Hello hockeyman-ga,
This quotation, with slight variations, is attributed to several
'Searched the web for "learn baby learn" "earn baby earn"'
'Searched Groups for "learn baby learn" "earn baby earn"'
Google Groups
In my experience, attributions for quotations are often unreliable on
the Web. However, one of the citations, which is for Martin Luther
King, Jr., seems pretty trustworthy:
"John was fortunate to meet Dr. King as a teenager in Newark, N.J., it
was during a very unsettling time and the city was braced in the
middle of race riots. John to this day clearly remembers the message
Dr. King told the students during an assembly. 'Don't burn baby burn,
learn baby learn, so
you can earn baby earn!'"
"The Rotary Wheel" (January 2002) [page 1]
Waterville Rotary Club
There are more references to Dr. King's response of "Learn baby learn"
(without "Earn baby earn") to the rioters' chant of "Burn baby learn".
In particular, here are two reputable references:
"King's Disappointment" [page 2], by Harris Wofford
"The Rev. King's legacy", by Barry M. Horstman (04-04-98)
The Cincinnati Post
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google and Google Groups:
"learn baby learn" "earn baby earn"
"burn baby burn" "learn baby learn" |