Hello leander1
I think darrel-ga was confused by your use of the diphthong form with
e to signify where letters with umlauts would appear in a German
1. Schaltafelgroessen
The Technisches Fachwörterbuch (Baufachwörterbuch: Deutsch-Englisch,
Englisch Deutsch), which is presented on a web site for vocational
schools in Germany gives formwork panel as the translation for
Grössen (Groessen) is the plural of Grösse (Groesse), which means
size, dimensions
Schaltafelgroessen would therefore translate as formwork panel
Confirmatory searches:
A Google search on formwork panel results in 54 hits, and one on
formwork panels results in well over 1000 hits.
For example, from a technical report on post-tensioning by VSL
Another important factor that helps to speed up the overall
construction time is the formwork. Large highly mechanized form
systems for the floor framing, such as fly forms or table forms (Figs.
2.3 and 2.4) and climbing forms for wall systems such as service cores
(Fig. 2.5) are typical examples of
efficient formwork.
Figure captions are: 2.3 Large "Flying Formwork" Panels
2.4 "Flying Formwork" Panel Viewed from Inside of Floor under
2.5 VSL Climbing Formwork is an Efficient Means to Construct Complex
Service Cores in High-Rise Buildings
From the price list of a construction company: Supply and Erect and
Remove Formwork
Size - up to 600mm Deep and up to 600mm Wide (or any combination of
formwork panel sizes)
The term panel formwork is also used, although to a lesser extent,
eg Large panel formwork consists mainly of large pieces of metal
formwork. It is most suitable for construction activities where
formwork is highly repetitive as it can be reused many times.
Therefore, its design is specified for the construction of the load
bearing walls of typical floors in high rise tower blocks.
http://www.cse.polyu.edu.hk/~cecspoon/lwbt/Formwork/Formwork.htm (Hong
Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Civil and Structural
2. Bindestellen
Throwing this term into Google brings up a mass of biological
documentation, in which it clearly has the meaning binding sites,
for example Die IgE haben Bindestellen für bestimmte Proteinbereiche
(Epitope) des Allergens.
http://www.internutrition.ch/technol/human/aller.html I am totally
confident about this meaning, because my qualifications are in the
biomedical sciences. However, when I searched for the term binding
sites in connection with terms such as concrete panels, formwork
etc, I did not get anything intelligent. So I went through other
possible terms with the same meaning of a place where something can be
fixed to something else, and arrived at:
Bindestellen = fixing points or anchor points
Confirmatory searches:
The "top hat" sections were manufactured with six threaded fixing
points that were used initially to fix the section to the shutters.
http://www.permaban.com/projects/9_5.html (Permaban Ltd, UK)
Corcon is a unique reusable formwork system designed for suspended
concrete floors and walls
. Corcon allows up to a 60% reduction in
ceiling fixing points due to the introduction of a ceiling transfer
batten, ducting between the ribs and voids to be located through the
http://www.corcon.com/Video/decoin/eea.html (Decoin Pty Ltd)
A description of the characteristics of RINGER-panel formwork AL2000:
3 anchor points:
guarantee extreme stiffness
http://www.ringer.at/english/schal2000.htm (Ringer KG, Austria)
The steel deck whilst acting as a formwork has preformed slots for
use as anchor points for M & E and Architectural elements. Anchor
bolts have been cast into the top edge of the slab to receive the
panels for the curtain walling. These panels were located by a
sophisticated hook-and-bar arrangement. This provides easy integration
of the structural system with the other systems.
(Tutorial The Structural and Construction Techniques Subject
building: Republic Plaza National University of Singapore web site)
3. Gebäudekanten
According my Langenschiedts Concise German-English Dictionary,
Gebäude (Gebaeude) means building or structure, while Kante means edge
or corner.
Therefore Gebäudekanten = building edges
Confirmatory searches
I searched on building edges to see if this was a term that is used
in an architectural context:
Molding around windows and doors and at building edges is very
precise. The more articulated examples of Greek Revival have gable
returns, i.e., roof plane framing that returns at the building edges.
(Coastside Cultural Resources of San Mateo County. Prepared by the
Department of Environmental Management, Planning Division, San Mateo
County, Redwood City, California.)
Recessed vertical strips of brickwork mark the building edges in
pilaster-like fashion.
http://members.valley.net/~connriver/N10-19.htm (Colburn Park Historic
While building edges should be articulated to vary the setback depth,
no portion of a building shall be closer than 20' to the curbline.
http://www.cp.berkeley.edu/ncp/guidelines/core.html (Berkeley, Core
Campus Design Guidelines)
4. Plattenteilung
According to Langenscheidt, Platte in this context means a slab or
tile (most probably a slab), while Teilung means division or
distribution. Plattenteilung only comes up in 14 hits on Google, some
referring to plate tectonics.
In some of the more architecturally relevant pages it refers simply to
slab size:
Bei diesem Naturmarmor ist manchesmal eine Plattenteilung ab 180 cm
Länge notwendig, da die gewonnenen Blöcke in der Regel nicht größer
sind. (Sometimes, in the case of natural marble, it is necessary to
keep to a slab size of up to 18 cm in length, because the excavated
blocks are usually no larger than this).
Here again, it is used to refer to slab size, being used as an
alternative term for Größe in this context: Die vorgefertigte
Deckenplatte ist mindestens 5,0 cm dick und hat ein Gewicht von > 125
kg/qm. Die Größe (Plattenteilung) kann auf die, Tragfähigkeit des
Kraus, der auf der Baustelle zur Verfügung steht, abgestimmt werden.
In others it refers to the actual pattern in which slabs are
Mit Großtafeln 8 mm dick, Plattenteilung gemäß Skizze: AL01 With
8-mm-thick slabs, positioned as shown in the sketch
And again here, in the description of the design of a music school,
where the positioning of small and large slabs over the exterior of
the building, with the large ones projecting outwards more than the
small ones, is described as an architectural metaphor of musical
structure with its forms, harmonies and sequences
(Die Plattenteilung, die kleinen Vor- und Rücksprünge der Flächen und
die darin scheinbar frei verteilten Fensteröffnungen sind eine
Referenz an die Intervalle, Sequenzen und Harmonien der Musik)
This latter meaning lets us translate Plattenteilung in one of the
following ways: positioning of the slabs, layout of the slabs,
pattern of the slabs
I understand the architect to be saying, in the extract you cite, that
he did not wish the way he positioned the slabs on the topmost
structure to work against a dialogue (with the other elements of the
building?, with surrounding buildings?).
Search strategy: A search on each of the terms listed was followed by
confirmatory searches as described above. |