Clarification of Answer by
13 Jun 2003 10:27 PDT
The DVD I mentioned entitled "Art and Music, Volume 1" displays art
masterworks in an endless loop "slideshow" format. It does include
music, but of course that can be turned off. I have not yet found any
other "slideshow" format DVDs. I have emailed two expert sources for
suggestions in this area, and will let you know when I receive a
This is not a slideshow, but I thought you might be interested in it.
"The Great Artists is a huge collection of classic art that is
designed for schools and libraries. A range of masterworks are
covered, from the 13th Century to the 19th Century:
Great Artists - DVD series
Art historian Tim Marlow comfortably hosts this 14-part introduction
to the world's most acclaimed artists. In the sampled, Leonardo,
Marlow travels to Florence and Milan to trace the career of painter
and inventor Leonardo da Vinci. Carefully analyzing The Annunciation,
the host contrasts flaws in perspective with the painting's precise
natural details. The Last Supper, Mona Lisa, and St. John the Baptist
are similarly examined for composition, painting techniques, and use
of light. Da Vinci's work as mapmaker, anatomist, and military planner
are also discussed, as are controversies surrounding his life. Nice
location footage and insightful commentary stand out in these solid
introductions for high-school and public library collections. Other
series titles similarly profile El Greco, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, and
In this 14 part series, art historian Tim Marlow explores the lives
and works of the greatest artists in history. Digital filming of this
series allows amazing close up views of the art masterpieces. DVD is
extremely important to the visual arts, as there is no other digital
medium capable of containing un-compromised imagery of the resolution
and magnitude that is required.
Filming takes place throughout the world.
This program is English Subtitled.
Producer: Seventh-Art Productions AVP Release Date: November 2002
Series Price: $395.00 (5 DVDs in series)
(Public Performance Rights Included)
Great Artists DVD No. 1
Giotto (1266?-1337)
Works featured in this program include the frescoes of the Scrovegni
Chapel in Padua (1304-1306), the Church of St Francis in Assisi
(1295-1300) and the Bardi and Peruzzi chapels (1320s) in Santa Croce
in Florence as well as the Ognissanti Madonna and Child altarpiece
(1305-1310) in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.
Leonardo (1452-1519)
Leonardo da Vinci's Works featured in this program include the Mona
Lisa (1503-05, Louvre, Paris) The Last Supper (1495-1498, Santa Maria
delle Grazie, Milan) The Annuciation (1472-1475, Uffizi Gallery,
Florence), Portrait of Ginevra de'Benci (1474-76, National Gallery of
Art, Washington), The Virgin of the Rocks (1482-1486, Louvre, Paris)
and St. John the Baptist (151
Great Artists DVD No. 2
Dürer (1471-1528)
Far from the cultural centers of Italy, the German artist Albrecht
Dürer Works featured in this program include Self Portrait Holding a
Thistle (1493, Louvre, Paris), Book of the Revelation of St John
(1498, Durer's House, Nuremberg), Self Portrait at 28 (1500, Alte
Pinakothek, Munich) and The Four Apostles (1526, Alte Pinkothek,
Michelangelo (1475-1564)
Works featured in this program include David (1501-04, Galleria
dell'Accademia, Florence), Frescoes, Sistine Chapel, (1508-12,
Vatican, Rome), Bacchus (1496-97, Museo Nazionale del Bargello,
Florence), Pieta (1499, St. Peter's, Vatican, Rome), Dying and
Rebellious Slaves (1513-16, Louvre, Paris) and The Last Judgement,
(1534-41, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome).
Raphael (1483-1520)
Works featured in this program include La Belle Jardiniere (1507 or
1508, Louvre, Paris, ), The Niccolini-Cowper Madonna (1508, National
Gallery of Art, Washington), The School of Athens, Stanza della
Segnatura (1509-11, Vatican), Portrait of Pope Julius II (1512,
National Gallery, London), Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione
(1514-16, Louvre, Paris) and Portrait of Pope Leo X with Cardinals
Giulio de' Medici and Luigi de' Rossi (1513-19, Palazzo Pitti,
Galleria Palatina, Florence).
Great Artists DVD No. 3
Titian (1485?-1576)
Works featured in this program include The Assumption of the Virgin
(1516-18, Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice), The Pesaro
Altarpiece (1519-26, Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice), Bacchus
and Ariadne 1523, The National Gallery, London), Portrait of Charles V
with Hound (1533, Prado, Madrid), The Venus of Urbino (1538, Uffizi
Gallery, Florence) and Diana and Callisto (1556-59, National Gallery,
Bruegel (1525/30-1569)
Works featured in this program include The Netherlandish Proverbs
(1559, Gemäldegalerie, Berlin), The Triumph Of Death (1562-63, Prado,
Madrid), The Hunters In The Snow, Gloomy Day, Return Of The Herd
(1565, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna), The Massacre Of The
Innocents (1566, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) and The Wedding
Feast (1567, Kuntshistorisches Museum, Vienna).
El Greco (1541-1614)
Works featured in this program include The Purification of the Temple
(1568-1570, National Gallery of Art, Washington), The Disrobing of
Christ (1577-79, Toledo Cathedral), Martyrdom of St Maurice (1580-82,
Nuevos Museos, El Escorial), The Burial of Count Orgaz (1586-88, San
Tomé, Toledo) and Laocoon (1610-14, National Gallery, Washington).
Great Artists DVD No. 4
Rubens (1577-1640)
Works featured in this program include Samson and Delilah (1609,
National Gallery, London), Self portrait with Isabella Brant (1609-10,
Alte Pinakothek, Munich), The Descent from the Cross (1611-14, Antwerp
Cathedral, Antwerp), The Life of Marie de'Medici (1621-25, Louvre,
Paris), Peace and War (1630, National Gallery, London) and Het Pelsken
(The Little Fur) (c.1635-40, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna).
Velàzquez (1599-1640)
Works featured in this program include The Waterseller of Seville
(1620, Wellington Museum, London), The Forge of Vulcan (1630, Prado,
Madrid), The Surrender of Breda (1635, Prado, Madrid), Juan De Pareja
(1650, Metropolitan Museum Of Art, New York) and Las Meninas (1656,
Prado, Madrid).
Rembrandt (1606-1669)
Works featured in this program include Self-Portrait (1629, Alte
Pinakothek, Munich), The Anatomy Lesson of Doctor Nicolaes Tulp (1632,
Mauritshuis Museum, The Hague), The Descent from the Cross (1633, Alte
Pinakothek, Munich), Self-Portrait (1640, National Gallery, London)
The Night Watch (1642, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) and Hendrickje Bathing
in a River (1654, National Gallery, London)
Great Artists DVD No. 5
Vermeer (1632-1672)
Works featured in this program include View of Delft (1660-1661,
Mauritshuis, the Hague), Street in Delft (1657-1658, Rijksmuseum,
Amsterdam), The Milkmaid (1658-1660, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam), Girl
Asleep at a Table (1657, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), Girl
with a Pearl Earring (1665, Mauritshuis, the Hague) and The Art of
Painting (1666-1673, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna).
Turner (1775-1851)
Works featured in this program include Fishermen at Sea (1796,
TateGallery, London), The Shipwreck (1805, Tate Gallery, London), Snow
Storm: Hannibal and His Army Crossing the Alps (1812, Tate Gallery,
London), Dido Building Carthage (1815, The National Gallery, London),
Snow Storm - Steam-Boat off a Harbour's Mouth (1842, Tate Gallery,
London) and Rain, Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway (1844,
The National Gallery, London).
Van Gogh (1853-1890)
Works featured in this program include The Potato-Eaters (1885, Van
Gogh Museum, Amsterdam), Sunflowers (1889, Van Gogh Museum,
Amsterdam), Vincent's House in Arles (The Yellow House) (1888, Van
Gogh Museum, Amsterdam), Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear (1889,
Courtauld Institute Galleries, London) The Starry Night. Saint-Rémy.
(1889, The Museum of Modern Art, New York) and Wheat Field with Crows
(1890, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam).
Ambrose Video
If I learn of any other DVDs that would meet your needs, I will post
the information here for you.