Hi Joel!
Nice to see you here again! I trust you're well?
I found complete listings of tariffs for you, and how to calculate the
amount of the tariff through several sites.
Obviously, tariffs will vary from country to country and shipment to
shipment. There are no categories specific to secondhand goods.
Items are taxed on their expressed value within their categories, not
on whether or not they are "used". Tariffs can be calculated using the
tables and formulas published by the US Department of Commerce Trade
Information Center, based on the rates for each category:
Tariff and Tax Information - Duty and Tax Calculation Methods
[ http://www.trade.gov/td/tic/tariff/calculate_duty.htm ]
Unless otherwise noted, all information was obtained through the US
Department of Commerce Trade Information Center Country and Regional
Tariff and Tax Resources [
http://www.trade.gov/td/tic/tariff/country_sites.htm ]
Complete tariff information is available for the following countries:
-- Customs duties are imposed on the CIF value:
-- 5 percent on foodstuffs and non-luxuries
-- 10 percent on luxuries
-- 20 percent on cars and boats
-- 25 percent on fully-processed corn and palm oil imports, and other
items produced in Bahrain.
-- 70 percent on cigarettes and tobacco products
-- 125 percent on alcoholic beverages
-- In principle, no tax or duty is payable on imports of raw materials
or semi-manufactured goods for manufacture or on imports required for
development projects (but not including spare parts).
Bahrain Directorate of Customs and Ports
Phone: 011-973-727178
-- Single column tariff schedule; tariffs applied on the CIF value.
-- No other taxes are known.
Further tariff information, in 91 chapters, can be found here:
[ http://www.apectariff.org/tdb.cgi/ff3230/apeccgi.cgi?BN ]
--U.S. products subject to duty in Column I (Most-Favored Nation);
duty applied on the CIF value.
--Value Added Tax of 17 percent applied on the CIF + duty value; 13
percent VAT on foodstuffs, some fuels and books.
Specific tariffs can be found here, in 96 chapters:
[ http://www.apectariff.org/tdb.cgi/ff3230/apeccgi.cgi?CN ]
Hong Kong is a duty free territory. No import duties are charged on
any products from any source, although both foreign and domestic
products face excise taxes on a limited number of products.
--Hong Kong levies a 0.035 percent documents handling fee, which is
applied on the CIF value.
--Hong Kong and China are separate customs territories with separate
tariff schedules.
--Hong Kong requires an import or an export license for all optical
disc manufacturing equipment.
Hong Kong Customs & Excise Department
6 - 9th Floors, 38 Pier Road
Central, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 2852-1411
Further information may be found here:
[ http://www.apectariff.org/tdb.cgi/ff3230/apeccgi.cgi?HK ]
-- Single column tariff schedule; rates applied on the CIF value.
-- Value Added Tax of 10 percent applied on the CIF + duty value.
-- 10-40 percent Sales Tax on "luxury items."
Further classification can be found here, in 97 chapters:
[ http://www.apectariff.org/tdb.cgi/ff3230/apeccgi.cgi?ID ]
As of January 1, 1998, U.S. products face the rate in the WTO 2
column; if this figure is in parentheses, use the figure in the
general column; rates are applied on the CIF value.
-- Consumption tax of 5 percent is applied at the retail level. If the
imported product is shipped directly to the end user, the tax is
applied at the time of entry on the CIF + duty value.
Further classification is located here, in 96 chapters:
[ http://www.apectariff.org/tdb.cgi/ff3230/apeccgi.cgi?JP ]
Information for Jordan obtained from The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan -
Customs Department:
"In addition to duty detailed in the Jordanian customs tariff, goods
imported to Jordan are subject to 13% general sales tax based on the
(value CIF + duty), excluding:
Goods exempted from the general sales tax by virtue of List No. (1)
annexed to the Law of general sales tax.
Goods, which are subject to 20% general sales tax by virtue of List
No. (2), annexed to the Law of General Sales Tax.
Goods, which are subject to qualitative sales tax according to the
type, weight, volume or unit as detailed in List No. (3), annexed to
the Law of General Sales Tax.
Some goods are subject to Additional Sales Tax in the range of
(14%-16%) as with certain electrical appliances and in the range of
(10% -50%) as with passenger vehicles and according to the cylinder
capacity of the engine."
Tariff Guidelines
[ http://www.customs.gov.jo/guidlines.shtm ]
Tariff Tables
[ http://www.customs.gov.jo/issues.asp ]
-- The tariff applied on most imports is 4 percent.
-- The tariff applied on tobacco and tobacco products is 70 percent.
Ninety-nine chapters:
[ http://www.customs.gov.lb/customs/English/tariffs/national/tariff1.asp
See also: Tariffs [ http://www.customs.gov.lb/customs/English/ ]
-- U.S. products subject to rates under "Import" column, applied on
the CIF value.
-- Sales Tax varies by product--nil, 5, or 10 percent (10 percent
being the most frequent) applied on CIF + duty.
Further information and tables, in 97 chapters:
[ http://www.apectariff.org/tdb.cgi/ff3230/apeccgi.cgi?MY ]
[ http://www.cbr.gov.pk/ ] (Server currently down)
-- Single column tariff schedule; rates applied on the CIF value.
-- No other taxes known
Further classification, in 97 chapters:
[ http://www.apectariff.org/tdb.cgi/ff3230/apeccgi.cgi?NG ]
-- Single column tariff rate by year; rates applied on the CIF value.
-- Value Added Tax of 10 percent applied on the CIF + duty value.
Further classifications, in 96 chapters:
[ http://www.apectariff.org/tdb.cgi/ff3230/apeccgi.cgi?PH ]
-- The tariff assessed on most goods is 4 percent.
-- The tariff assessed on steel is 20 percent.
-- The tariff assessed on alcoholic beverages is 100 percent.
-- Imports of pork and its derivatives are prohibited.
Additional information can be found at:
[ http://www.qatar.net.qa/customs/gen-e.htm ]
-- Single column tariff applied on the CIF value; if the column is
blank, the tariff rate is zero.
--Tariff and tax information can also be found at
http://www.gov.sg/customs/ (click on "For Traders")
-- Sales Tax of 3 percent applied on the CIF + duty.
-- Singapore applies duties only on tobacco products, alcoholic
beverages, gasoline, and motor vehicles. The import duty on all other
products is zero.
-- For tariff information on tobacco, alcoholic beverages, gasoline,
and vehicles use the APEC Tariff Database on the Internet or contact
the Trade Information Center.
Singapore Customs & Excise Department
Phone: (65) 272-8222
Fax: (65) 250-8663
Additional information may be found here, in 6 chapters:
[ http://www.apectariff.org/tdb.cgi/ff3230/apeccgi.cgi?SG ]
-- Single column tariff; where no rate is shown, use the nearest
preceding rate.
-- Tariffs are applied on the CIF value.
-- Value Added Tax of 10 percent applied on the CIF + duty value.
For classifications, in 96 chapters:
[ http://www.apectariff.org/tdb.cgi/ff3230/apeccgi.cgi?KR ]
-- U.S. products subject to tariffs in Column II (Most Favored
Nation); if no rate is shown in Column II, use the Column I rate.
-- Tariffs are applied on the CIF value.
-- Port charge of 0.5 percent is applied on the CIF value for
shipments by sea.
-- Value Added Tax of 5 percent is applied on the CIF value.
For classifications, in 98 chapters:
[ http://www.apectariff.org/tdb.cgi/ff3230/apeccgi.cgi?TW ]
-- Thailand is a member of APEC, but has not placed its tariff
schedules in the APEC Tariff Database. To obtain tariff rates for
Thailand, contact the Trade Information Center. (1-800-USA-TRADE)
[ http://www.dxbcustoms.gov.ae/left.asp?page=procedures ]
(Page currently miscoded, does not display. Have dropped a note to
the webmaster.)
No information currently available.
Do note that to view items from the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC) Tariff Database, you'll need to register. It's free, and most
information is optional:
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Tariff Database
[ http://www.apectariff.org/ ]
I hope this list will aid you in your research. Please don't hesitate
to ask for clarification if you need further assistance on this
Have a terrific night!
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