewest.
According to an article on the National Restaurant Association's
website, "[t]he cost of advertising on a billboard runs from $700 to
about $2,500 a board, compared to several thousand for a television
advertising campaign. For instance, an advertising campaign consisting
of 44 poster panel billboards would cost about $25,865 per month.
Compare that to the price for a full-page ad running for one day in a
major metropolitan newspaper: $22,000." (Source: Drive-By
Promoting--Billboards Fit Today's High-Speed Society Restaurants USA,
January 1996)
- http://www.restaurant.org/rusa/magArticle.cfm?ArticleID=595
Top Ten Outdoor Companies:
Because of the strict legislation and regulations covering billboard
and outdoor advertising, it is difficult to start a billboard business
today. According to the OAAA, the Top Ten outdoor advertising
companies are:
1 Viacom Outdoor
2 Clear Channel Outdoor
3 Lamar Advertising Company
4 AK Media
5 JCDecaux / Skysites
6 Adams Outdoor
7 Tri-State Outdoor
8 Fairway Outdoor
9 Van Wagner Communications
10 Reagan Outdoor
- http://www.oaaa.org/outdoor/facts/top10outdoor.asp#Top10oc
I highly recommend your perusal of the OAAA site, which offers a
factual discussion of the issues facing outdoor advertising today.
Besides answering any other questions you may have, it explores
present and proposed legislation and issues on the local level as
Search terms used:
- billboard advertising costs
- billboard advertising revenues
- outdoor advertising regulations
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