Hi marrett88,
thanks for an interesting question.
I've found a number of articles that make just the point you're
looking for.
From Business week, Several seemed to have the same themes as the
piece you mentioned. To view these articles online, free registration
is required.
"Embracing the Brick-by-Brick Business Plan:
Entrepreneurs who dodged the dot-com disaster kept their focus on
old-fashioned business milestones. Expect that to be the norm again"
URL: http://www.businessweek.com/@@zXmrvIUQrnlO1xEA/magazine/content/01_35/b3746631.htm
"Commentary: Lessons from a New Economy Survivor:
The founder of zipRealty.com considers how things have changed since
the boom -- and the invaluable experience he has gained"
URLL: http://www.businessweek.com/@@zXmrvIUQrnlO1xEA/magazine/content/01_35/b3746634.htm
Other sources around the net provided stories with similar themes.
"The new age of the entrepreneur:
The entrepreneur of today doesn't look like the entrepreneur of the
the `90s"
URL: http://www.bizjournals.com/washington/stories/2002/04/01/focus1.html
"Tech Entrepreneurs Apply Lessons From Tumble to Fledgling Ventures:"
URL: http://www.infravio.com/pdf/wall_street_journal_april_8_2002.pdf
As the abstract states, "This paper begins to fill this gap by seeking
to identify the reasons that contributed to the huge difference
between predictions and the real potential of the new economy:"
URL: http://www.eberly.iup.edu/Jeb/December2002%20issue/new%20new%20economy1.pdf
"Ten questions for a high-tech startup:"
URL: http://zdnet.com.com/2102-1107-994949.html
"Texas Nanotechnology Initiative: Lessons Learned:"
URL: http://www.texasnano.com/LessonsLearned.html
Lessons learned for startups, as told by CEOs:
URL: http://www.derbymanagement.com/knowledge/pages/lessons/ceo.html
Several interesting articles aren't freely available online:
"The days of investing in a college kid with a great Internet idea are
done. People who put some skin in and take a personal risk will see it
pay off in the long run, when they're able to retain a larger piece of
the company."
-"Advice for accelerating venture capital" by Patty Rippin, 4/17/02 in
The Daily Record (Baltimore, MD)
"Today I think venture capitalists are focused far more on Ph.D.s and
the science and the technology. Acknowledging, I guess implicitly,
that strong management can be built around a company if the idea has
efficacy. So that's a big shift."
-"Atty. who aids start-ups discusses tech industry" by Nancy
Kercheval, 3/23/02 in The Daily Record (Baltimore, MD)
Concerning the detrimental effects of the working to exhaustion that
became somewhat standard during the dot-com craze, "part-timers are
simply more effective, and just plain nicer to have around."
-Management Today, 4/22/02 p. 31, Copyright 2002 Haymarket Publishing
Services Ltd
I hope you find this information useful, and feel free to request
clarification. If you do require clarification, please allow me to
provide it before you rate this answer.
Hoping I was helpful,
Search Strategy (on Google):
"lessons learned tech startups"
"tech startups"
"tech boom bust lessons learned"
"successful tech startups lessons learned" |