It looks to me as if the terms are used interchangeably.
"Supraspinatus isolation test/empty can test (Jobe test):
Supraspinatus may be isolated by having the patient rotate the upper
extremity, so that the thumbs are pointing to the floor and resistance
is applied with the arms in 30 degrees of forward flexion and 90
degrees of abduction (simulates emptying of a can). Test is positive
when weakness is present compared with the unaffected side, suggesting
a disruption of the supraspinatus tendon."
"Supraspinatus (empty can/ Jobes) test: The shoulder is forward flexed
at 30 degrees, arms straight and thumbs pointing to ground, a downward
force is applied to the arms. Tests for tear or weakness of the
Loyola University, Chicago
"Jobe's empty can test:
Arm is abducted 90 degrees and forward flexed 30 degrees with arm
internally rotated so thumbs point down. Athlete is then asked to
resist adduction."
College of Health & Human Performance, University of Florida
I believe the eponymous Jobe is indeed likely to be Dr. Frank W. Jobe.
After all, how many orthopods named FW Jobe can there be?
"Since Jobe and Moynes reported that the supraspinatus was best tested
with the empty can position of 90 degrees abduction in the scapular
plane (scaption) coupled with internal rotation, there have been
several challenges to their findings...
Jobe FW, Moynes DR. Delineation of diagnostic criteria and a
rehabilitation program for rotator cuff injuries. Am J Sports Med
"To maintain a healthy shoulder, do Jobe-type exercises (named for the
Dodgers' team physician, Frank Jobe, MD) for the muscles of the
rotator cuff muscles 3-4 times per week year-around. Do the exercises
listed below with dumbbells. Little Leaguers should use 1-3 pound
weights, high school and college athletes use 3-5 pound weights. Start
with one set of 10 and gradually build to one set of 20...
Supraspinatus Fly (Empty Can). Stand with both arms down by your sides
and hands rotated inward as far as possible with thumbs pointing down.
Keep your arms straight, slowly raise your hands (dumbbells) forward
and out to the sides, as if pouring water out of a can. Do not lift
higher than 600."
Be A Better Hitter
"Frank W. Jobe, MD
Dr. Jobe is a pioneer in the fields of orthopaedic surgery and sports
medicine, and co-founded the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic in
Inglewood, California. Dr. Jobe regularly consults for numerous
professional sports teams, including the PGA Tour, Senior PGA Tour and
the Los Angeles Dodgers. He is a member of the Biomechanics Laboratory
at Centinela Hospital Medical Center and serves as Clinical Professor
of Orthopaedics at the University of Southern California School of
Performance Health
I hope this is the kind of info you're needing, Granny. If not, punch
that clarification button, and I'll head out in a quest for more empty
beer cans. ;-)
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