I have found the following, very recent, data that provides a national
picture of the political affiliations of college students:
Q. When it comes to voting, do you consider yourself to be affiliated
with the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, or are you
Independent or Unaffiliated with a major party?
AFFILIATION........................4/03....10/02... 10/01... 4/00
Democrat ..........................29%..... 29%..... 29%..... 34%
Republican ........................26% .....26% .....31%..... 28%
Independent/Unaffiliated...........41%..... 40% .....39%......33%
Other...............................1% ......1% ......- .......1%
Refused ............................3% ......4%.......1%.......5%
The data are from a very recent study, Invisible Citizens, of student
politics nationwide. The study was released May 22, 2003 by the
Institute of Politics at Harvard University, based on a national
sample of 1,201 undergraduates.
The full report can be found here:
and is downloadable in PDF format, free of charge.
I hope this answer fully meets your needs, but if anything requires
further elaboration, please let me know through a Request for
Clarification, and I'll be happy to assist you further.
P.S. I searched quite intensively for data specific to IU (as I'm
sure you have) but no luck! |