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Q: Education content providers - who are they? ( Answered 4 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: Education content providers - who are they?
Category: Reference, Education and News > Education
Asked by: captjaneway2003-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 09 Jun 2003 18:58 PDT
Expires: 09 Jul 2003 18:58 PDT
Question ID: 215337
There is a company called (aka Education To Go) that
provides courses to more than 1000 US colleges and universities on a
sort of syndication basis. That is, one course/one instructor provides
the material and it's syndicated to all the different schools,
presumably on a distance education/continuing education basis.

My question is, does Ed2Go have any competitors, and if so, who are
Subject: Re: Education content providers - who are they?
Answered By: czh-ga on 09 Jun 2003 22:01 PDT
Rated:4 out of 5 stars
Hello captjaneway2003-ga,

This turned into a very interesting search. I’m familiar with the
e-learning/distance education industry so I was surprised that I did
not immediately recognize The industry is in constant
turmoil and there are constant mergers and acquisitions, so I thought
maybe an old familiar vendor was acquired or renamed. When I searched
both and Education To Go I got very frustrated because there
is no About Us page and no address of any kind. I get suspicious when
a company does not identify its ownership or key players.

Next, I searched for information about the company and could only find
lots of pages for specific schools and courses that they provide but
nothing about their position in the e-learning industry. The schools
offer a large variety of classes through ed2go and apparently take
responsibility for whatever credit they offer and for evaluating the
instructors and course materials.

I finally looked up the domain name in WhoIs and found a Temecula, CA
PO Box address, an administrative contact name and found that the name
was registered less than a year ago in September, 2002. Searching on
"Craig Power", the administrator’s name, identified a variety of
courses online internet courses.

If this were a higher priced question it might be interesting to dig
into the full background of ed2go, but there was very little readily
available. This company is deliberately elusive.

There is a large industry dedicated to e-learning. I’ve collected some
individual organizations that are very similar to ed2go and several
directories where you can explore lots of other vendors. If you’re
interested in teaching online, I suggest that you approach specific
schools that you’re familiar with and offer your services. They can
then market your course to other schools. You could also explore what
schools are already offering courses online in your subject area and
get oriented to the industry by examining what they’re doing.

I trust that this will give you a quick introduction to ed2go and
other online teaching consortia. Please ask for clarification if any
of this is confusing.

Good luck with your explorations.


More than 1200 leading universities, colleges, and other educational
institutions have partnered with ed2go to bring instructor-facilitated
online courses into their communities.
More than 1,200 leading colleges and universities have already
partnered with ed2go to bring our online courses into their
communities--and we're adding at least one new school to the ed2go
network every day.;jsessionid=03DWY5ZPIBZHQCWLEAKSFFA?_requestid=454565
Education To Go (ED2GO-DOM)
P.O Box 760
Temecula, CA 92593

Domain Name: ED2GO.COM
Administrative Contact:
Power, Craig (CP425) cpower@IX.NETCOM.COM
Outlaw Media
PO BOX 760
TEMECULA, CA 92593-0760
Technical Contact:
Do, Tai (TDQ226) tdo@ED2GO.COM
Education to Go
TEMECULA, CA 92591-6043
(909) 719-1150 fax: (909) 719-3333

Record expires on 21-Feb-2006.
Record created on 19-Sep-2002.
Database last updated on 9-Jun-2003 23:03:58 EDT.

Domain servers in listed order:


Search on “Craig Power”

Since the company's inception in 1998, Ed-X has represented numerous
universities with distance learning content, online colleges, and
private learning content providers. Ed-X has assisted in the marketing
of distance learning programs for institutions from around the world
including: Connecticut State University, Golden Gate University,
Herriott-Watt University (UK), National University, University of
Phoenix, Kaplan College, Keller Graduate School of Management,
Syracuse University, Regis University, University of Texas, Florida
State University, University of North Carolina, University of
Wisconsin - Platte, and Murdoch University of Australia.
Reference > Education > Distance Learning > Online Teaching and
Learning > E-learning Companies
The eLearners Affiliate Program! 
By becoming an affiliate you not only offer your users access to all
of the educational opportunities on this site, plus we pay you 13% of
every sale they give us (when they inquire about one of our partner's
courses or degrees).  You also get paid when you refer other
affiliates to our program!

Learning & Training Innovations (formerly E-Learning Mag)
Welcome to the new Web site! For those who have
discovered the power of Learning & Training Innovations magazine, has what you need to stay on top of new developments,
select among e-learning options, and find answers to your questions.
***** No hits when searched for ed2go or Education To Go. 
Founded in 1993, Eduventures, Inc. is the leading, independent
research and advisory firm dedicated exclusively to the coverage and
service of corporate, postsecondary, and pre-K-12 learning markets.
***** No hits when searched for ed2go or Education To Go.
Distance Learning on the Net
Course Finders: Distance Learning Course Finder - Mindedge -
Educational Pathways
This is a subscription newsletter but the links page is available to
all. The Consultants, eContent and Vendors sections are particularly

distance learning
elearning vendors universities
distance learning industry

Request for Answer Clarification by captjaneway2003-ga on 10 Jun 2003 07:20 PDT
Hi there,

The material you provided was interesting, but unfortunately, didn't
quite answer my question. I already had a basic idea as to who Ed2Go
was... and I do know there are e-learning portals where there are
vendors that have various courses available.

What I was looking for was Ed2Go's model specific competitors. That
is, another single company that offers the same course/courses to
dozens or hundreds of institutions. To make the difference clearer...
someplace like Jones International might offer Management 101, and
advertise it at dozens of portals... but at the end of the day, all
students take the course through Jones International. Whereas Ed2Go
offers Management 101 to hundreds of colleges and universities... some
some students take it at Wayne State, while others might take the
course through CalTech... and so on. It's syndicated education
content. I'd like to know who else is doing the same thing.

Just as an aside, the Sept 2002 date you mentioned in the whois...
that's not necessarily indicative of when they * first* registered the
domain name. All that date refers to is when that particular whois
record was created. In this case, I happened to know Ed2Go's site
existed at least as far back as April 2002, so that record is probably
just a domain name renewal.

Clarification of Answer by czh-ga on 10 Jun 2003 14:25 PDT
Hello again captjaneway2003-ga,

I listed some consortia in my answer under COURSE VENDORS AND DISTANCE

Since this is your chief interest, I’ve identified several others. The
ACT Centers are the most comparable but there are many variations on
the theme. The distance learning industry is complicated and changing

Some of the sites I’ve identified offer you the opportunity to post
your course with no or minimal review. Others offer partnering
opportunities for marketing your materials. Most of these are directed
at the postsecondary academic market. The corporate market has a
different set of players.

Good luck on finding an online course vendor that meets your needs.


Education To Go, Inc.
PO Box 760 • Temecula, CA 92593 • USA
Phone: (909) 719-1150
Fax: (909) 719-3333
Education To Go
Education to Go teaches educators and authors how to develop online
courses for one of the largest and fastest-growing audiences in the
history of education.
If you qualify, Education To Go will teach you (at their complete
expense) how to write and facilitate online courses for the burgeoning
adult coninuing education market.
Education To Go feels that great teaching, like great painting, is an
art. Very few people possess the rare and almost magical mix of
talents required to master the art of education. If you are interested
in teaching a course, please contact your Waterside agent directly, or
Kimberly Valentini at
History and Future of Course Authoring Technologies
This is a long history of the evolution of online learning and the
various players and technologies involved.

***** (About one third of the way down on the page.) This information
shows that Ed2Go was already in the marketplace in 1999. You can see
its competitors and note that many of them have been acquired or gone
out of business. It also illustrates how difficult it is to categorize
companies in this industry.

Full-Line (Course Management, Interactive, Chat Room, Multimedia, Web
Authoring)  External System Web Authoring Shell Alternatives That Do
Provide External Servers:
CourseInfo's (
COLTS Complete Online Teaching System 
Education to Go
Lotus Learning Space via Interliant
Real Education (eCollege) (There are even eCollege scholarships and
full degree programs)
JenzaEducator (Free software and server hosting with advertising) 
Pearson Education's Companion Websites (Prentice Hall)

The nationwide network of ACT CentersSM delivers training and testing
services to individuals, employers, and professional organizations
using computer-based technologies, the Internet, and other
cutting-edge processes.
Located primarily at community and technical colleges, ACT Centers
serve as a comprehensive resource for developing a community’s
workforce and economy.
Skill-specific training through approximately 3,000 computer-based and
Web-based courses developed by leading courseware providers
***** See also the links for Courseware Providers, Participating Sites
and Courseware Catalog
Partner with MindEdge in two ways...
Become a Distribution Partner with MindEdge, enhancing your
capabilities and functionality to include a variety of education
Or become an Educational Content Partner, distributing your courses
and programs throughout the MindEdge global network.
The Globewide Network Academy is dedicated to the promote access to
educational opportunities for anybody, anywhere.  To do this, GNA
pioneers and develops distance learning relationships and facilities
for  the worldwide public to use.  GNA's tools are created under the
open-source, copyleft philosophy, and we encourage others to copy our
products and build upon them in the spirit of the open source
Our catalog has 32144 courses and 4413 programs
Listing standards
In general, we will list courses and certificate programs from anyone
who appears to be a legitimate course provider, and we welcome
listings from small or start up course providers.
World Lecture Hall publishes links to pages created by faculty
worldwide who are using the Web to deliver course materials in any
Some courses are delivered entirely over the Internet. Others are
designed for students in residence. Many fall somewhere in between. In
all cases, they can be visited by anyone interested in courseware on
the Internet — faculty, developers, and curious students alike.
There are over 1200 complete and fully online programmes available in
the Telecampus database.
Adding & Managing Your Courses
To add your courses to our TeleCampus directory, your courses must
have an online component, must be available anywhere, to anyone,
without residency requirement and you must own the course content,
i.e., we do not list resellers.
If you meet these criteria, email our Directory Librarian and an
institutional account will be created for you. You will then be able
to add courses for your institution and information regarding adding
courses, i.e., our Indexing Guide, will be sent to you.
Note that courses are subject to approval. When you add your courses,
they will not be immediately active. The Directory Librarian will
activate them after approval.
Blackboard.comSM is a free course Web site creation service that
enables instructors to add an online component to traditional classes
or teach an entire course on the Web. You can quickly and easily
create your own course Web site to bring your learning materials,
class discussions, and tests online. It's easy to get started. The
service is free, with an enhanced service available for a modest per
course fee. also features an extensive course catalog,
from which learners can access a course their instructor has set up or
search for distance learning courses.
Products & Services
Supporting your Success - eCollege is absolutely committed to
supporting the student, faculty, and administrative needs that assure
your institution the best opportunity for success in its online
programs. Developed for the operational and academic needs of the
institution, eCollege's offerings fall into three critical solutions
sets: Teaching Solutions, Program Administrative Solutions, Technology
See also Hoover’s Capsule on this company:,2163,59864,00.html
World Wide Learn provides a specialized directory of e-learning
resources for adult learners worldwide. The directory features
qualified online courses, accredited degree programs, professional
continuing education, and learning resources in 188 subject areas.
World Wide Learn continuously adds new courses and resources to its
E-Learning Partners 
World Wide Learn's world-class directory has garnered the attention of
an impressive list of education partners, making its offerings quite
For more information about partner programs and other opportunities
with World Wide Learn please contact
Keith Woodard at
(503) 645-9590 or
How The Teaching Company Makes The Great Courses With and For You
•    Each year we travel the country—Harvard to Stanford, UCLA to
UNC—to watch hundreds of top-rated professors from America's best
colleges and universities, in search of the finest.  From this
extraordinary group, we choose only those rated highest by panels of
our customers.  Fewer than 10% of these world-class scholar-teachers
are selected to make The Great Courses.
***** This is distance learning using videotapes.
Wide variety of resources for anyone (including instructors)
interested in e-learning
Featured Consortia In-Depth Description Choices
World Wide Web Courseware Developers' Listserv Web Site
From The University of New Brunswick
captjaneway2003-ga rated this answer:4 out of 5 stars
Four stars because it took me the clarification to get what I needed,
but otherwise this researcher provided some useful information.

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