Hello blucken
Here are the manufacturers that I have been able to identify for these
A. Roche Vitamins
1. Roche Vitamine GmbH
Emil-Barell-Str. 3
D-79639 Grenzach-Wyhlen
The Roche Grenzach plant next to the Rhine Located just over the
border from Switzerland, in Germany, this plant has been a focus for
investment by the Vitamins Division in recent years
a multipurpose biotin production facility, which combines all the
activities that were formerly spread across a large number of sites.
Not only has capacity increased substantially, but production
efficiency has also increased thanks to this consolidation of
production processes. The phasing-in of the biotin plant began in
August 2000.
Roche Vitamins http://www.roche-vitamins.com/home.htm
2. Roche Vitamines France
Postal address
BP 170
F-68305 Saint-Louis Cedex
Street address
1 boulevard d'Alsace
F-68128 Village-Neuf
Multi-purpose production plant Its main purpose is to produce
carotenoids: apocarotenal, apo-ester, lycopene and zeaxanthin.
However, it is also used to produce biotin and one of its main
Roche Vitamins http://www.roche-vitamins.com/home.htm
NB With respect to Roche Vitamins: Heerlen, NL,10-Feb-2003 DSM and
Roche announced today that the contract to acquire Roches vitamins,
carotenoids and fine chemicals business has been signed. This
transaction is subject to approval by the anti-trust authorities.
Roche and DSM anticipate that the closing will take place in the
spring of 2003. The transfer of this business fits perfectly in the
strategic focusing of both companies.
20 May 2003 Roche Vitamins and Fine Chemicals takeover by DSM
The European Commission today said that they need more time to examine
a small part of DSM's intended acquisition of Roche Vitamins & Fine
Chemicals. The examination will be made to further analyze the impact
of the acquisition on the activities in both companies with regard to
feed enzymes. DSM has submitted a package of undertakings to the
European Commission to maintain effective competition
. DSM expects
approval early in the third quarter. As soon as approval is received,
closing can be effective from the first of the following month.
B. Sumitomo Chemical Co.
Biotin is produced at the Oita Works
Oita Works
2200, Tsurusaki, Oita City, Oita 870-0194, Japan
Sumitomo Chemical successfully developed the synthesis of biotin in
1970. Our company is the leading producer of biotin.
Sumitomo Chemical Belgium is a supplier of Feed Additives to the
European Feed industry. Our product range includes Biotin and D,L -
Methionine, products which are produced by our mother company,
Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd in Japan.
C. Tanabe Seiyaku Co
2-10, Dosho-machi 3-chome,
Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-8505, Japan
Telephone: (06) 6205-5555
Facsimile: (06) 6205-5262
URL: http://www.tanabe.co.jp
International Trade Division
Telephone: (06) 6205-5484
Facsimile: (06) 6205-5178
Production plants in Osaka and Onoda
Original Tanabe production technology is used to make d-biotin, which
is sold in Japan and exported to Europe and the United States for use
in pharmaceuticals and animal feed additives. In food additives, we
provide the food and health food industries with vitamins, amino
acids, and organic acids.
D. E Sung Chemicals Co, Korea
E-mail address : esung@e-sungchem.com
Tel : +82 - 31 - 677 - 3025
Fax : +82 - 31 - 677 - 3027
Since 1987, E-Sung has produced Biotin (Vitamin H) in a large
commercial scales with top-quality. This vitamin is used in the
cosmetic, food, nutritional supplement, pharmaceutical, and feed
The global demand is around 1,430 tpa and the availability of
natural beta-carotene is just 35 tpa produced by Henkel-Cognis, Nature
Beta Technologies (a subsidiary of Nikken Sohonsha Corporation,
Israel) and DSM, Germany, says Mukundan. The balance demand is met
through synthetic carotene manufactured by Roche and BASF.
(news article on new production facilities at ACL Chemicals see
below for more details of ACL)
A. Cognis Australia Pty Ltd, (previously Betatene Ltd, also acquired
Western Biotechnology)
Cognis Australia Pty. Ltd.
83 Maffra Street
VIC 3047
Sales Office
1 Clyde Street
Silverwater N.S.W.2128
Postal Address
Locked Bag 15
Ermington N.S.W. 2115
The microscopic alga Dunaliella salina is cultivated by Cognis
Australia in salt water from the clean and remote Southern and Indian
Oceans of Australia. The two sites at Hutt Lagoon,Western Australia
and Whyalla, South Australia are the worlds largest algae farms with
a total capacity of over 1,900 acres (800 hectares).Two sites give
security of supply and year round production
Betatene Pty Ltd in South Australia is one of two of the largest
produces of the halophytic green algae Dunaliella salina (grown as a
source of beta-carotene) in the world. The algae are grown in large
(up to 150 ha), shallow (20-30cm deep) ponds in water with salinities
of 200-250g/L of NaCl (ie up to 10 x sea water). Proprietary methods
are used to harvest and extract the beta-carotene.
Western Biotechnology Pty Ltd in Western Australia is one of two of
the largest produces of the halophytic green algae Dunaliella salina
(grown as a source of beta-carotene) in the world.
CHENNAI - 600034
Tel. No. : 91-44-8257501
Fax : 91-44-8223628
ACL Chemicals Ltd, a Chennai-based R&D company, has announced the
commercial launch of Natrotene, a natural beta-carotene extracted from
the marine algae, dunaliella salina
. While traditionally a two-step
process has been utilised in beta-carotene production, ACL has
developed a single-step process. This has helped to significantly
reduce the land area needed for the project, which translates to low
capital cost, low contaminant load and higher productivity
. the
plant, set up at Thirukazhukundram, about 50 km south west of Chennai,
at an outlay of Rs 11.12 crore.
C. Parry Nutraceuticals (Murugappa Group)
Parry Nutraceuticals Ltd.
Tiam House Annexe,
2, Jehangir Street,
Chennai - 600 001
Phone: 91 - 44 - 522 8791
Fax: 91 - 44 - 525 0396
E-mail: parrynutraceuticals@murugappa.co.in
PARRY Neutraceuticals, part of the Rs 3,800-crore Murugappa group, is
expected to end the current fiscal with a turnover of Rs 17 crore as
compared to Rs 7 crore reported in the previous fiscal
Its capacity
of natural beta-carotene will be increased to 50 tonnes from the
current 35 tonnes, depending on the demand for this product, according
to Mr Ram Bajekal, CEO, Parry's Nutraceuticals. The company has a
140-acre cultivation, extraction and processing facility in Tamil
The culture facilities are located in Pudukottai district
In the year 1998, we started manufacturing Natural Mixed Carotenoids
which is derived from the algae Dunaliella salina produced for the
first time in Asia at our production plant
. Natural Beta carotene can
be supplied either in bulk or could be formulated into softgels.
D. Shaklee Corporation
Corporate Headquarters
Shaklee Corporation
4747 Willow Road
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Tel: 925.924.2000
Fax: 925.924.2862
The Shaklee Manufacturing Facility in Norman, Oklahoma, leads the way
with environmentally responsible and technologically advanced
Shaklee is part of a group of companies operated by Yamanouchi
Consumer Inc. (YCI), a diversified global consumer products company, a
division of Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Shaklee took up the challenge. Through R&D, taking Beta Carotene as
an example, they grow the algae in tanks under the desert sun. When
harvesting, they pump air to bubble up the algae to the top of the
water. This further ensures that the raw material is kept in as good
condition as possilble, so the vitamin content is not spoilt
Shaklee's pure, rich natural Beta Carotene is obtained by centrifugal
force (a method which Shaklee developed) to remove the Beta Carotene
without damaging it.
Head Office
DSM Food Specialties
A. Fleminglaan 1
2613 AX Delft
Strada Statale Appia n. 46/48 - 81043 CAPUA CE
Tel. +39-0823/628323 Fax +39-0823/628323
DSM Food Specialties main production sites are in Seclin (France)
for enzymes, Capua (Italy)
for ß-carotene, arachidonic acid and a number of other products, Delft
(Netherlands) for yeast
extracts and tests, Zaandam (Netherlands) for flavouring ingredients
and Moorebank (Australia)
for cultures. Its main R&D centres are in Delft, Seclin and
(DSM Annual Report for 2002)
Natural beta-carotene from Blakeslea trispora
DSM Food Specialties has developed a highly-advanced fermentation
process for the production of beta-carotene
. DSM's natural
beta-carotene formulations are suited to numerous applications. This
natural beta-carotene is a superior product with unique benefits over
other beta-carotenes currently available.
North Industrial Zone
P.O.Box: 828
ISRAEL, 88106
Telephone: 08-6331219
Fax: 08-6378107
Email: nbt@eilatcity.co.il
NATURE BETA TECHNOLOGIES (NBT) LTD. was founded to commercialize the
algal research at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot. The
company mass cultivates Dunaliella, an algal species originally
discovered in the Dead Sea and in the Bardawill lagoon in the Sinai
Desert. The algae is the richest source of the carotenoid, beta
carotene which has been shown to be an important
natural anti free radicals and anticancer agent. NBT, which is now
owned by Nikken Sohonsha, grows the algae in large openponds and
harvests it by centrifugation. The algae are then dehydrated into a
dry powder, containing the essential stereoisomers of beta carotene
used in health foods,
pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, and sent to Japan where the product is
formed into tablets and packaged.
Nikken Sohonsha Company
1-32 Asahira, Fukuju-cho, Hashima-City, Gifu-Pref.
A. Taizhou Xingye Chemical CO., LTD
Gucheng Baita, Linhai, Zhejiang 317000, China.
Phone: 86-576-5283479/5281552/5281224/5282324
xingye@mail.tzptt.zj.cn or export@xingye.net
Taizhou Xingye Chemical Plant whose production of glucosamine is
among the biggest in China.
B. Cargill Health & Food Technologies
P.O. Box 9300
MS 110
Minneapolis, MN 55440-9300
(866) 45-nutra or (952) 742-4053
Cargill Foods
Cargill Foods
1 Cargill Dr.
Eddyville, IA 52553
Phone: 641-969-3628
The supplement will be produced at Cargills billion dollar
bioprocessing facility in Eddyville, Iowa. Cargill has invented a new
process for making Glucosamine out of corn, which previously has been
made from shellfish, which triggers allergic reactions in some
patients. The corn-based product
offers a higher purity ingredient with no side effects.
ANAHEIM, Calif. - March 8, 2002 - Cargill Acidulants today announced
plans to market Regenasure glucosamine hydrochloride, a product for
the dietary supplement industry that does not use shellfish as its
. This product will be jointly marketed by Cargill Acidulants
and Cargill Health & Food Technologies. For more information call Tim
Bauer at Cargill Acidulants, 1-800-344-1633.
C. Shandong Weifang Dacheng Salt Chemical Industry Corporation
Dacheng Group Imp&Exp Dept
Mr.Allan Wei(Manager)
E-mail:WHP2002@wf-public.sd.cninfo.net A_wei@dcchem.com
Office:Room No.713,Weifang Yinhai Hengji Bldg,Shandong,China.
Factory:Weifang Ocean-Chemical Developmetn Zone,Shandong,China.
Sales Dept.
Contact:Mr Wang
TEL:+86-536-5327689 5327717
The main products as following: D-Glucosamine Hydrochloride,
D-Glucosamine Sulfate, Chitosan, Hydrobromic Acid, Chitin, Colorless
Hydrobromic Acid, Sodium Bromide, Calcium Chloride.
D Ocean Nutrition Canada (ONC)
757 Bedford Highway
Nova Scotia, Canada
The following steps are used in ONC's proprietary manufacturing
process for making quality glucosamine: Wet or dry shell directly
from our parent company's shrimp processing plant. Deproteinization.
Demineralization. Hydrolysis. Clarification. Filtration.
Precipitation. Drying
19/1 & 19/2, I Main, II Phase,
Peenya Industrial Area,
Bangalore - 560 058.
Ph: 91- 80 - 8397973- 75, 78
Fax : 91- 80 - 8373035
E-Mail : mail@samilabs.com
Their production plant is at Kunigal near Bangalore
Produces: glucosamine HCl and glucosamine sulfate
F. TangShan Sanxin Glucosamine Biochemical Products Co.,Ltd
Quality Control Department:
Tel: 86-315-3569118
Fax: 86-315-3681618
Sales Department:
Tel: 86-532-5026592
Fax: 86-532-5026593
This is a subsidiary of the Sanxin Group
Contact details for the Group given as:
Tangshan Shijie Imp & Exp Co., Ltd. Qingdao Branch
Address: 5/F Fullhope Plaza Area B, No.12 Hongkong Middle Rd. Qingdao,
Contact Person: Julia Nie
Tel: 86-532-5026591 / 5026592
Fax: 86-532-5026593
Homepage: http://www.sanxingroup.com
E-mail: shijiechem-qd@public.qd.sd.cn
Our major product Glucosamine HCL is a high-technology biochemical
product with widely use in the fields of medicine, healthcare,
beverage and feedstuf
G. Dalian Xindie Chitin Co., Ltd.
Phone: (86)(411) 2821103 Fax: (86)(411) 2821143
Head Office Address: Rm#1616,Grand Hotel Dalian No.1,Jiefang
Street,Zhongshan District,Dalian,116001,China
Factory Address: No.58 Hongling Road,Ganjingzi
Products include: Glucosamine HCL, Glucosamine Sulfate Sodium Chloride
Glucosamine Sulfate Potassium Chloride Complex , N-acetyl Glucosamine
G. Ferro Pfanstiehl
Pfanstiehl Laboratories, Inc.
1219 Glen Rock Avenue
Waukegan, Illinois 60085 USA
Pfanstiehl Laboratories is located in Waukegan, Illinois USA,
approximately 40 miles north of Chicago and one hour from OHare
Airport. The facilities are a complex of buildings housing corporate
offices, production plants, laboratories and all other support
services-all designed to assure smooth flow of material and allow
production under cGMP.
Ferro-Pfanstiehl's commitment to the manufacture of quality
Glucosamine is unsurpassed by any other supplier anywhere in the
world. They are the only producer of Glucosamine in North America, and
the only producer in the world with a Glucosamine Drug Master File
registered with the FDA.
H. Linyi Xihua Bioiberica Biochemical Co., Ltd
Guocenshi Luozhuang,Linyi,shandong,China
Tel: +86-539-8511156 8512999
Linyi Xihua Bioiberica Biochemical Co., Ltd., located in Luozhuang
District, Linyi City, Shandong Province, is a Sino--Spain joint
venture that engages in the production and sale of Chondroitin Sulfate
and Glucosamine.
I. SSSBiotic Pvt. Ltd.
48/A,Mausima Chauk, Old Town
Bhubaneswar, India Pin: 751002
TEL: 91+674+2534658, 2435826, Mobile: 094370-35826
Email: sssbiotic@sify.com Marketing: sales@sssbiotic.com
Information: info@sssbiotic.com, sidharth@sssbiotic.com
We produce one of the worlds best Glucosamine, and we adhere to
strict quality standards:
Pharmed Gardens
Whitefield Road
Bangalore-560 048
We are among the worlds leading manufacturers of Chitin and its
Glucosamine Hydrochloride, Glucosamine Sulphate Potassium,
Glucosamine Sulphate Sodium, N-Acetyl Glucosamine
K. JFC Technologies
100 West Main St.
Bound Brook, NJ 08805
Phone: (732) 469-7760
Fax: (732) 469-3666
Email: info@jfctechnologies.com
Glucosapure® Family - Patented Technology:
Glucosamine Sulfate Potassium Chloride
Glucosamine Sulfate Calcium Chloride
Glucosamine Sulfate Magnesium Chloride
Glucosamine Sulfate Sodium Chloride
Glucosamine Sulfate Zinc Chloride
Glucosamine Sulfate Lithium Chloride
JFC Technologies offers its new Glucosapure glucosamine sulfate
dipotassium chloride product. The company has a patented freeze drying
process for production of a fully reacted form, according to Mr.
Burger, who says that JFC has analyzed many of the much cheaper
products from other manufacturers and found them to be mixtures of raw
materials (glucosamine hydrochloride and potassium sulfate). These
products are not only labeled incorrectly, but may also potentially be
harmful to consumers. Potassium sulfate is known to cause
gastrointestinal problems, he says.
L Biopolymer Engineering, Inc.
3388 Mike Collins Drive
Eagan, Minnesota 55121
Phone: 651-675-0300
Fax: 651-675-0400
Biopolymer Engineering Inc. (BEI) intends to widen its share of the
specialty glucosamine market through a novel 'green' production route
that results in a lower cost product. A new production facility at
BEI's Eagan, Minn., site includes a purification process that the
company is commercializing with Cornell University and the University
of British Columbia. Expected to come on line in March 2003, the
process uses enzymes in place of acids to harvest glucosamine from
chitin. BEI targets production of 'green' glucosamine by the end of
2003. Yields may be twice as high as the traditional acid method, with
more consistent output. BEI has secured a steady raw material supply,
sourcing chitin from El Salvador and Canada.
(Chemical Market Reporter, November 25, 2002)
The following might also be of interest:
CCM Market Report
Glucosamine Production & Market in China
This report discusses the overall situation of glucosamine in China,
covering the information of raw material supply, production, pricing,
export, etc. The situation of major manufacturers has been introduced.
The aim of the study is to provide preliminary survey on glucosamine
industry in China. All the data come from reliable sources and have
been confirmed with both manufacturers and legal authorities, filtered
by scientific methods and compiled systematically.
Language version: English Document type: Word document
For ready report -- Finished in: Dec 2001 Total pages: 26
Delivery time: Immediately
Price: USD666.00/copy
For update report -- Delivery time: 2-4 weeks Price:
Coenzyme Q10, or ubiquinone, has the third largest market at $288
million, says Ms. Demeritt. CoQ1O is a fat-soluble material naturally
present in foods and synthesized in all body tissues. It is involved
in the production of energy and also acts as an antioxidant. Approved
as a drug in Japan for the treatment of heart disease, its two main
suppliers are Kyowa Hakko and Nisshin Flour Milling Company Ltd.
(NB, with respect to glucosamine list given above, the new glucosamine
product, Aflexa, also mentioned in this article has been discontinued
http://www.aflexa.com )
A. Kyowa Hakko
Head Office
1-6-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8185, Japan
TEL : 81-3-3282-0007
FAX : 81-3-3284-1968
CQ10 is on the product list at
On the Japanese site, it is called ubidecarenone
This is another name for coenzyme Q10, as is ubiquinone
No details are given of the production locations.
Head Office 25, Kanda-Nishiki-Cho 1-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO, 101-8441
TEL: +81-3-5282-6520
FAX: +81-3-5282-6150
For overseas customers with inquires in English, please contact;
Mr. T. Nishikawa, Mr. T. Kuriki, Fine Chemical Department
25, Kanda-Nishiki-Cho 1-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO, 101-8441 JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-5282-6540
FAX: +81-3-5282-6152
Since 1974, we have been manufacturing Ubidecarenone (CoQ10). This is
the bulk pharmaceutical of Neuquinon, which was a Eisai's new ethical
drug for the treatment of congestive heart failure. (We have
collaborated the development of CoQ10 product with Eisai.) We also
obtain ISO9002 permission in 1996. In 1987, we merged with Nisshin
Chemicals Co., Ltd., and we reorganized it as a division of Nisshin
Flour Milling Co., Ltd.,"Pharmaceutical Division."
And this may be of interest:
One of the hottest nutritional supplements, currently manufactured by
fermentation only in Japan, may eventually be synthesized in the
United States thanks to research at the University of California,
Santa Barbara. Bruce H. Lipshutz, professor of chemistry and
biochemistry at UCSB, has developed a way to prepare coenzyme Q10
(CoQ10 ) that he calls "short and sweet." His method is patented and
he is already talking to U.S. companies regarding potential
commercialization. The process is economically competitive, using
transition metal catalysts along the way, such as inexpensive nickel
and cobalt complexes.
Press Release June 5, 2003, University of California, Santa Barbara
Search strategy: I combined the name of each compound with the
following search terms: manufacturing plant, production plant,
manufacturer I also conducted secondary searches, eg on company
name, following some of the leads given by the previous searches. |