Ah, pet anecdotes. I've got a million of 'em.
Here's an oldie but goodie...
Many years ago, I was spending a pleasant Saturday at my boyfriend's
house and decided to do the hippie earth-mother thing by baking some
homemade bread (this was the '60s, and the hippie earth-mother thing
was very popular, at least on weekends.)
I whomped up a huge amount of heavy, yeasty dough, enough for six
loaves of bread, and placed it in a big plastic bucket. I then set the
bucket outdoors on the back stoop, covered it with a towel, and left
it so that the warmth of the sun would facilitate the rising of the
About an hour later, my boyfriend said "I thought you were making
bread. Where's the dough?" I said "Oh, I set it in the sun to rise.
It's in a bucket out on the back porch." My boyfriend blanched and
murmured something strange: "BLITZKRIEG!"
Unbeknownst to me, the neighbors had a large German Shepherd dog named
Blitzkrieg. There were no fences in the neighborhood, and when the dog
was outdoors, he was kept on a chain in the neighbors' yard. The
chain, as it happened, was exactly long enough for Blitzkrieg to reach
my boyfriend's back porch.
Sure enough, Blitzkrieg had found the bread dough, and he had eaten
all of it. Apparently the interior of a dog is a hospitable
environment in which yeast can rise, because poor Blitzkrieg's belly
was swollen up like a puffer-fish. Frequent eruptions of very yeasty
flatulence kept him from bursting, but the gas buildup made him one
very sorry doggie for the rest of the day.
After that, my boyfriend and I had a pet name for this dog. Rather
than calling him "Blitzkrieg," we renamed him "Hindenburg." ;-)
Wags to you, paf, for giving me the opportunity to tell this "tail."
I'll close with three items of doggie wisdom that have made my life
1. If you want something that is buried, dig for it.
2. When you meet someone new, sniffing takes less effort than barking.
3. Learn to enjoy the wind in your face. It means you're going
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