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Q: Search Term Results- Sudden Drop ( Answered,   0 Comments )
Subject: Search Term Results- Sudden Drop
Category: Computers
Asked by: fawn845-ga
List Price: $35.00
Posted: 03 Jun 2003 14:33 PDT
Expires: 03 Jul 2003 14:33 PDT
Question ID: 212634
In response to the question we posted a couple of days ago ID#  
210902, we made the  changes which you had recommended to our
web site. Having just renovated  the  look of our site, we wanted to
be sure that it was in compliance with Google’s  guidelines & were
anxious for your thoughts .
As per your recommendations, we did the following:
1. We made sure that our title was accurate with our search term
“Bellingham Real Estate” coming up first in the title.
2. Our Page Rank is currently 4 and I have added 28 new backwards
links all to sites that are legitimate and rank well on Google.
3. We modified the look of our home page to reflect more text and a
more visual friendly environment  with color pictures.
4. We included text links on the home page as well as alt text for the
links and the photos.
 By the time Google visited our site yesterday all of the above
changes were complete with the exception of the additional text added
to the front page.   The additional text was added later in the day &
it  appears as though it is the earlier version of our home page that
Google has cached.
Instead of rising in the rankings our site  fell from a 6th place ranking to
that of 31.   We feel  that even without the text added to the front
page that our current site is substantially better than what we had
previously  which was a framed site that for the last 5 years had been
ranked on Google's 1 st page so we were really disheartened this
morning to see that our ranking had dropped to the 31st position on
the 4th page.  Can you please help us with an explanation as to why
the sudden drop ?   We are committed to providing a quality site with
excellent content & will do whatever is necessary enhance the sites
position.  Any suggestions  that you may have would be greatly
appreciated.  Based upon the Google Web Master Guidelines, we have
appeared to have followed the rules, so we have a hard time
understanding why pages with a Page Rank of 0 and Backwards Link of 0
would appear before us in the rankings.  Any insight as to changes
that could be made, why others are located above us, or the reasons
behind the sudden drop would be immensely helpful.
Thank you!
Subject: Re: Search Term Results- Sudden Drop
Answered By: serenata-ga on 03 Jun 2003 16:44 PDT
Hi Fawn:

Since you've asked questions about your page rank and search engine
results page listings previously, I'll remind you that Google Answers
Resarchers are independent contractors. We do not have access to any
insider information when it comes to Google's Search Engine or its
carefully-guarded algorithms.

I'll preface, too, with a compliment that you are obviously working to
get your page together in order to help your placement in Google. The
improvements show.

I did notice you had two <head> tags and two <title> tags on your
page, which may or may not be detrimental, but should nonetheless be

Webmaster Guidelines:

If you are not familiar with Google's Webmaster Guidelines,
specifically with regard to site content and the "thou shalts" and the
"thou shalt nots", these should refresh your memory:

 - ://
 - ://

Google's Crawl:

In addition, Google explains some of the vagueries of your search
engine results placement from one crawl to the next here:

 - ://

And the reason yours seems to be bouncing around could have a lot to
do with the fact that you are changing the content of your site,
combined with any or all of the reasons listed above.

Page Rank & Links:

You also mentioned that you "added 28 backward links". The terminology
you used is such that I wasn't sure if you understand that 'backward
links' are pages that link TO your site, and not links you have on
your site to other sites.

Google's explains that this is important, and they also refer to the
quality or importance of the links to your page.

" PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by
using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's
value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a
vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer
volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page
that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves
"important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages
"important."" (See: Page Rank Explained)
 - ://

Notice they use the term 'important', and even emphasize it. They do
not refer to the other sites' page ranks, nor do they define the term
'important'. It could be that some of those sites linking TO your site
are either not listed or are not considered "important" by Google's

Changes to Google's Search Algorithms:

What you may not know is that there "seems" to have been a change in
Google's search altorithm during the time you are making changes to
your own site. I emphasize "seems", because I do not have knowledge
that this has indeed happened. However, those who are considered
experts in search engine optimization, and others who merely wish they
were, are all complaining about big changes in Google's listings.

There are over 200 threads alone in Webmaster World

... about sites getting dropped completely (some admit to using
'tricks' specifically proscribed in Google's Guidelines. Check all the
complaints and discussion in "Google News", and you'll see what I

A lot of the uproar has died down since the radical changes began
(about the middle of last month). The conclusions reached by the folks
in Webmaster World - whether right or wrong - seem to be that Google
delisted thousands of accounts for various "infractions' of its
guidelines and radically changed page rank for thousands of others.
Remember, most of the speculation is based on observations and does
not reflect any "official" statements from Google.

If you will notice in the more recent threads of discussion, most are
waiting it out, believing this rearrangement is far from over and that
it could take as long as til the end of this month or even July before
things get totally rearranged.

My advice, and that of the 'experts' and the 'near-experts' is that
the changes are by no means completed, and if you aren't at risk for
"breaking the rules", to wait it out.

Recent content contained on Webmaster World, Search Engine Watch, and
the discussions on Adventive's I-Search, I-Sales and Link Exchange
Digest, also suggest waiting it out to see where things stand when the
"dust settles."

 * Webmaster World

 * Search Engine Watch

 * Adventive Media

   I-Search Archives
   I-Sales Archives
   Link Exchange Digest Archives

This might also be an excellent time to keep working on content
improvement, making sure to adhere to Google's content suggestions and

It may not be much solace, but you are not alone, there are thousands
of others who are trying to figure out what has happened.

Search strategy - I was aware of the recent developments from
subscriptions to various lists and studying discussion on the SEO
discussion boards and have provided links for you to use for your own
further suggestions and/or ideas.

I hope this helps assuage your fears, even if I doesn't answer every
question you may have.

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