Clarification of Question by
15 Jun 2003 03:50 PDT
This post is part clarification and part calling for a Point-of-Order.
First, I would like to search the archive of
newsgroup (usenet) messages (or maybe some other archive????) for all
posts that have an IP of 555.555.555.555 in their headers, or better
yet, to be able to search partial IP addy's such as 555.555.*.*.
Ideally, I would like to search with an IP range such as 555.555.555.1
through 555.555.555.58. This doesn't work in google's advanced group
search, and I can't identify any modifiers to allow searching access
to the hidden header fields. The only way I have found to see the
hidden header info is once you have identified a particular post, to
click on the "view message in its original format". About a year ago
I emailed the google team with a similar request, but I never heard
anything back from them.
My Point-of-Order is this: Within minutes of posting my original
question, one of the experts (I hope he or she is an expert, anyway!),
locked up the question such that nobody else could respond, even if
they happened to know the answer off the top of their heads. It has
now been locked up for 10-hours or so, and I sure hope that the person
has not been working away on this question for this period of time for
a measely $10! How long can this person keep the question locked,
without answering it? Is this normal and accepted practice around
One last thing. I want to play! I have reviewed a fair share of the
questions in the Science section, and based upon my 20-years of
experience as a registered Professional Engineer
(civil/environmental), I could probably provide practical yet
documented answers to a decent size sub-set of the questions. Also, I
know how to write good (teasing with the grammar, of course!). Who do
I have to ..... contact?