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Biographic research
Category: Reference, Education and News > Education Asked by: abeaujean-ga List Price: $10.00 |
19 Apr 2002 17:34 PDT
Expires: 19 May 2002 17:34 PDT Question ID: 2182 |
Where can I find background information about psychologist/psychometrician Arthur R. Jensen, as well as information on his updated arguments about Spearman's 'g' (more than is in his 1998 book "The g Factor," and Meile's 2002 book "Intelligence, Race, and Genetics: Conversations with Arthur R. Jensen")? |
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Re: Biographic research
Answered By: mauigirl-ga on 19 Apr 2002 22:49 PDT |
Dear Abeaujean: You can find background information about Arthur Jensen at the following websites: Brief background and resume: http://www.indiana.edu/~intell/jensen.html Brief listing of previous works (note listing is not complete): http://www.mugu.com/cgi-bin/Upstream/People/Jensen/ Recent interviews and writings by Arthur Jensen where "g" is mentioned can be found at: Interview (2001): http://www.megafoundation.org/UltraHIQ/Articles/index.html (Note that only Parts I and II are currently available.) Writings by Arthur Jensen (various): http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/cgi/psyc/newpsy (click "search for keywords" and enter Jensen) Please note that I believe this should provide updated information regarding "g," but I am unfamiliar with the two works listed in your question. However, I believe that these two sites may provide you with additional information. If not, please ask for an Answer Clarification. If you are interested in contacting Arthur Jensen, as indicated below (see comment), Arthur Jensen is a Professor Emeritus at UC Berkeley. You can find his mailing address at: Mailing address for Arthur Jensen: http://www.berkeley.edu/ (People finder, Jensen, Arthur) Other information regarding Arthur Jensen and his works can be found at the following: Reviews of "The g Factor": Stalking the Wild Taboo website, Review by J. Philippe Rushton, Professor of Psychology at the University of Western Ontario http://www.lrainc.com/swtaboo/stalkers/jpr_tgf.html (Note that this comes from a website where "such labels as racist, fascist, communist, and reductionist have little power." http://www.lrainc.com/swtaboo/index.html) From online magazine (politically incorrect, Volume 2, Number 2, December 1998), review by Gavan Tredoux http://www.cycad.com/cgi-bin/pinc/dec98/books/r_jensen.html (Note politically incorrect deals with subjects that may be considered taboo.) The Half-Full glass by Steve Sailer from his homepage http://www.isteve.com/jensen.htm (Note this was initially written at the request of The National Review.) Summary of "The g Factor": http://home.att.net/~dysgenics/jen.htm (Note this summary is from The NeoEugenics' Web Site. http://home.att.net/~eugenics/index.htm.) Article in Daily Telegraph 1999: http://www.tommyryden.com/jensen.htm I found this information using the following search terms: Arthur Jensen Interviews Arthur Jensen Abeaujean, I hope you find this information helpful! If you need additional information, please ask for Answer Clarification. Thanks! |
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Re: Biographic research
From: poshspicelv-ga on 19 Apr 2002 17:45 PDT |
Here is some background on Arthur Jensen: Psychologist; born in San Diego, Calif. An educational psychologist at the University of California: Berkeley (1958), he concluded in an explosive Harvard Education Review article (1969) that on average whites are more intelligent than blacks; his subsequent report (1979) that intelligence tests are not race biased further stoked the controversy surrounding his work. He teaches at Berkeley, here is his campus contact info, so that you could contact him personally: Arthur R. Jensen 1.510.642.4201 jep@socrates.berkeley.edu |
Re: Biographic research
From: fredriku-ga on 04 Nov 2004 10:18 PST |
Some recent (last years) publications of Jensen: Rushton, J Philippe; Jensen, Arthur R. African-White IQ differences from Zimbabwe on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised are mainly on the g factor. Personality & Individual Differences. Vol 34(1) Jan 2003, 177-183. Jensen, Arthur R. Do age-group differences on mental tests imitate racial differences? Intelligence. Vol 31(2) 2003, 107-121. Jensen, Arthur R. Regularities in Spearman's Law of Diminishing Returns. Intelligence. Vol 31(2) 2003, 95-105. Elsevier Science, United Kingdom Jensen, Arthur R. Galton's legacy to research on intelligence. Journal of Biosocial Science. Vol 34(2) Apr 2002, 145-172. Jensen, Arthur R. Psychometric g: Definition and substantiation. [Chapter] Sternberg, Robert J (Ed); Grigorenko, Elena L (Ed). (2002). The general factor of intelligence: How general is it? (pp. 39-53). Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. xi, 505 pp. Jensen, Arthur R. Spearman's hypothesis. [Chapter] Collis, Janet M (Ed); Messick, Samuel (Ed). (2001). Intelligence and personality: Bridging the gap in theory and measurement. (pp. 3-24). Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. xvii, 387 pp. Nyborg, Helmuth; Jensen, Arthur R. Occupation and income related to psychometric g.Intelligence. Vol 29(1) Jan-Feb 2001, 45-55. Jensen, Arthur R. Testing: The dilemma of group differences. Psychology, Public Policy, & Law. Vol 6(1) Mar 2000, 121-128. Nyborg, Helmuth; Jensen, Arthur R. Testosterone levels as modifiers of psychometric g. Personality & Individual Differences. Vol 28(3) Mar 2000, 601-607. Nyborg, Helmuth; Jensen, Arthur R. Black-white differences on various psychometric tests: Spearman's hypothesis tested on American armed services veterans. Personality & Individual Differences. Vol 28(3) Mar 2000, 593-599. |
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