Hello bigpanic-ga,
M. Boulton of England was apparently Matthew Piers Watt Boulton.
"M. Boulton" is listed as "M. P. W. Boulton" both on an aerospace
history page and in the index to a book on Glenn Curtiss. Both
indicate that Boulton patented the idea for an aileron in 1868.
"What is the history of the aileron? Who invented the aileron?"
[scroll about 3/5 of the way down the page]
"Unlocking The Sky : Glenn Hammond Curtiss and the Race to Invent the
[scroll down to "A bizarre reading experience", by Ed Regis (January
17, 2003)
"Unlocking The Sky : Glenn Hammond Curtiss and the Race to Invent the
Airplane -Sample page 15 of 25" [listing "Boulton, M. P. W."]
A search of library catalogs indicates that M. P. W. Boulton wrote
several works around 1868, and that his full name was Matthew Piers
Watt Boulton. One of these works, from 1864, is entitled "On a๋rial
"COPAC Brief Records - Search terms: boulton matthew piers watt"
Matthew Piers Watt Boulton had a family background in inventions. His
grandfather, Matthew Boulton, along with partner James Watt, perfected
the steam engine in the 1770s. One presumes that the middle name
"Watt" is in honor of the original Matthew Boulton's partner.
The following two pages mention Matthew Piers Watt Boulton in
connection with his grandfather and father.
Google cache of "Export of Works of Art 2001 2002" [pages 38-39]
Department for Culture Media and Sport
"Boulton & Watt"
The Copper Corner
I hope that this information is helpful.
Search strategy:
Searched on Google for:
boulton aileron
"mpw boulton"
"boulton mpw"
boulton "matthew piers"
Searched on COPAC for:
boulton m.p.w.
boulton matthew piers watt |