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Q: tax attorney ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: tax attorney
Category: Business and Money
Asked by: birkett7-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 10 Jun 2003 12:58 PDT
Expires: 10 Jul 2003 12:58 PDT
Question ID: 215712
i need to know the top tax attorneys in the Raleigh/Durham, NC area. 
Help!  Thank you!

Request for Question Clarification by darrel-ga on 10 Jun 2003 13:01 PDT
How would you define "top tax attorney"?

Clarification of Question by birkett7-ga on 10 Jun 2003 13:08 PDT
Good question:)  Let's see if this answers it.  Say you have a
big-time executive who needs a brillant and creative tax attorney
who's 1) well-known, 2) successful 3) highly intelligent.  I know the
consulting firms like Accenture, Deloitte, are known for being top of
the 'Big Five', and there are other Who's Who's list and Top 100
Companies etc, but I can't find any info on the legal side.  In short,
I'd define "top" as a head honcho who's highly recognized in his
industry who, more than likely, works for a top, big firm.  Does this
help at all?
Subject: Re: tax attorney
Answered By: serenata-ga on 10 Jun 2003 23:37 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hi Birkett ~

By happenstance, I am collaborating with an attorney in the
Raleigh/Durham on an unrelated matter, so I asked him who the "top tax
attorneys" in the Raleigh/Durham area would be. The names my contact
rattled off are below after I checked their Martindale-Hubbell

Through the years I have found that Martindale-Hubbell offers a
reliable rating system for finding attorneys, relying on input by
their peers. (This could lead to jokes about "lawyers rating lawyers",
but for years, it has been a pretty reliable system).

1.) D. Royce Powell
    Maupin Taylor, P.A.
    Highwoods Tower One, Suite 500
    3200 Beechleaf Court, P.O. Drawer 19764
    Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1064
    Telephone: 919-981-400

"Member: NC (Chairman, 1997-1998 and Council Member, Taxation Section)
and American (Member, Sections on: Taxation; Corporation; Banking and
business Law; Committees: Tax Court Procedure; Corporate Tax) Bar

Biography: Phi Beta Kappa. Adjunct Professor, UNC Graduate School of
Business, 1989-1992. Board of Advisors, UNC-Chapel Hill Law School Tax
Institute, 1991—. Management Analyst, U.S. General Accounting Office,
1974-1976. Co-Author: "Is Income of Exempt Scientific Research
Organizations From Unrelated Business?" 64 J. Tax 210, 1986. Author:
"Will S Shareholders Guarantees Ever Increase Basis?" 69 Journal of
Taxation 12, 1988; "Unexpected Tax Consequences of Utility
Contributions by Developers," 47 Urban Land No. 7, 1988; "Buy-Sell
Agreements," Duke Univ. School of Law Tax and Estate Planning
Conference, 1991." (From Martindale-Hubbell)

2.) Stephen T. Byrd
    Manning, Fulton & Skinner, P.A.
    Glenwood Plaza, Suite 500 
    3605 Glenwood Avenue, P.O. Box 20389
    Raleigh, North Carolina 27619-0389
    Telephone: 919-787-8880

"Member: Wake County and North Carolina (Editor, Tax Section
Newsletter, 1989-1991; Council Member, 1990-1993, 1994-1996, Chair,
1999-2000, Tax Section; Director, Young Lawyers Division, 1990-1992;
Member, Young Lawyers Division Executive Council, 1987-1992) Bar
Associations; North Carolina Association of Certified Public
Accountants; Wake County Estate Planning Council.

Biography: Phi Beta Kappa; Beta Alpha Psi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Phi Eta
Sigma. Member of Staff, North Carolina Journal of International Law
and Commercial Regulation, 1983-1984. Certified Public Accountant,
North Carolina, 1982. Author: "Tax Consequences of Distributions of
Appreciated Property by Pass-Through Entities," Journal of Partnership
Taxation, Spring, 1989." (From Martindale-Hubbell)

3.) William P. Pinna
										Pinna Johnston & Burwell, P.A.
										2601 Oberlin Road, Suite 100, P.O. Box 31788
										Raleigh, North Carolina 27622
    Telephone: 919-755-1317

"Member: Chicago, Wake County, North Carolina, Illinois State and
American (Member, Committee on Accounting Problems, Agricultural Tax
Laws, Section of Taxation, 1968-1985; Chairman, Committees on:
Accounts Receivable and Billing; Personal Computers; Money Management
and Investments, Economics of Law Practice Section, 1978; Section
2032A, 1983-1985) Bar Associations; North Carolina State Bar; National
Association of Accountants; American Association of Accountants.

Biography: Phi Eta Sigma; Beta Alpha Psi; Phi Alpha Delta. Author:
"Partnerships, Their Formation and Taxation," September, 1978;
"Incorporation of Farm Business," October, 1971 and "Estate Planning
for North Carolina Families," June, 1977, both published through
Economics Information Report for North Carolina State University; "Fee
Collections," Legal Economics, March/April, 1979; "The Use of Credit
Cards in the Law Firm," Legal Economics, July/August, 1980. Recipient,
Outstanding Teacher Award, North Carolina State University, 1969-1970;
1975-1976. Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University,
1968-1981. Adjunct Associate Professor, Corporate and Partnership
Planning and Drafting and Business Planning, Duke University School of
Law, 1978-1985. Chairman, North Carolina Property Tax Commission,
1988-1990." (From Martindale-Hubbell)

4.) Walter Brodie Burwell, Jr.
    Pinna Johnston & Burwell, P.A.
    2601 Oberlin Road, Suite 100, P.O. Box 31788
    Raleigh, North Carolina 27622
    Telephone: 919-755-1317

"Member: North Carolina State Bar; North Carolina (Member, Section of
Taxation) and American (Member, Section of Taxation) Bar Associations;
North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants.

Biography: Lecturer on Law, North Carolina State University College of
Veterinary Medicine." (From Martindale-Hubbell)


According to my colleague, the firms of Maupin Taylor and Pinna,
Johnston & Burwell are the most well known, with a "slew of tax
specialists" working in the areas of business, agriculture,
agro-business, acquisitions, tax planning, estate planning, etc., and
many are also certified public accountants as well as attorneys.


Search technology used:

The Martindale-Hubbell attorney listing by subject/area/etc., which is
found here:

I used those findings for the "Member" and "Biography" information
posted above.

I hope covers you needs with some overlap into related areas (such as
acquisitions, business, tax planning, estate planning, intellectual
property, etc.)
birkett7-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $2.00
Perfect!  Marvelous!  Wonderful!  Do I need to say more?

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