Hi ellenlee,
Thanks for an interesting question.
I've found 2 different services that appear to offer just what you're
looking for.
Excel experts are ready to talk for a fixed rate per minute at Keen:
URL: http://www.keen.com/categories/categorylist.asp?Category=627
Experts are also ready for live contact about Excel on Kasamba:
URL: http://www.kasamba.com/view.asp?catid=10171
A tutor with a CPA offers help by email:
URL: http://lacher.com/
Email training with answers to all excel-related questions is
available for $99 per course:
URL: http://www.ozgrid.com/Services/CostsAndServices.htm
Additionally, a free, online, interactive excel tutorial is available:
URL: http://www.themagicbox.com/excel/start.htm
Lastly, don't rule out a local solution. Contacting computer stores
in your area and asking if any employees would like to earn some money
tutoring Excel on the side may be the most cost-effective solution to
your problem.
I hope you find this information useful, and feel free to request
clarification. If you do require clarification, please allow me to
provide it before you rate this answer.
Hoping I was helpful,
Search Strategy (on Google):
"excel tutorials"
"excel tutors"
"excel tutors by phone" |
Request for Answer Clarification by
18 Jun 2003 18:24 PDT
Actually, this is not what I am looking for. I need a tutor to assist
me through a Microsoft Excell assignment, just as a math tutor would
assist an algebra student with daily assignments. I would like to
email an assignment to an individual that has at track record of
poseessing excellent Excell experience, so that this person could
efficiently and effectively not only teach me, but guide me through
the assignment requirements at the same time. I am a full time
business person taking a college computer applications course. I have
a very tight schedule. I need someone who can help me in the next 2-3
days, primarily via email so that the tutor can view the assignment,
and then via telephone so that I can learn the necessary routines in
order to complete the required assignment.
Clarification of Answer by
18 Jun 2003 21:44 PDT
Hi ellenlee,
via Keen or Kasamba, you can find people ready to help with your
problem live, ready to provide an immediate answer. I strongly
recommend trying these services, as it sounds like excatly the kind of
help you need.
Also, the OzGrid Business Applications website I referred you to
offers Excel help "whether it is a simple formula or an Excel VBA
problem we can help. You should have your answer within 24 hours or
often in minutes" by email; I'm sure they'd be happy to accommodate a
telephone call or two in addition to email service. Their email
address is ExcelHelp@ozgrid.com .
Additionally, you may want to consider Marion Online's computer
service. Support is offered by email and telephone and seems to begin
very quickly after you issue a request:
URL: http://www.mariononline.com/computertutor/order.htm
If you require further clarification, feel free to request it; be sure
to include details of what shortcomings you found with the
aforementioned services.
Have a good day,