Clarification of Answer by
29 May 2003 09:42 PDT
Hello, liam3-ga,
I understand your confusion as a first time GA user. It is often hard
to clarify exactly what you want to ask! It happens all the time.
However, should you decide to use GA in the future, the more
information you can provide in your original question, the easier it
will be for a researcher to pinpoint an answer.
For example, there is no problem in going into detail by phrasing your
original question like so:
"Where can I find, or buy, copies of the Gibson and Dembo Teacher
Efficacy Scale and the The Short and Rinehart School Participant
Empowerment Scale?"
That way, I could have been more efficient in my original answer, and
saved us both some time :)!
As it is, I have not had much luck in finding a vendor for the two
efficacy scales. However, I have found some possible means of
accessing them. I hope the following suggestions work for you, since I
realize you are up against a deadline!
Gibson and Dembo Teacher Efficacy Scale
Professor Anita Woolfolk Hoy at Ohio State University has a webpage
with descriptions and downoadable versions of different efficacy
If you click on the "Research Instruments" link at the top of the
page, it will bring you to a page with a downloadable version of the
Gibson and Dembo Teacher Efficacy Scale, as well as some others that
might be of interest:
Download of Gibson and Dembo Teacher Efficacy Scale:
* I don't know how much help this will be since you will have to make
copies of the test somehow.
The directions for scoring the test follow:
Directions for Scoring the Teacher Efficacy Scale: Long Form
1. Construct validity
For information the construct validity of the 22-item efficacy scale,
see Woolfolk, A. E., & Hoy, W. K. (1990). Prospective teachers' sense
of efficacy and beliefs about control. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 82, 81-91.
2. Factor Analysis
When using the 22-item of the Teacher Efficacy Scale, it is important
to conduct a factor analysis to determine how your subjects respond to
the questions. We have consistently found two independent factors:
Teaching Efficacy (TE) and Personal Efficacy (PE), but at times the
make up of the scales varies slightly. For example, we often find that
items 15 and 21 of the 22-item version do not load on either factor
and must be dropped.
3. Reverse scoring:
Given the 1="strongly agree" to 6="strongly disagree" format, if you
want a high score on each scale to indicate strong sense of efficacy,
then you must reverse the scoring for the Personal Efficacy items.
Thus a "strongly agree" response to the statement, "When I try really,
I can get through to most difficult students" must be reversed so that
the respondent receives a score of 6 rather than 1.
The reverse scored items on the 22-item version
are: 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15*, 16, 18, 19, 22
*Note that item 15 is the only reversed item that is from the Teaching
Efficacy, not Personal Efficacy scale.
4. TE and PE Scores:
To determine the TE and PE scores, we compute unweighed means of the
items that load .35 or higher on each respective factor. We do not
recommend combining the TE and PE scores to compute a total score
because the TE and PE scales represent independent factors.
If this is not of any help, I would suggest calling Professor Hoy, or
someone with similar credentials from a local University or Testing
Service,and asking where the tests can be purchased.
Anita Hoy
Professor in Philosophical, Psychological, and Comparative Studies
The Ohio State University
Tel: 614.292.3774
FAX: 614.292.7700
The Short and Rinehart School Participant Empowerment Scale
The Middle Level Leadership Center has a copy of the Short and Rinehart
Scale on their website.
A copy of the survey can be viewed here:
The School Participant Empowerment Scale was developed and is
copyrighted by Paula Short and James Rinehart. You must have
permission to use the scale!
Please request permission from:
Dr. Paula Short
University of Missouri System
309 University Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
A link to Paula Short's e-mail address, as well as an e-mail link to
Jerry Valentine,Director of the Middle Level Leadership Center can be
accessed from the following page:
I wish I could provide you with a concrete solution, but I have
searched high and low for vendors, testing services, and test
providers, and have merely come up with information "about" the tests.
Since time is of the essence, I believe that direct contact with the
individuals above is your best bet. They will surely know how, and
where, to purchase the testing scales.
Best of luck!