Good morning, r2!
As a regular patient of a very fine chiropracter, I found your query
quite attention getting.
While it is true that chiropractic care can be considered quite the
godsend for patients with chronic back problems, it is likewise true
that there are a number of risks involved with availing oneself of
such treatment. (This is true of any procedure.)
In a 1997 Norwegian study, it was found that after an average of 4.5
visits, 55% of patients experienced at least one side effect of spinal
-- 53% experienced local discomfort
-- 12% experienced headache
-- 11% experienced tiredness
-- 10% experienced discomfort radiating from the site of manipulation
Most of these side effects appeared within 4 hours of manipulation,
and disappeared within 24 hours. Of these, only 15% were classified
as "severe", but no serious complications were reported.
According to a 1992 study in the US, lumbar spinal manipulations can
(rarely) cause a condition called cauda equina syndrome, in which the
spinal nerves are compressed. Cauda equina syndrome is characterized
-- localized lower back pain
-- reflex abnormalities (loss or slowing of some reflexes)
-- pain in or radiating to the legs
-- loss of sensory perception in the perineal area
-- bladder and/or bowel dysfunction
Cauda equina syndrome occurs about once in every one million
manipulations, and appears to occur more often in patients with a
herniated disc in the lumbar region. Cauda equina syndrome is
treatable - spinal decompression can be achieved through drugs,
surgery, or a carefully balanced combination of the two.
In the case of cervical (neck) manipulations, injuries are likewise
rare. Of the complications associated with cervical manipulations,
the most serious is a compression of the vertebrobasilar artery, which
can lead to vertigo, stroke (rarely) or (much more rarely) death.
This condition occurs in about one of every one million manipulations.
Chiropractic in the United States: Training, Practice, and Research
Chapter XI: Benefits and Risks of Spinal Manipulation
Paul G. Shekelle, MD, PhD; Reed B. Phillips, DC, PhD;
Daniel C. Cherkin, PhD; William C. Meeker, DC, MPH
Ontario Chiropractic Association - Risks with treatment
Cauda Equina Syndrome
Response to Vertebral Artery Dissection Study: Canadian Medical
Association Journal - Anthony L. Rosner, Ph.D.
Risk Factors and Precipitating Neck Movements Causing Vertebrobasilar
Artery Dissection After Cervical Trauma and Spinal Manipulation -
Haldeman S, Kohlbeck FJ, McGregor M
Vertebral-basilar distribution infarction following chiropractic
cervical manipulation. - Krueger BR, Okazaki H.
Risks factors associated with chiropractic care are minimal when the
manipulations are performed by a properly trained and licensed
chiropracter. If you are considering chiropractic care, be certain to
check your provider's credentials thoroughly. The reputable provider
will gladly tell you where s/he received training, when and for how
long, as well as how long s/he has been in practice.
By way of example:
Day Chiropractic
Collins Chiropractic Group
Dr. David J. Lenkewicz
To verfy credentials:
I hope you've found this information helpful. If I can be of further
assistance, please don't hesitate to ask for clarification. I'll be
glad to help.
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