Thank you for accepting my comments as an answer! I am reposting my
remarks below, with a bit more material.
This source says Safire describes himself as a "conservative
"In the late '60s and early '70s, Safire was a speech writer for
President Richard Nixon. In 1973, the editor of The New York Times was
looking for a new, conservative point of view for his op/ed page.
Later that year, Safire started working there. He considers himself a
"conservative libertarian."
Bronx High School of Science
Safire is very difficult to categorize: for instance, despite his
right-leaning views, he once endorsed Bill Clinton for President.
Perhaps Safire's political stance is best summed up as "contrarian":
Google Web Search: "william safire" + "contrarian"
Here are two references which say Safire has described himself as a
"I am not a Safire fan by a long shot, but I have forced myself over
the years to read his columns because he will, occasionally, break
ranks and go by his own criteria for what constitutes 'conservatism',
rather than rehash the 'talking points' recycled ad nauseum by the
usual smug and arrogant Gang Of Idiots (apologies to MAD Magazine)
like Will, Kelly, and other whoremongers. Safire will point out, in
his own words, he is a contrarian; I have noticed over the years he
consistently takes positions strongly in defense of civil liberties
and privacy rights - including attacks on corporate, not just
government, abuses of those rights."
"Today we have a case in point. William Safire once again extols the
fact that he makes arguments because he is a 'contrarian.' This time
he rehashes his hysterical accusation that President Bush seized
'dictatorial powers' by authorizing the use of military tribunals
but neglects to mention that U.S. presidents have held these powers
for over two centuries."
National Review
And here's an article in which Safire calls himself the "house
"The negotiators of the process that led to the terrorist war against
Israel have independently reached consensus on how to protect their
posteriors: because everybody was responsible for last year's failure
at Camp David, nobody can be held accountable.
'Many Now Agree,' read the front-page New York Times subhead, "That
All the Parties, Not Just Arafat, Were to Blame." As house contrarian,
count me among the many who do not agree that the blame for the
current hostilities can be so soothingly divvied up."
Israel Unity Coalition
I've saved the best quote for last:
As a libertarian conservative Republican contrarian iconoclast, I'll
take the best I can get from Bush policies and holler for more.
- New York Times pundit and wordsmith William Safire, describing his
place on the political spectrum."
The Hill
Search keywords used:
"william safire"
"bill safire"
So there we have it: "Libertarian conservative Republican contrarian
iconoclast." That's Bill. And that's me, too. ;-)
Best wishes,
pinkfreud |