Hello dorskate-ga,
It does not appear that Philippe Candeloro has become a US citizen --
he is only pretending to be one while skating. His current routine in
the Champions on Ice tour is set to "God Bless the USA" (which
includes the lyrics "proud to be an American"). He starts out dressed
in a French style, but by the end of his performance, has unfurled the
US flag. However, he is still called a "Frenchman".
"Skaters Show SLC Why They Are Champions", by Janet Rae Brooks (May
22, 2003)
The Salt Lake Tribune
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google, Google Groups, and Google News:
"philippe candeloro"
"philippe candeloro" "god bless the usa" |
Request for Answer Clarification by
02 Jun 2003 08:30 PDT
At the June 1, 2003, he was introduced as a New American Citizen so I
can't beleive it was all staged and I would like to know if Philippe
Candeloro has been interviewed and give his reason for becoming a US
Thank You
Clarification of Answer by
02 Jun 2003 08:54 PDT
The most recent news story I've seen about Philippe Candeloro still
indicates that he "France's Philippe Candeloro". However, this story
came out two days before the event you describe.
Where did you hear or see that he was introduced as a new American
citizen? If I know the source for your information, I can do
additional research into this situation.
Clarification of Answer by
02 Jun 2003 08:55 PDT
I meant to say "... that he is 'France's Philippe Candeloro'."
Request for Answer Clarification by
03 Jun 2003 14:19 PDT
Hi again,
I think Philippe Candeloro may have duel citzenship but of course
since he has won his medals for France, he would certainly be called
France's Philippe Candeloro, however, everyone in our group who saw
the performance felt this was a "coming out" annoucement that he was a
now a US Citizen. We like him regardless of his citzenship and only
want to verify and find out why he became a US citizen...
Clarification of Answer by
03 Jun 2003 14:31 PDT
So are you saying you saw him perform at Champions on Ice to "God
Bless the USA", as described in the Salt Lake Tribune article? If so,
then I believe the answer is that he was putting on a tribute to
America, not announcing that he is an American citizen. Were he
actually announcing that he is an American citizen, either this
article or some other would have mentioned it; but they do not.
'Searched news for "philippe candeloro"'
Google News
He's an excellent skating performer, and he's playing to an American
crowd; that explains the situation.