www.steveomi.org is in your directory, but it doesn't show up when you
"search the web" or look for "images". Why does it not show when i
type in Steve Omi Memorial Open Water Swim? Is it ever going to show? |
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Jun 2003 17:55 PDT
This web site doesn't seem to be in the Google Directory or anywhere
else on Google. The home page (like the other pages) has a PageRank
of zero. In short, it does not seem that Google is aware of this
Are you associated with this web site? If so, would you like an
answer explaining how to work towards getting this web site indexed by
Google and in its directory?
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Jun 2003 19:18 PDT
If your site has been assigned a Page Rank of 0, it typically means
that you have done something to anger the Googlebot -- usually along
the lines of using one or more "tricks" to try to fool the Googlebot
into artificially inflating your Search Results Ranking.
However, in looking at your site as it is right now, I can't see what
might be the cause of the Googlebot's displeasure. I notice that you
changed your site on April 12 -- was it a tiny change, or did you make
massive changes in your site? If so, is it possible for you to post a
link to the old version of your site?
Clarification of Question by
05 Jun 2003 20:53 PDT
http://dmoz.org/Sports/Water_Sports/Swimming_and_Diving/Events/ has
the Steve Omi Memorial Open Water Site on it. It is the 11th bulleted
item. When i log onto google.com however, and in the search engine i
type "Steve Omi Memorial Open Water Swim." Then it doesn't come up.
The steve omi results come up but that is from a different site which
is: www.inlandnwmasters.org/results/omiresults02.html . This site,
when you click on images, will show images from that site. Why doesn't
the "Steve Omi Memorial Open Water Swim" show up after you type it in
on the search engine?
Clarification of Question by
22 Jun 2003 14:51 PDT
The "Steve Omi Memorial Open Water Swim" title is "Open Directory -
Sports: Water Sports: Swimming and Diving: ..." when you type in
"Steve Omi Memorial Open Water Swim". When you click on the "open
Direc..." you have to find where it is at on the open water directory.
"Steve Omi Swim Results 2002" this site is what shows up first when
you type in "Steve Omi Memorial Open Water Swim" When you click on
that, it doesn't bring you to the Open Directory. It brings you to
that web site.
What i was wanting to know is why doesn't "Steve Omi Memorial Open
Water Swim" show up as a title and then when you click on it it goes
to the web site www.steveomi.org ???