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Privacy of SSL handshake
Category: Computers > Internet Asked by: wantstoknow-ga List Price: $5.17 |
05 Jun 2002 07:28 PDT
Expires: 12 Jun 2002 07:28 PDT Question ID: 21226 |
I understand basically how SSL works: Communications between my computer and a secure site (including this one!) are encrypted so anybody trying to eavesdrop on what is sent back and forth is able to read just gibberish. I also understand that the encrypted information is based on an encryption key. What I don't understand is, what is there to prevent an eavesdropper from "listening in" during the handshake when the two computers set up the encryption key? Obviously, if you could "listen" to both sides of the handshake to find out what the encryption key is while it is being established, it would be possible to decipher the rest of the communication. I don't need any links to explanations of how SSL works unless it answers this specific question in language I can understand; I've seen quite a few explanations of SSL, and it's just this one aspect that puzzles me. If you know the answer without doing any research, feel free to explain in your own words. Thanks! |
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Re: Privacy of SSL handshake
Answered By: dandrick-ga on 05 Jun 2002 07:55 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hello, I hope this information helps! SSL uses a technique called public-key encryption. Each side of an SSL transaction has a shared 'public key'. This public key is exchanged - Party A sends their public key to Party B, Party B sends their public key to Party A. In addition to both sides having a public key that is shared, each side also has a private key that is not shared. Each side can then encrypt their data with the opposite ends public key ( Party A uses Party B's public key to encrypt, Party B uses Party A's, etc ). The data thus encrypted can only be decrypted with the corresponding parties private key - which is not shared during the initial 'handshake'. Feel free to rate this answer or to ask for clarification! | |
rated this answer:![]() I would have required a clarification to the answer as given, and I'm sure I would have received it if I had asked. But what I was really looking for was in the first comment (by Iaint), or more precisely one of the cryptography pages he linked to, which led me to other places that answered my question. The key (no pun intended) was looking for sites that explained cryptography rather than ones that explained encryption (even though they're very closely related). What I hadn't understood -- even though it's obvious now when I read explanations of SSL -- is the asymmetric nature of the encryption and decryption keys. Now that I understand that, everything's obvious. Thanks to both Dandrick and Iaint! |
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Re: Privacy of SSL handshake
From: iaint-ga on 05 Jun 2002 08:19 PDT |
I think the point to grasp to make this fully comprehensible is that of public/private key-pair cryptography. There are many, many articles on this subject, ranging from the horrendously mathematical down to simple easy-to-understand explanations of the concept, as well as a number of excellent books. In essence, the private key (which is NEVER transmitted) cannot be derived from the public key, which it is therefore safe to transmit. A useful analogy is that instead of two people passing each other a locked box and a key to open it, one passes an unlocked box, the other puts their message inside, locks it and returns it. The original person then uses his key to open the box -- because the key is never sent from one person to another, it remains secure. Some good resources: http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/security/pkin/contents.htm -- deals specifically with SSL and HTTPS. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/cryptography-faq/part06/ -- includes some information about the mathematical algorithms involved. http://home.ecn.ab.ca/~jsavard/crypto/publ05.htm -- a good basic introduction with links to further reading. If you find yourself interested by the world of cryptography (and I think it's a fascinating subject) you might also want to consider reading the following book: The Code Book, Simon Singh, 4th Estate 2000, ISBN 1857028899. The definitive entry in the popular science realm when it comes to the history of codes, ciphers and code-breaking. Avoids getting too bogged down in mathematical details. |
Web of Trust
From: hedgie-ga on 05 Jun 2002 10:16 PDT |
Answer and comment gave good references on study of cryptography, Asker asked for specific explanation and answer given: "private key is never transmitted" is not really providing that. Private keys are not transmitted in the handhake of a given session, but they have to get to be associated with the corresponding public key somehow. This 'somehow' is "Web of Trust", done commercially by 'certificate vendors' or by community based PGP-related groups (see reference 2 and 3) bellow. Simple example may illuniante this issue: Say, I want to send you a message. I encode it with private key (I made up) and I publish the public key. If you have my public key then you(and anyone else) can decode itand know the message and know it was not altered during the transmission. If someone will pretend to be me and sends you a different (fake) public key, he can still fool you. So, you need to go to the third (trusted) party [whose public key you know] and check that my published key is indeed mine. That someone is the certificate authority (commercial or community based). And so on. I send them my public key and they know it is from me and they publish it. You know their public key (it should come with the computer - really) and you pick the public keys of other people from them. In summary: There has to be a trusted intermediary - a third party - as your intuition correctly guessed - to make it work. In principle, that secure connection to a third party can be used to transmit a private key. It is not really needed and done that way - but the public-key-cryptography does not eliminate need for a separate path, to either pass private keys or to athenticate public keys. general reference: http://www.cs.caltech.edu/~adam/local/trust.html http://www.epinions.com/help/faq/show_~faq_wot Certificate vendors: http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Security/Public_Key_Infrastructure/PKIX/Tools_and_Services/Third_Party_Certificate_Authorities/ Community based solution http://www.dewinter.com/gnupg_howto/english/GPGMiniHowto-1.html A hope this answered your question. Did it? |
Re: Privacy of SSL handshake
From: haggy-ga on 15 Jun 2002 15:52 PDT |
Although you may feel comfortable with the answer you were given above, it is not a correct representation of how SSL works with a web browser. Unless you have generated a public key/private key for yourself and bought a certificate, you do not have a public key. In fact, you dont have a private key either. When you go to a secure web site, your browser will establish a connection with that remote site, and give a port and address for the remote site to respond to. The remote site will send you a copy of its certificate. The certificate is encoded using the private key of a certifying authority such as Verisign. Data encrypted with a private key can be decrypted with a public key and data encrypted with a public key can be decrypted with a private key. Your web browser will have the public keys of the certifying authority in its database. It does NOT need to get these from the web, or your security could be compromised. This database comes with your browser when you get it from Microsoft, Netscape, Opera or whichever vendor made your browser. In order for somebody to forge a certificate, he or she would need to have the PRIVATE key of the certifying authority. If the certificate is altered in any way, your browser will be able to tell when it goes to open the certificate. The certificate contains identifying information about the web page such as its domain name and host name, and its public key. Since you got the public key from the certificate, you know that it has been not been tampered with and your browser will then compare the name of the web site against the one in the certificate. If they do not match, you will get a warning. You now know that you not only have a certified public key, but you also know that it matches the web address of the site you are visiting. If you encrypt something with the sites public key, that site and that site only can decrypt it with its private key. However, if that site encrypted something with its private key, not only could you decrypt it with its public key, but also anybody who intercepted the information could do the same. This is true since any person could easily get the public key of the web site from its certificate. Also, the process of using public/private key encryption is expensive in terms of computer resources compared to a straight symmetric key. If the process did nothing more than what was explained up until now, you would have an inefficient solution that really only works in one direction. A symmetric key is one that can be used to encrypt or decrypt data, but both parties must know it. Your computer will generate a symmetric key to be used for the rest of the conversation with the remote site. Since your computer has a verified public key for the remote site, it can send that symmetric key back to the remote site encrypted with its public key. That site, and only that site, can now decrypt that symmetric key to use for the rest of the session by using its private key. If the encrypted key gets intercepted, it does no good since nobody without the remote sites private key can use it. That site can now send private data to you, which your browser and only your browser can decode since it is the only other computer with that symmetric key. And of course your browser can now sent information encrypted with that symmetric key to the remote browser, since it has the key. Your computer and the remote computer are both aware that there is an active session, and neither one has any use for this symmetric key once the session ends. If you reconnect to this web site at a later date, the process starts from scratch. This entire process assures that no data need be sent unencrypted, including the key itself. It also assures that no other party can use the data or get the key, and that if somebody were to somehow get a copy of the only non-public key that is transmitted, it would do no good in the future. |
Re: Privacy of SSL handshake
From: flamingpenguin-ga on 17 Jun 2002 15:31 PDT |
Hi, A few additional points to note, since you have probably downloaded your Web Browser from the internet you will have downloaded with it the Certificates of the Root certification authorities. You must take steps to verify the authenticity of these certificates by some out of band channel (for instance some newspapers publish the fingerprints of these certificates for you to check against). Otherwise you never have any more security than the security of the original download. This being the case, do not transmit any information you would not have sent over the original link (the one you downloaded your browser on) without first verifying the root certificate. Of course you may have obtained your browser some other way (like on a Microsoft Windows CD) which may be more secure. I would still try and verify the root certificates if you plan to use SSL for any serious application. Of course if an attacker wants to compromise your information he is more lightly to try and break in by other means than attacking the SSL protocol (taking advantages of insecure software, and social engineering attacks are much easier). Hope that helps flamingpenguin-ga ps. http://www.verisign.com/repository/root.html Is VeriSign's root certifcate page, but like I said above you need an out of band verification as well. |
Re: Privacy of SSL handshake
From: haggy-ga on 18 Jun 2002 11:03 PDT |
Flaming penguin pointed out that you must verify the root certificate or this whole thing is not valid. It's theoretically possible for you to end up with wrong information about the certifying authority, but it's close to impossible. Remember that when you download a certificate, its authenticity is checked using the public key of the certifying authority. This key comes from a database that is already in your browser. When you loaded windows or installed Netscape or Opera or Mozilla or your favorite browser, the information he is talking about is already there. It's not something that you download independently off the Internet. If you don't understand this, read my previous comment thoroughly until you understand it. In order for somebody to tamper with this, they would have to force your browser to have an invalid key in its database. If I were to create a phony public key for a certifying authority and get it into your browser, then I could create phony certificates and put them on sites to fool you. The problem with this is that as soon as you went to a legitimate site with a certificate, it would fail. So it might work if I knew that you are going to a specific secure site and no others, but for practical purposes if you use your browser to visit sites of your choice, this type of charade would not work. And it still presupposes that I have access to your browser to corrupt it in the first place. If I spoofed Microsoft so that when you went to download a new copy of your browser, I substituted my own corrupt copy, I could then fool you. But I would then have to have a credible looking phony copy of any secure web site you would ever visit and a fake certificate for each, or the scheme would fall apart. I would have to intercept all of your Internet traffic and redirect it to one of my sites each and every time you clicked on a secure site. In short, I'd have to be able to read your mind months ahead of time to figure out where you might be planning to go on the web. If somebody had that capability, having you verify the keys independently is of little use, unless you do it literally before each transaction. If they could get into your browser and change the keys around, they might have done it after you already checked them and verified them. But then again, it's theoretically possible for somebody to make a hacked version of your browser that displays the legitimate keys to you when you browse them but uses keys from a different source when you connect to a site. All this is creative science fiction. For practical purposes, it cannot happen. Unless you are exchanging information that is literally worth a billion dollars, it wouldn't pay for a team of people to even try to go to the lengths necessary to do this. It would be much easier to just put a gun to your head and ask you for the information. |
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