Dear nozog9,
A boy child from 10-14 years of age would have been in the Nazi
party's youth organization "Deutsches Jungvolk" (German Youth, DJ).
The DJ belonged to the "Hitlerjugend" (see below) and was formed
especially for younger boys. The "DJ-Jungen" (DJ boys) were, much like
soldiers, uniformed and had ranks. The higher ranks were held by older
boys and young men. Starting with the lowest, these ranks were:
- Pimpf (ordinary DJ boy)
- Jungenschaftsführer (leader of a Jungenschaft unit, 10-15 boys)
- Jungzugführer (leader of a Jungzug unit, 50-60 boys)
- Fähnleinführer (leader of a Fähnlein unit, 150-190 boys)
- Stammführer (leader of a Stamm unit, 600-800 boys)
- Jungbannführer (leader of a Jungbann unit, 3000 boys)
Later, from 14-18 years of age, the young man would have been in the
party's "Hitlerjugend" organization (Hitler Youth, HJ). As such, he
was referred to as a "Hitlerjunge" (Hitler Boy). They too were
uniformed, and their organization was even more military-like. The HJ
provided pre-military education on weapons, vehicles, army equipment,
behaviour on battlefields etc. The higher HJ ranks were held by adult
men. The HJ ranks were:
- Hitlerjunge (ordinary HJ boy)
- Rottenführer (leader of a Rotte, small group of HJ boys)
- Oberrottenführer (1st Rottenführer)
- Kameradschaftsführer (leader of a Kameradschaft unit, 10-15 boys)
- Oberkameradschaftsführer (1st Kameradschaftsführer)
- Scharführer (leader of a Schar unit, 50-60 boys)
- Oberscharführer (1st Scharführer)
- Gefolgschaftsführer (leader of a Gefolgschaft unit, 150-190 boys)
- Obergefolgschaftsführer (1st Gefolgschaftsführer)
- Hauptgefolgschaftsführer (Supreme Gefolgschaftsführer)
- Stammführer (leader of a Stamm unit, 600-800 boys)
- Oberstammführer (1st Stammführer)
- Bannführer (leader of a Bann unit, 3000 boys)
- Oberbannführer (leader of an Oberbann unit, 15,000 boys)
- Hauptbannführer (Supreme Bannführer)
- Gebietsführer (leader of a Gebiet district, 150,000 boys)
- Obergebietsführer (leader of an Obergebiet district, 375,000 boys)
- Reichsjugendführer (Reich leader of all HJ organizations)
"Normal" DJ and HJ members were, of course, not NSDAP members yet
since they were not of full age. Only the adult young men in higher
ranks were - without exceptions - in the Nazi party. As soon as they
reached the age of 18, HJ members were affiliate as NSDAP members in a
ritualistic public ceremony. After that, there were no special terms
for those young party members - as all the others, they were referred
to as "Parteigenosse" (party comrade, PG).
The correct German term for a young man would be "der junge Mann"
(literally: the young man). If a person below a certain age is
described, "der Junge" (the boy) would be fitting.
If you need to find out more about the Hitlerjugend and the Deutsches
Jungvolk, please follow these links:
Third Reich Factbook: The Hitlerjugend - An In-Depth History
World War II Day by day: Hitlerjugend Uniforms and Insignia
Deutsches Historisches Museum: Die Hitler-Jugend (HJ) (in German!)
Projekt Lichterkette Hitlerjugend, by Andreas Janke & Dennis Schnurer
(in German!)
Search terms used:
hitlerjugend organisation
"deutsches jungvolk" organisation pimpf
jungvolk oberbannführer
Hope this is helpful!
Best regards,
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