Hi jimwalden,
I have found the folowing relevant figures which i hope you will find
"In 1993 there were 124,000 mastectomies performed in the U.S..."
(Hospitalizations - last sentence)
Sharp Rise in Outpatient Mastectomies
About 7.6 percent of the 110,000 mastectomies in the U.S. last year
were performed on an outpatient basis, up from 1.6 percent in 1991,
according to estimates by HCIA Inc., a Baltimore research company
specializing in health care.
Source - Wall Street Journal, Nov. 14, 1996
"Medicare paid for more than 84,000 mastectomies last year, or about a
third of all mastectomies in the U.S."
(Source: HCFA Press Office, February 12, 1997)
"Of the more than 108,000 women who have mastectomies in the U.S. each
year, more than 83,000 choose breast reconstruction"
(How common is TRAM flap reconstruction?)
"Ostensibly, this will benefit women who undergo mastectomies (103,000
a year)..."
Source - Mother Jones (May/June 1998)
"In the U.S., nearly 122,000 women a year undergo breast implant
surgery. Now, Reprogenesis, a Massachusetts based company, plans to
create entire breasts from a woman's own breast cells. The company
claims that its intent is to provide breasts for women who have
undergone mastectomies. Such women, however, account for only 103,000
cases a year, while Reprogenesis foresees a market closer to 250,000."
Source: Mother Jones, June 1998
"This year alone, an estimated 182,800 women in the U.S. will be
diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, and approximately 40,800 women
will die from breast cancer." ----The Libby Ross Foundation
Additional sources:
Search terms used:
mastectomies "in the us"
"mastectomy statistics"
"mastectomies in the us"
lumpectomies "in the us"
I hope you find these figures helpful!
Jack |