free Perl/CGI based Frequently Asked Questions script that publishes static HTML
Category: Computers > Software Asked by: sun818-ga List Price: $4.00 |
19 Apr 2002 10:53 PDT
Expires: 19 May 2002 10:53 PDT Question ID: 2088 |
Where can I find a free CGI/Perl "Frequently Asked Questions" Script that publishes files as static HTML? The other requirement is that it can create categories/subcategories with navigation links that make going back to previous screen easy ie : Home -> Cat1 -> SubCat1 (Home, Cat1, SubCat1 are all links that appear on that specific FAQ page) Be nice if you know of a download/link index script that does the same. I've seen many Perl scripts that do this but they all have query strings which make indexing on non-Google search engines difficult or impossible. |
Re: free Perl/CGI based Frequently Asked Questions script that publishes static HTML
Answered By: researcher-ga on 19 Apr 2002 11:34 PDT Rated: |
There are several CGI/Perl FAQ Scripts available. However, not all meet your exact needs. The FAQ-O-Matic is a script that is available for free and generates static html pages that would be friendly to the search engines you describe. Although graphically it is not as clean or pleasant as some other scripts, one can edit the source code to fit their own website's User Interface appearance. More information about FAQ-O-Matic can be found at http://faqomatic.sourceforge.net/fom-serve/cache/1.html The FAQ Manager from CGI World has a much cleaner interface and looks more professional compared to other available scripts. However it is not free and requires a purchase price of $125. It does generate static html though. More information and a demo is available at http://www.cgi-world.com/faq_manager.html If you are not satisfied with either of the above, another free FAQ generating script is QAMaker. This script does not generate static html but fits your other requirements. Find details on QAMaker at http://www.tesol.net/scripts/QAMaker/index.html If you are still unsatisifed with these, please check out this listing of FAQ Maintenance scripts at http://www.mycgiscripts.com/resources/Ticket_Systems/FAQ_maintenance/ Additional information: The CGI Directory http://cgidir.com/Scripts/ The CGI Resource Index http://cgi.resourceindex.com/ Matt's Script Archive http://www.scriptarchive.com/ List of FAQ Maintenance Software http://www.mycgiscripts.com/resources/Ticket_Systems/FAQ_maintenance/ CGI World: FAQ Manager 1.0 ($125, static html) http://www.cgi-world.com/faq_manager.html FAQ-O-Matic (Free, static html) http://faqomatic.sourceforge.net/fom-serve/cache/1.html QAMaker (Free, query string) http://www.tesol.net/scripts/QAMaker/index.html Search terms used: cgi FAQ generator cgi script archive | |
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rated this answer:
researcher-ga answered my question with the requirements I was looking for. I only gave four stars because it was not the solution I went with due to the complexity of "Faq-o-matic". |
Re: free Perl/CGI based Frequently Asked Questions script that publishes static HTML
From: bradnickel-ga on 20 Apr 2002 03:28 PDT |
I use a phenomenal tool specifically to do what you are seeking. It is called WebTool and is from a company called Chico Digital. It essentially allows you to create the categories and sub-categories you need and is easy to setup, merge with a template and manage an entire web site. The script is free, but I would reccomend making a donation on the site if you like what you found. http://www.chicodigital.com Thanks, Brad Nickel |
Re: free Perl/CGI based Frequently Asked Questions script that publishes static HTML
From: sun818-ga on 24 Apr 2002 01:21 PDT |
Hi Brad -- Thank you for letting me know about this free tool! I got it to work on my Windows-based web based host after a few stumbles. It seems it didn't want to work in IE6, but Netscape 4.7 worked perfectly for the setup portion. I also had to turn off "flock" option since there is some issue with the ActiveState Perl version running on my web host. This tool does exactly what I want! And for free! :) |
Re: free Perl/CGI based Frequently Asked Questions script that publishes static HTML
From: adc-ga on 21 Jun 2002 08:15 PDT |
Be careful. Turning of the file locking or "flock", can leave you with corruption or performance issues. I would ask you host about that. |
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