Greetings Spree1954:
I have located a download site for you at - the requirements are
listed as Mac OS X 10.1.5 or later so there should be no problem in
running it but see the user comments, particularly from "Cec" on that
Also, there's some news concerning the reason for the update at
When I searched "problems IE 5.2.2 OS X 10.2.6" [search executed
without quotations marks], I found this among the results:
"Several times, when going to a site that uses SSL encryption, IE
(version 5.2.2) has given me an error message that said something like
"Unable to establish a secure connection. There is a problem with the
security certificate (issuer unknown). Any information you transmit
will be readable by others." These errors have come from sites that I
trust and that IE on win2k gives me no trouble. The problem appears to
be in OS X IE's not having all the root certificates it should, as was
borne out by comments from one site that I contacted. They say they've
bugged MS on this, to no avail."
The message gives workarounds however the OS X version is not
referenced. It appears to be general OS X. The excerpt is from and you may
want to read the other messages.
Should you require clarification of any of the links or information I
have provided, please request it and I will be happy to respond.
Best regards,
IE 5.2.2 download site
running IE 5.2.2 problems
running IE 5.2.2 problems OSX 10.2.6
running IE 5.2.2 OS X 10.2.6
problems IE 5.2.2 OS X 10.2.6 |