Thank you justaskscott-ga!
I would like to talk about the Canadian Museum of Human Rights, which
is being built at the forks of the Red River and Assiniboine River in
Winnipeg Manitoba.
"On the 21st anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms Act, media mogul Izzy Asper announced that a 21-storey
mega-museum will be built at the Forks. After years of planning, The
Asper Foundation has announced it will build a $270-million Canadian
Museum for Human Rights, on the river front at the Forks."
""The CRRF applauds the initiative and its goal to chronicle the
evolution of human rights in Canada and the world. Its definitely
timely for Canada to document the human rights stories of the many
Canadians and immigrants who have built this country, said Dr. Karen
Mock, executive director of the CRRF. The new Canadian Museum for
Human Rights will be a lasting legacy for citizens and residents of
Canada and the whole world."
Another quick excerpt:
"Mr. Asper said the facility was inspired by the Holocaust Memorial
Museum in Washington, D.C., which receives hundreds of thousands of
visitors every year. However, while the Canadian museum will have a
wing dedicated to the atrocities of the Holocaust, the facility in
Winnipeg will examine all types of human rights issues, from the works
of Nelly McClung to the case of Aylin Otano-Garcia, a Cuban-born girl
who was lured from her Montreal-area home to a remote sand pit and
bludgeoned to death because of her ethnic heritage."
I am really excited about this project being built not too far from
where I live. This is certainly the largest project ever to hit
Western Canada and the final result will be both an educational and
mind-opening experience.
Search Strategy (on Google):
human rights winnipeg museum |