Request for Question Clarification by
12 Jun 2003 17:14 PDT
Hi Brownboy,
Having been in your shoes before with regard to other years and models
of bikes, I know firsthand the frustration often involved in finding
individual wiring diagrams for particular motorcycles. In the case of
the 75 XL 125 it doesnt seem as if anyone has available the wiring
diagram for an easy download.
However, as you may or may not be aware, most of the main shop/repair
manuals do contain basic wiring diagrams, if youd be interested in
purchasing such. Theyre all quite comprehensive. Its mostly
personal preference that dictates use of one over another.
Corvallis-ga has given you a few good links below in the comments
section. If youre unsuccessful at the Ebay auctions and/or with
contacting Merlin Books, which is in the UK, and would like me to post
the information Ive found for purchasing any of the major shop/repair
manuals, along with a couple of sites devoted to motorcycle wiring in
general, and your make/model of bike in particular, let me know and
Ill be glad to post them as an answer.
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